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        Successful Pharmacologists in the 20th Century

        by Ernst Mutschler, Christoph Friedrich

        Antibiotics, insulin, cortisone: countless medicines, which are now lifesavers, were still undiscovered in 1900. Since then, there have been impressive advances in pharmaceutical research. This book is dedicated to all those whom we have to thank for this. While today research is conducted by university teams and working groups in industry, during the early decades of the 20th century it was primarily individual researchers whose ingenuity led to the development of new agents. An introduction to these ‘lighthouses’ in the fields of chemistry, biology, pharmacy and medicine, and to their successes.

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        October 2020

        Turning Men into Pigs and Staying Safe from Such Trickery

        A Scientific Foray into the World of Ancient Greek Legends

        by Monika Niehaus, Michael Wink

        The adventures of Odysseus are not just a classic literary epic but also shine a light on intriguing questions for geography, archaeology and biology. Phenomena like the Cyclops and magic potions were only understood in recent decades thanks to phytochemical and pharmacological research that enabled new insights into the effect of plant substances on the mind and body. Monika Niehaus and Michael Wink embark on an enjoyable excursion in their book on a scientific foray for knowledge – from ancient myths to medieval drug excesses and the world of comics.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        The Forest of the Future – A New Reality

        Understanding the ecosystem

        by Hans Jürgen Böhmer

        What happened with forest dieback? The predictions of the 1980s that forests would be in decline across Europe have not come true. Currently, attention again focuses on the doom scenarios of the loss of entire forests and cultural landscapes in an emotional and sometimes hysterical debate. Biogeographer Hans Jürgen Böhmer refers to updated case studies and his 30 years of research experience on global ecosystems to demonstrate extremely complex interrelations of the natural world that various actors monitor in contrasting ways and characterized by different times and ideologies. Böhmer advocates to embed the sustainability debate more strongly in the living environment, rather than relying exclusively on model calculations.

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        Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry

        by Dr. Bernd Sorg and Prof. Dr. Diana Imhof

        Biochemistry and clinical chemistry have long been an established part of pharmaceutical education. A comprehensive knowledge of the molecular processes in the human body is needed for a detailed understanding of disease pictures and of drug action at the molecular level. These subjects are of supreme relevance for pharmaceutical practice – without the methods of biochemistry and molecular biology, the development of new active substances is inconceivable. However, to date the established reference works have covered a much too broad range of topics, go into excessive detail and are not geared to the study of pharmacy. This textbook finally fills this gap in a hitherto unique way. Thanks to the concise learning content, it is tailored to the needs of pharmacy students. The authors therefore concentrate on the material required for the registration examination and focus on topics of relevance to drugs and treatment. They summarise the biochemical principles and use selected examples to explain the connections between them. Numerous diagrams, pictures and info boxes provide structure to the subject matter, facilitate learning and make reading enjoyable.

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        Why headless males are better lovers

        Sex and reproduction in the animal kingdom

        by Monika Niehaus / Michael Wink

        "Sex sells" also applies to evolution. Without sex, there is no genetic variation, and without genetic variation, there is no natural selection and evolution. When it comes to sex and reproduction, all animals have things in common, but there are also many variations. In this game of the sexes, everything revolves around the conflicts of interest between females and males, the diversity of mating systems, matriarchal and patriarchal communities and the securing of paternity, whether through beauty, song and dance or violence.

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        Biogenic Drugs

        Textbook of pharmaceutical biology

        by Prof. Dr. Eberhard Teuscher, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lindequist and Prof. Dr. Matthias F. Melzig. In collaboration with Dr. Elke Langner, Prof. Dr. Timo Niedermeyer and Dr. Alexander Wenig

        The new Teuscher covers the range of relevant areas of biogenic drug substances and medicinal products. In its time-honoured way, it conveys knowledge about the ■ Nature, origin and processing of crude drugs ■ Structure, biosynthesis and metabolism of the constituents ■ Preparation, pharmacology and use of the active substances ■ Dosage and side effects of the medicinal products derived from them The book deals with both classically produced and genetically engineered antibiotics, hormones, enzymes as well as blood and immunological products. Completely new chapters discuss cytokines, gene therapy, use of stem cells and traditional Chinese medicine. For generations, the textbook and companion for both students and fully qualified professionals!

