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      • Walker Books Ltd.

        The Walker Books Group is one of the world’s leading creatively-led, independent publishers of books and content for children. This vibrant international group includes Walker Books UK, London; Candlewick Press, Somerville, Massachusetts; and Walker Books Australia, based in Sydney and Auckland. Renowned for its truly original publishing and outstanding quality, the Walker Books Group is home to books for readers of all ages.Award-winning authors and illustrators for the group include National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature emerita, Kate DiCamillo, M. T. Anderson, Patrick Ness, and Jon Klassen, and major brands for the group are Maisy, Guess How Much I Love You, Tilly and Friends, the widely acclaimed Judy Moody and the bestselling Where’s Wally/Waldo?

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        August 1997

        Die Kameliendame

        by Alexandre Dumas, der Jüngere, Paul Gavarni, Walter Hoyer

        Alexandre Dumas (d.J.) wurde am 24. Juli 1824 in Paris geboren. Als Schriftsteller trat er in die Fußstapfen seines gleichnamigen Vaters, der ihm den Zugang in die Pariser Literatenszene ermöglichte, sich in familiären Dingen jedoch zeitlebens von seinem unehelichen Sohn distanzierte. Neben Romanen verfasste er zahlreiche Bühnenstücke und gilt als Begründer des Gesellschaftsdramas. Die Kameliendame ist sein bekanntestes Werk. Dumas starb am 27. November 1895 in Marly-le-Roi bei Paris.

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        January 2004

        An den Rändern der Städte

        Armut und Ausgrenzung

        by Hartmut Häußermann, Martin Kronauer, Walter Siebel, Hartmut Häußermann, Martin Kronauer, Martin Siebel

        Zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts werden in Westeuropa und in den USA Erscheinungsformen sozialer Ungleichheit wieder diskutiert, die man eher im 19. Jahrhundert ansiedeln würde. Neuer Reichtum, neue Armut, neue Unterklasse, Ausgrenzung – das sind die Stichworte, mit denen eine neue Qualität in der Form sozialer Ungleichheit bezeichnet wird. Wie im 19. Jahrhundert sind auch heute wieder die Städte der Ort, an dem Armut und Ausgrenzung sichtbar werden. Deshalb richten die Beiträge des Bandes ihr Augenmerk auf den Rand der Städte. Die Absicht dabei ist, anhand der dort beobachtbaren Erscheinungen zu einer Beschreibung und Erklärung von Armut und gesellschaftlicher Exklusion zu gelangen. Leben wir also am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts in einer dem 19. Jahrhundert vergleichbaren Situation? Oder bestehen größere Differenzen – und vielleicht sogar die Möglichkeit, den Ausschluß ganzer Bevölkerungsgruppen zu überwinden?

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2013

        From entertainment to citizenship

        Politics and popular culture

        by John Street, Sanna Inthorn, Martin Scott

        From entertainment to citizenship reveals how the young use shows like X-factor to comment on how power ought to be used, and how they respond to those pop stars - like Bono and Bob Geldof - who claim to represent them. It explores how young people connect the pleasures of popular culture to the world at large. For them, popular culture is not simply a matter of escapism and entertainment, but of engagement too. The place of popular culture in politics, and its contribution to democratic life, has too often been misrepresented or misunderstood. This book provides the evidence and analysis that will help correct this misperception. It documents the voices of young people as they talk about popular culture (what they love as well as what they dislike), and as they reveal their thoughts about the world they inhabit. It will be of interest to those who study media and culture, and those who study politics. ;

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        June 2010

        Collaboration and interdisciplinarity in the Republic of Letters

        Essays in honour of Richard G. Maber

        by Paul Scott

        The Republic of Letters emerged during the seventeenth century as a concept to describe the interaction between scholars across Europe and beyond. While the concept was an imaginary one, it was firmly grounded in a reality of close circles of interaction between intellectuals, which had always existed but which was now endowed with a renewed sense of collaboration and participation within this community without barriers of statehood or creed. These fifteen essays explore differing aspects of collaboration and interdisciplinarity in the context of the radical change in mindset that the emergence of the Republic of Letters had fostered. Essays deal with French and English theatre, travel writing, the identity of the woman writer, the nature and function of gossip, scholarly interaction, and political and theological ideologies. The concluding essay provides a synthesis of the nature of seventeenth-century scholarship. The volume offers new insights into the mechanisms and workings of the Republic of Letters and charters the transition of scholarly pursuit being classified, even by some scholars themselves, as a solitary and sometimes pedantic pursuit to the notion of a network of ideas and interchange. This self-identification with a transnational league which knew no limits of geography, resources, gender or class marks a radical transition in the history of ideas and was to have far-reaching consequences, solidly preparing the way for the Enlightenment.

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