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      • Il Castoro

        Since 1999, Il Castoro has been dedicated to the production of children's books for all ages, including fiction, picture books and YA novels. Our children's books want to promote the pleasure of reading, to arouse the curiosity of children about contemporary matters and to build the readers of tomorrow.

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      • Castle Quay Books

        Castle Quay Books is dedicated to the growthof the Canadian Christian writing community in order todevelop and publish high quality titles thatpromote an uplifting message.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Facing Death

        Suicide as last emancipation?

        by Jean-Pierre Wils

        Assisted suicide has been the subject of much passionate debate in many societies. The philosopher and theologian Jean-Pierre Wils does not deny autonomy, but asks – on the basis of his profound historical and ethical knowledge – about the social consequences. Does the right to assisted suicide not in the long run lead to the obligation to decide for or against it? And does not the pressure towards a supposedly reasonable decision increase, as soon as the causation of one‘s own death is seen as a final act of self-realisation and emancipation, or even commended as such? Wils makes a strong plea for the debate to be held in a broader context, to remove our finiteness from cultural amnesia – and in doing so, lays the foundation for a contemporary discussion on assisted suicide.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        Kill your Darling!

        13 Trennungsstorys, die Geschichte machten

        by Jennifer Wright, Jenny Merling

        Stell dir vor, du sitzt mit einer Packung Eiscreme in der einen, einer Flasche Gin in der anderen Hand auf dem Sofa, Tränen rinnen deine Wangen hinab und du wiederholst mantrahaft, wie sehr du deinen Ex geliebt hast. Lass dir gesagt sein: Es könnte viel schlimmer sein! Du könntest beispielsweise von deinem Verflossenen enthauptet werden, aus Rache fremde Männer kastrieren oder das Leben mit einer Sexpuppe verbringen. In Kill your Darling! präsentiert die New Yorker Journalistin Jennifer Wright die dreizehn skurrilsten und blutigsten Schlussmachepisoden der Geschichte – vom Massenmörder Nero bis hin zu Oskar Kokoschka –, boshaft-ironisch und doch mit der richtigen Dosis Empathie. Ein Buch für alle, die geliebt haben und verlassen wurden; für alle, die spätnachts zu viele Wut-E-Mails an ihre Verflossenen geschickt haben. Mit diesen Storys wird schnell klar: Was auch immer passiert ist, es hätte noch viel, viel schlimmer kommen können …

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1992

        Beschreibung einer Form

        Versuch über Kafka

        by Martin Walser, Walter Höllerer

        Der Versuch über Kafka Beschreibung einer Form ist Martin Walsers Dissertation, sie erschien erstmals 1961 und ist eine bemerkenswerte Einführung in das Werk Franz Kafkas, das eine so tiefe und nicht nachlassende Wirkung ausübt.

      • Trusted Partner

        History of the Throw-Away Society

        The drawback of consumption

        by Wolfgang König

        Sooner or later everything is thrown away. In the consumer society, however, usable and serviceable products that may be as good as new are also thrown away. Such behaviour is the result of a long-term process that has developed over a period of one-and-a-half centuries. The change was led by the USA, and the Federal Republic of Germany followed. It started at the turn of the last century with personal hygiene: articles such as toilet paper, sanitary towels, nappies and paper handkerchiefs. After the Second World War, a large number of other disposable articles were soon added, such as paper cups and plastic dishes, nylon stockings and pens, razor blades, beverage cans and much more besides. Wolfgang König shows how business and consumers have together made throwing things away perfectly normal – and discusses how the throwaway society may be overcome.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        House-of-Night - Die Storys

