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      • Sharjah Documentation and Archives Authority

        Sharjah Documentation and Archives Authority, earlier Sharjah Centre for Documentation and Research, was established by resolution no. (4) of 2010, issued by His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Muhammad AL Qassimi, member of the Supreme Council, the Ruler of Sharjah. In 2016, H.H. Ruler of Sharjah issued resolution no. (4) of 2016, on the establishment of Sharjah Documentation and Archives Authority. The objectives were set to collecting and preserving documents related to the emirate, as well as the development of the documentation and archive system. Furthermore, the Authority shall oversee the management of current documents and mediate documents with concerned parties. The Authority represents the local body concerned with all matters of documents and archiving and it abides by the best international standards for preserving and maintaining documents. The Authority works to strengthen cultural and historical awareness and encourage scientific researches and intellectual creativity.

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      • Atrium Verlag | Arche Literatur Verlag | WooW Books

        Atrium Verlag was founded 1935 in Switzerland in order to be able to continue publishing Erich Kästner's work, who was by then a forbidden author in the so-called Third Reich. Since the beginning Kästner's children's books are a world-wide success story and continue to fascinate readers in more than 25 countries all over the world. Moreover, he has written famous poem collections and adult novels reaching a broad audience. Atrium has started to publish more children's books that share Kästner's spirit and instantly connect with our young readers. Furthermore, Atrium publishes important contemporary fiction, mystery and non-fiction. WooW Books is focussed on children's books for readers aged 6-11, ranging from timeless classics to modern adventures and unconventional stories. As the name suggests, the program stands for special and surprising children´s literature that conjures a »wow-feeling« while reading. Arche Literatur Verlag is a traditional literary publisher that started in the 1940s with authors such as Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Max Frisch and Gottfried Benn. Today Arche publishes novels by outstanding international and German writers, telling stories about the rich variety of human relationships. Arche aims to reach women readers of all ages, both through content and through clear cover designs. The core of the brand is the “rich variety of human relationships” – deliberately targeting a female readership that feels addressed and entertained in a unique way by Arche.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2021

        An archaeology of innovation

        by Catherine J. Frieman, Joshua Pollard

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2021

        The Irish tower house

        Society, economy and environment, c. 1300–1650

        by Victoria L. McAlister

        The Irish tower house examines the social role of castles in late-medieval and early modern Ireland. It uses a multidisciplinary methodology to uncover the lived experience of this historic culture, demonstrating the interconnectedness of society, economics and the environment. Of particular interest is the revelation of how concerned pre-modern people were with participation in the economy and the exploitation of the natural environment for economic gain. Material culture can shed light on how individuals shaped spaces around themselves, and tower houses, thanks to their pervasiveness in medieval and modern landscapes, represent a unique resource. Castles are the definitive building of the European Middle Ages, meaning that this book will be of great interest to scholars of both history and archaeology.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2005


        Empire and society

        by Edited by Joanna Story

        The age of Charlemagne was a crucible for change in the history of Europe, bridging the divide between the medieval and the classical worlds and setting the political and cultural tone for centuries to come. This book focuses directly on the reign of Charlemagne, bringing together a wide range of approaches and sources from the diverse voices of fifteen of the top scholars of early medieval Europe. The contributors have taken a number of original aproaches to the subject, from the fields of archaeology and numismatics to thoroughly-researched essays on key historical texts. The essays are embedded in the scholarship of recent decades but also offer insights into new areas and new approaches for research. A full bibliography of works in English as well as key reading in European languages is provided, making the volume essential reading for experienced scholars as well as students new to the history of the early middle ages. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2022

        Resilient reporting

        Media coverage of Irish elections since 1969

        by Michael Breen, Michael Courtney, Iain Mcmenamin, Eoin O'Malley, Kevin Rafter

        This book examines how election news reporting has changed over the last half century in Ireland by means of a unique dataset involving 25m words from newspapers as well as radio and television coverage. The authors examine reporting in terms of framing, tone and the distribution of coverage.They also focus on how the economy has affected election coverage as well as media reporting of leaders and personalities, gender and the effect of the commercial basis of media outlets. The findings - drawn from a machine learning computer system involving a huge content analysis study - will interest academics as well as politicians and policymakers internationally.

