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      • Editora Fiocruz/ Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

        Founded in 1993, Editora Fiocruz emerged from the need to make public and expand access to scientific knowledge in subjects regarding health topics, creating a space to give visibility to the results of research. Since its first launch in 1994, it has always aimed to disseminate books on public health, biological and biomedical sciences, clinical research, social and human sciences in health. Today, with more than 25 years of experience, Editora Fiocruz has published more than 450 titles. These publications disseminate not only the academic production of Fiocruz, but also any study of importance and impact for health on a national and international level.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 1999

        Die Sonne geniessen

        Gesund bräunen und attraktiv aussehen

        by Dalla Via, Gudrun

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1999

        Via Mala

        by Knittel, John

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1998

        Via Regia.

        Preußens Weg zur Krone. Ausstellung des Geheimen Staatsarchivs Preußischer Kulturbesitz 1998.

        by Duncker & Humblot

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1986

        Via per Alpes Graias

        Beiträge zur Geschichte des Kleinen St. Bernhard-Passes in römischer Zeit

        by Walser, Gerold

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2008

        Die Pension in der Via Saffi

        Commissario Soneri blickt zurück

        by Varesi, Valerio / Deutsch Rother, Karin

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2001

        Telekommunikation via Internet

        Telefonieren, faxen und konferieren zum günstigsten Tarif

        by Pollert, Achim H

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007

        Geträumtes Glück. Angelica Kauffmann und Goethe

        by Ursula Naumann

        Über die Beziehung von Angelica Kauffmann und Johann Wolfgang Goethe wissen wir bis heute wenig. Was war zwischen dem Dichter und der berühmten Malerin? Detektivisch nähert sich Ursula Naumann der Wahrheit von Kauffmanns Leben und Goethes Zeit in Rom. Denn dessen Darstellung in der Italienischen Reise ist nicht unbedingt zu trauen. Im November 1786 besucht Goethe Angelica Kauffmann zum ersten Mal in ihrem luxuriös eingerichteten Stadthaus in der Via Sistina in Rom. Sie ist 45 Jahre alt, die bekannteste Malerin ihrer Zeit, verheiratet mit einem sehr viel älteren Mann. Goethe, der Hofmann, ist nach Italien gekommen, um seine Wiedergeburt als Künstler zu inszenieren. Gemeinsam besuchen sie Museen und Galerien, betrachten erotische Darstellungen, die von Liebe, Leidenschaft und Verrat erzählen. Das empfindsame Porträt, das sie von ihm malt, mißfällt ihm; er sieht sich lieber, wie Tischbein ihn gemalt hat, posierend in der Campagna. Er liest ihr aus Iphigenie und aus Egmont vor, die sie illustriert. Sie faßt Vertrauen zu ihm und gibt zu erkennen, daß sie gern aus ihrem Arbeitsalltag ausbrechen, ein anderes Leben führen würde. Nachdem er abgereist ist, schreibt sie ihm: Sie, die Verschlossene, gibt ihre Verzweiflung über seine Abreise preis. Und Goethe? Sicher ist, daß er über seine Beziehung zu ihr sehr viel weniger gesagt hat, als er hätte sagen können. Doch es bleibt bei Briefen, zum Wiedersehen kommt es nicht. »Welch ein Sommer hätte sein können, wenn einer gewesen wäre.«

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      • Trusted Partner

        Character Strengths Intervention Cards

        50 cards with instruction booklet

        by Matthijs Steeneveld, Anouk van den Berg

        Would you like to teach your clients what their character strengths are and how they can use them more? This set of cards helps you do just that. Endorsed with a foreword by Ryan M. Niemiec, VIA Institute 50 full color cards Individual cards for the VIA 24 character strengths and 6 virtues 16 intervention cards 16-page booklet provides practice tips The VIA character strengths look at what positive character traits help us lead fulfilling and happy lives, rather than looking at what is wrong with us. Research has shown that knowing your strengths and using them more often leads to greater well-being, better performance, and more resilience. With these cards, you can help clients learn about their character strengths.   For: • psychotherapists• clinical psychologists• counselors

      • Trusted Partner

        Subject-related Mathematics for Pharmaceutical Technicians

        by Claudia Brüchert

        Maths is not everyone’s cup of tea. This may change from now on! This textbook explains the most important types of arithmetic quite simply. One learns ■ what basic arithmetic methods there are, ■ why stoichiometry is important, and ■ how to perform complex calculations for the medicinal formula. The price determination of medicinal products is also included. Videos demonstrate and explain the calculation steps exactly and comprehensibly via QR code, so that nothing can go wrong. A collection of formulas provides the pharmacy-specific calculation methods that can be quickly looked up. You can deepen your knowledge with the help of exercises. The solutions are available via QR code.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        Players' work time

        A history of the British Musicians' Union, 1893–2013

        by Martin Cloonan, John Callan Williamson

        This book examines the working lives of musicians over the past 120 years via the history of the Musicians' Union. The union has been at the centre of all major agreements covering the employment of musicians across the UK's music industries for this period and its role to date has largely been ignored by historians of the music profession, the music industries and trade unions. This book remedies that oversight, providing fresh insight to musicians' working lives, the industries in which they work and wider British social life. It explores a history of confrontation, coercion and compromise played out across the nation's studios, performance spaces and airwaves.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2005

        Amy Tan

        by Bella Adams, John Thieme

        This is the most comprehensive study to date of Amy Tan's work. It offers close readings of her texts in the context of broader debates about the representation of identity, history and reality. In contrast with Tan's own American-born narrators, and mainstream critics, Bella Adams's study looks beyond the stereotypes which appear in Tan's books, and explores the ways in which Chinese immigrants and their American relatives struggle to understand each others 'best qualities' via the Chinese tradition of the 'talk story'. She emphasises Tan's American narrators' process of becoming Chinese and discovering 'real China', and the significance of the ironic staging of these moments. Students will find this study both accessible and probing, and scholars will welcome its contribution to our understanding of a significant figure in contemporary literature. ;

      • Trusted Partner

        Positive Psychology at the Movies

        Using Films to Build Character Strengths and Well-Being

        by Ryan M. Niemiec, Danny Wedding

        This book uses movies as a medium for learning about the latest research and concepts, such as mindfulness, resilience, meaning, positive relationships, achievement, well-being, as well as the 24 character strengths laid out by the VIA Institute of Character. This book systematically discusses each of the 24 character strengths, balancing film discussion, related psychological research, and practical applications. Resources provided in this book include a suggested syllabus for a complete positive psychology course based on movies, a list of suitable movies for children, adolescents, and families as well as a list of questions for classroom and therapy discussions.   Target Group: Psychologists, consultants, therapists and counselors, movie enthusiasts, and all those interested in positive psychology and improving life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2010

        Royalists and Royalism during the Interregnum

        by Jason McElligott, Peter Lake, David L. Smith, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        What was it like to live under the English Republic and, later, Cromwell's Protectorate, if one supported the defeated Stuarts and yearned for the day when Charles II would once again set foot in England? This book tells the story of the traumatic decade of the 1650s (or, 'the Interregnum', from the Latin meaning 'between the reign of the kings') from the vantage point of those who lost the Civil Wars. It describes how these men and women negotiated the difficult choices they faced: to compromise, collaborate, or resist. It brings together essays by established and emerging historians and literary scholars in Britain, Europe, the United States and Australia. The essays sketch the difficulties, complexities, and nuances of the Royalist experience during the Commonwealth and Protectorate, looking at women, religion, print-culture, literature, the politics of exile, and the nature and extent of royalist networks in England. ;

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