        Alle 4 Storys in einem Band

        by Cast, P.C.; Cast, Kristin

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007

        Ein Leben ist nicht genug

        Tagebuchaufzeichnungen und Briefe

        by Maxie Wander, Fred Wander, Fred Wander

        »Ein Leben reicht nicht aus, alle guten Bücher zu lesen, alle Menschen kennenzulernen, alle Länder, die ich sehen möchte.« Maxie Wanders Aufzeichnungen aus den Jahren 1964 bis 1968 beeindrucken: Ob sie gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann durch die französische Metropole streift, in billigen Hotels wohnt und das »berühmte Pariser Licht« entdeckt oder sich mit den alltäglichen Aufgaben zu Hause, mit den Kindern, den vielen Freunden, der eigenen Arbeit befaßt – ihr Thema ist die »Suche nach einer neuen Art zu leben, anders zu leben, aufrichtig und schöpferisch zu leben«, wie es im Vorwort von Fred Wander heißt. Maxie Wanders Briefe und Tagebuchnotizen zeichnen das Bild einer klugen, neugierigen, impulsiven Frau, die das Leben mit Leidenschaft betrieb.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2009

        Leben wär eine prima Alternative

        Tagebücher und Briefe

        by Maxie Wander, Fred Wander

        Im Sommer 1976 bestätigt sich der schlimme Verdacht: Maxie Wander leidet an Krebs und wird ein Jahr später daran sterben. Die vorliegende Sammlung von Tagebucheinträgen und Briefen ermöglicht es dem Leser, sie auf diesem Lebensabschnitt zu begleiten. Mit klarem Blick und scharfer Selbstironie schildert sie ihre Odyssee durch die Behandlungsräume verschiedener Ärzte, die Sprachlosigkeit im Angesicht der Krankheit und die Intensität, die das Leben bekommt, wenn es nicht länger selbstverständlich ist. Maxie Wander bezaubert auch in den schwärzesten Augenblicken mit ihrer Faszination für die kleinen Dinge des Lebens, mit ihrem Lebenswillen und mit ihrer Selbsterkenntnis: Leben wär eine prima Alternative. Ein Titel, der für Leserinnen und Leser in Ost und West zur Maxime wurde und ihre Aufzeichnungen zum Kultbuch machte.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021


        by Poznanski, U.

        Can You Believe Your Eyes?   Dorian has been living on the streets since running away from home, and has always managed to fend for himself pretty well. But when he wakes up one morning beside a dead homeless man who has evidently been murdered, Dorian panics – he can’t remember anything of what happened the previous night. Is he responsible for the man’s murder? Then a stranger appears with an unexpected offer of help, and Dorian seizes the opportunity with both hands – this is his chance to hide from the police. The stranger works with young people in need, and he takes Dorian to a villa where he is given food, new clothes and even schooling.But Dorian soon learns that you get nothing for free in this life. In return for being looked after at the villa, Dorian is expected to distribute mysterious free gifts – gifts which are very carefully sealed. And when an unexpected turn of events results in him keeping one of the gifts, he finds himself being hunted by merciless pursuers.   After the international YA-bestseller Erebos, Saeculum and The Eleria-Trilogy Ursula Poznanski now presents her new thriller: Layers   Awarded with the Hans-Jörg-Martin Prize 2016 for the best YA-Thriller! More information also available under:

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2019

        Hermits and anchorites in England, 1200–1550

        by E. A. Jones

        This source book offers a comprehensive treatment of solitary religious lives in England in the late Middle Ages. It covers both enclosed recluses (anchorites) and free-wandering hermits, and explores the relationship between them. Although there has been a recent surge of interest in the solitary vocations, especially anchorites, this has focused almost exclusively on a small number of examples. The field is in need of reinvigoration, and this book provides it. Featuring translated extracts from a wide range of Latin, Middle English and Old French sources, as well as a scholarly introduction and commentary from one of the foremost experts in the field, Hermits and anchorites in England is an invaluable resource for students and lecturers alike.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Terra (3). Collapse

        by Jennifer Alice Jager

        Remorselessly dark and shattering, Earth’s war against humankind is intensifying, and the end of the world is nigh! Chaos reigns over Planet Earth, and devastating natural disasters have sent millions of people to their death, while the survivors live in fear. In Tokyo there is only one person who has survived the destructive rage of Terra Mater. But Ayumi knows that something far worse awaits her than the ruins all around her. In a vision she has clearly seen what Terra Mater is planning. And so Ayumi has no choice: she must conquer her fear and join the natural spirits in trying to close down the Elekreen power station. Only she, Liam, Addy and Younes can save humanity.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2010


        House of Night 2

        by Cast, P.C.; Cast, Kristin

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