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        Museums & museology
        April 2010

        The Alderley Sandhills Project

        An archaeology of community life in (post-) industrial England

        by Eleanor Conlin Casella, Sarah K. Croucher

        How did the rise of consumer society impact the domestic lives of ordinary workers? Funded by English Heritage, this study offers the first book-length archaeology of a 17th through 20th century household site in Great Britain. Adopting a multi-disciplinary approach, the volume situates the results of traditional archaeological excavations within a broader spectrum of archival sources, family photographs and personal memories of former site residents to consider the dramatic influences of industrialization and subsequent de-industrialisation on the material world of a rural community in the North-West of England. Organised as a series of thematic chapters, the book emphasizes the social nature of household archaeology, drawing the reader from excavated artifacts into domestic spaces, historic events, community identities, and family memories. It will be of interest to a wide range of scholars and students, in addition to those interested in local history, archaeology, and family genealogies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 1997


        Revised Edition

        by Michael Swanton

        New, up-to-date bibliography which should give this edition another twenty years of life.. Excellent, scholarly introduction which focusses on the values and social relevance of the poem.. Explanatory notes drawing on archaeological sources.. Prose translation. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Unearthing childhood

        by Robin Derricourt

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2009

        The Anglo-Saxon landscape

        The kingdom of the Hwicce

        by Della Hooke

        The landscape of pre-Conquest England can often be reconstructed in minute detail. Yet this is one of the first attempts at such a project. Here the evidence is examined for the West Midlands - the counties of Worcestershire, Warwickshire and Gloucestershire, much of which formed the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of the Hwicce. Della Hooke reveals the intimate local landscape through the medium of place names, contemporary documents and archaeological evidence. Her detailed picture brings the Anglo-Saxon countryside very much to life. The patterns which emerge in this period go far to explain the nature of later medieval patterns of settlement and field systems, and provide the key to understanding territorial organisation in the region. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2009

        The four funerals in Beowulf

        by Gale Owen-Crocker

        It is well known that the old English poem Beowulf begins and ends with funerals and includes the third as a digression part way through. Now, for the first time, a fourth funeral (hitherto disguised as poetic imagery) is identified from archaeological evidence. A detailed analysis of the four funerals establishes their thematic and structural importance, revealing them as pillars around which the poem is built. The poet is revealed as a literate antiquarian of considerable structural skill; one who explores feminist issues, plays with numbers and enjoys a pun; who establishes an ideal then probes its darker side. The author's unique knowledge of Anglo-Saxon culture provides constant surprises and enlightenment. This book will be invaluable to all students of the poem for its fresh and detailed reading, its identification of a coherent structure and its establishment of the integrity of the surviving texts. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1992


        Die Verwirtschaftung der Moral

        by See, Hans

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1993

        South Asian Archaeology 1991

        Proceedings of the eleventh International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe held in Berlin 1-5 July 1991

        by Herausgegeben von Gail, Adalbert J.; Herausgegeben von Mevissen, Gerd J. R.; Überarbeitet von Zehmke, Britta