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        How Animals Hammer, Drill and Strike

        Tool Use in the Animal Kingdom

        by Peter-René Becker

        From insects to fish as well as birds and primates: the use of tools is amazingly widespread in the animal kingdom. It’s a misnomer to presume that humans are distinguished by tool use and conscious capacity. So where is culture initiated? The biologist Peter-René Becker has evaluated numerous studies and cites plenty of evidence for the use of the hammer and anvil, lances, bait or sponges. Animals also use “tools as social implements”. Ultimately, the depth of man’s conscience singles him out from other animals.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025


        The social art of influence

        by Mikael Klintman

        A smart, incisive toolkit for understanding how the framing of information influences the way we think about it. In today's chaotic media landscape, working out who and what to believe is a daunting task. Lies and misinformation are only part of the problem - often the way a story is presented has just as much effect on us as what the story is. In Framing, sociologist Mikael Klintman offers a cutting-edge toolkit for exposing and analysing the rhetoric that saturates our everyday lives. Combining insights from the social sciences, economics and evolutionary biology, he lays out a four-part approach to understanding how information is 'framed' for us, built around the key elements of texture, temperature, position and size. Demonstrating this approach through an array of real-world examples, from climate change denial to the subtle messaging of caviar ads, Klintman reveals how canny communicators mislead us without relying on overt deception. At the same time, he probes the deeper evolutionary and cultural roots of our susceptibility to frames.

      • Trusted Partner

        Medicinal Drugs

        406 index cards

        by Prof. Dr. Matthias F. Melzig and Dr. Joscha Kummer

        Eyebright, Asian holly oak, butcher‘s broom – pharmaceutical drugs play an important role in the studies and profession of pharmacists, and must be learned. The author duo has compiled profiles for 406 important medicinal drugs, including - coloured image of the physical appearance, - name, family, ingredients, effect, application, - synonyms and instructions for use. New in the 2nd edition: - update of all profiles, - over 80 new drugs, including TCM and homeopathy. Thanks to the photo and fact sheet, the drugs can be internalised in no time at all – optimal for exams and practice!

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2005

        Philosophie der Biologie

        Eine Einführung

        by Ulrich Krohs, Georg Toepfer

        Die Biologie gilt als die Leitwissenschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts, deren Denkmuster und Erklärungsansätze sich anschicken, auch traditionelle geisteswissenschaftliche Theorien in Frage zu stellen. Darauf antwortet die sich gegenwärtig rasch entwickelnde Philosophie der Biologie, indem sie die methodischen Grundlagen der Biologie sowie die Struktur biologischer Erklärungen und Theorien auf den Prüfstand stellt und Begriffe wie »Funktion«, »Organismus« oder »Lebewesen« aus philosophischer Perspektive analysiert. Der Band stellt eine kompakte Einführung in das noch junge Forschungsfeld der Philosophie der Biologie dar, in dem – nach Schlüsselbegriffen geordnet – die Grundfragen der Disziplin und die Brennpunkte aktueller Kontroversen dargestellt werden. Daher ist er auch als Seminarlektüre sowohl für Studierende der Philosophie als auch der Naturwissenschaft geeignet.

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        Pharmacy Assessment

        Sale and purchase of pharmacies

        by Dipl.-Kfm. Axel Witte and Dipl.-Bw. Doris zur Mühlen

        To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is worth taking a closer look when buying or selling a pharmacy. Whether buyer or seller: both parties ask themselves the question of the market value of an object. This is determined by a multitude of factors. This book shows how both parties arrive at a realistic assessment. The revised and updated edition of the classic work guides you through the process of assessing a pharmacy’s value. Various examples help to assess the facts and support the understanding of relevant factors during the sale or purchasing process, which is usually carried out with the help of an advisor experienced in the field.

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        Die Intervall-Woche

        Arbeitest du noch oder lebst du schon? Der einfachste Weg zu NEW WORK (inkl. Intervalltypen-Test und New-Work-Skills)

        by Seiwert, Lothar Sperling, Silvia

        Intervals are everywhere. They structure our daily routine and scheduleour lives. However, we have forgotten how to live in tune withoutbiorhythm making us feel stressed and exhausted. The well-knowntime management expert, Lothar Seiwert, and economics journalist, Silvia Sperling, do more than just show the importance of intervals for our lives. Their exercise book also functions as a recipe to resynchronise our daily routine with our natural biology. By using the BOSS method everyone can learn to shape their daily life more efficiently,to work more productively and creatively, and in doing so develop themselves. At the same time, “The Interval Week” also comments on the current societal discourse around shorter working hours and new working time models.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023

        On the Life and Death of Insects

        The world of Jean-Henri Fabre

        by Stephan Krall

        — 200th anniversary of the birth of Jean-Henri Fabre on 21 December 2023 — First all-encompassing biography of the entomologist — Biodiversity as a hot topic Jean-Henri Fabre (1823–1915) was a French teacher, scientist and researcher. At a time when insects were not among the preferred biological objects of study (and if they were, it was only for them to be collected, pinned and identified), Fabre began to conduct behavioural research on insects. This was not appreciated until very late in his life, so Fabre and his family were largely destitute most of the time. Stephan Krall provides a very personal account of this extraordinary and passionate researcher of insects, spiders and scorpions, who managed to publish scientific documents, complete his doctorate and write books on the side. Today he is considered as one of the founding fathers of the behavioural biology of insects.

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        Evolution and Health

        How Do Lifestyle and Diet Inflence Medicine and Our Health?

        by Nicole Bender, Lotte Habermann­-Horstmeier (Eds.)

        Today, we live in a new, anthropogenic environment that differs signifcantly from the environments to which we have adapted in the course of our evolution. This has signifcant effects on us hu­mans, our health, and our social inter­action. But how does the complex inter­action between humans and the environment work from an evolutionary perspective? How does evolution affect our biology and behavior? What role do genetic and epigenetic aspects play here? And what inflence does this have on the development of diseases such as diabetes mellitus type 2, cardiovascular diseases, allergies, autoimmune dis­eases or mental disorders? The book at­tempts to provide answers to these complex questions and allows an excit­ing evolutionary view of our future with new approaches for individual lifestyle opportunities, but also for future public health measures.

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        October 2010

        Gedichte 1950-2010

        by Hans Magnus Enzensberger

        „Was da unaufhörlich tickt / und feuert, das soll ich sein?“ Die Neugier auf die Erfahrung seiner selbst und auf die Rätsel, die „ihm der Alltag und die Philosophie und die Biologie zuspielen“ DER SPIEGEL, hat sich Hans Magnus Enzensberger seit der Verteidigung der Wölfe (1957), seinem ersten Gedichtband, nicht nehmen lassen. In all den Jahrzehnten seither ist sein Werk wie wenige andere zu einem poetischen Vademecum für Zeitgenossen geworden. „Wir wüßten keinen, mit dem wir uns lieber einen Reim auf diese Welt machen würden“, schrieb einmal die Neue Zürcher Zeitung – voilà: Enzensbergers persönliche Auswahl seiner Gedichte aus sechs Jahrzehnten. In dieser Auswahl mischt Enzensberger gegenüber den gesammelten Gedichten von 2005 die Karten neu: Auf einiges darin mochte er aus der Sicht von 2010 verzichten, anderes aus der Geschichte der Wolken (2003) und vor allem aus dem zuletzt erschienenen Gedichtband Rebus (2009) hat er hinzugenommen. So schreibt sich die Auswahl seiner Gedichte fort als die Geschichte eines Zeitgenossen, der die Systeme hinter sich läßt und der unfaßlichen Monstrosität der ‚Realität’ (s)eine Sprache gibt.

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