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1996

        Auf dem Goldenen Berg

        Eine chinesische Familie erobert Amerika

        by See, Lisa / Englisch Pfeiffer, Thomas; Englisch Dierlamm, Helmut

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023

        Space Alarm 1. Mit Hyperschall durchs All

        Aufregende Leseabenteuer mit Oetinger SPLASH

        by Patrick Fix, Patrick Fix

        Ein intergalaktisches Abenteuer! Eines Morgens findet Sammy Supernova findet ein seltsames Hologramm in seiner Müslipackung. Es ist eine Botschaft aus dem All! Seine Eltern sind interstellare Geheimagenten. Sie werden zu einer wichtigen Weltraum-Mission gerufen. Der Weltraumpirat Grimmlin Graubrot ist aus dem Gefängnis ausgebrochen und nimmt Kurs auf die Erde. Er sucht den unendlich wertvollen Edelstein „Das Herz der Sonne“. Dummerweise befindet sich dieser im Küchenschrank von Sammys Familie. Für Sammy beginnt ein neues Leben. Er zieht mit seinen Eltern nach Proxima Centauri, dem Hauptquartier der Weltraumagenten. Wird es ihnen gelingen, „Das Herz der Sonne“ in Sicherheit zu bringen? Auf Sammy und seine neuen Freunde wartet ein rasantes, intergalaktisches Weltall-Abenteuer bei dem Sammy über sich hinauswachsen wird… Spaß am Lesen mit SPLASH! Galaktisches Lesevergnügen: eine rasantes Weltall-Abenteuer voller Humor und Freundschaft. Starkes Thema: So mutig sind schüchterne Kinder. Neue Reihe Oetinger SPLASH: spannende Leseabenteuer für Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Riesenspaß für leseungeübte Kinder: kurze Kapitel und überschaubare Textmengen. Maßgeschneidert für die Zielgruppe: interaktiv mit vielen Rätseln und Illustrationen. Ob Abenteuer, Action, Freundschaft oder Rätsel: Der SPLASH-Score auf der Rückseite zeigt, was im Buch steckt. „Space Alarm 1 – Mit Hyperschall ins All“ ist ein rasantes Weltraum-Abenteuer voller Spaß, Spannung und Freundschaft. Ein interaktiver Lesespaß für leseungeübte und lesefaule Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Ein geniales Geschenk von Eltern und Großeltern für Wenigleser und Kinder, die bereits selbst lesen möchten.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        Space Alarm 2. Roboter außer Kontrolle!

        Aufregende Leseabenteuer mit Oetinger SPLASH

        by Patrick Fix, Patrick Fix

        Die Roboter sind los! Auf Proxima Centauri steht die alljährliche Klassenfahrt an: Sammy Supernova düst mit seiner Klasse zum Zelten auf einen Waldplaneten. Auf dem Weg dorthin wird das Schulraumschiff in ein Schwarzes Loch gezogen und am anderen Ende des Universums kaputt wieder ausgespuckt. Die Kinder können den SPACE-BUS gerade noch rechtzeitig mit Rettungskapseln verlassen. Sammy und seine Freunde landen auf einem scheinbar unbewohnten Planeten. Dort türmt sich der Weltraumschrott haushoch. Inmitten der Müllberge finden sie einen kleinen Roboter. Mit seiner Hilfe finden und reparieren sie den SPACE-BUS. Doch kaum ist er wieder startklar, gibt es eine Explosion. Das kann doch kein Zufall sein! Wer treibt auf dem Schrottplaneten sein Unwesen? Der zweite Band von Space Alarm ist ein interaktives Weltraumabenteuer für Lesemuffel ab 8 Jahren, mit wenig Text und vielen lustigen Illustrationen. Eine coole Geschichte voller Humor, Freundschaft und Action! Space Alarm: Spaß, Spannung und Freundschaft im Weltall Galaktisches Lesevergnügen: Ein rasantes Weltraumabenteuer voller Humor und Freundschaft für Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Hochaktuelles Thema: Sind Roboter cool, gefährlich – oder beides? Ideal für leseungeübte Kinder: Mit kurzen Kapiteln und überschaubarer Textmenge. Riesenspaß für Lesemuffel: Interaktives Buch mit vielen Rätseln und witzigen Illustrationen. Abenteuer, Action, Freundschaft und Weltall: Der SPLASH-Score auf der Rückseite zeigt, wie viel davon im Buch steckt. Das rasante Weltraumabenteuer Space Alarm ist ein riesengroßer, interaktiver Lesespaß für Leseanfänger und Lesemuffel ab 8 Jahren. Eine geniale Geschenkidee für Eltern und Großeltern, die nach dem richtigen Lesestoff für ihre Kinder und Enkel, besonders für Jungs, suchen.

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