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      • Caramel Publishing - Editions Caramel

        Caramel specializes in the creation and packaging of children’s books destined for the mass-market. We are based in Brussels and have been serving as an international book packager since 1993. Caramel continues to innovate with new concepts, while also expanding its editorial program. We possess a wide range of eductional products from board books to activity books, that can easily be translated into more than 60 languages!

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      • - Online bookshop and wholesale supplier of geographical maps and globes, wall maps, reproduction of antique maps. Touristic, topographic, geographical and antique maps.  Vendita online di carte geografiche, carte murali, mappamondi e riproduzioni di carte antiche. Vendita al dettaglio via web e fornitura all'ingrosso per librerie, agenzie turistiche ed esercizi specializzati in genere.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Micronutrient Depleters: Cholesterol-lowering Drugs

        Things to know about medicines and micronutrients

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        Elevated blood lipid levels are among the major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. The class of substances most commonly used for lowering blood lipids is the type of cholesterol-lowering drug known as statins. Taking cholesterol-lowering drugs can lead to disruption of the coenzyme Q10 balance and muscle metabolism. In addition, statin therapy increases the need for selenium, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins and L-carnitine. This guide provides patients with important medical information about the interactions of their medicines with these micronutrients. This way, patients can optimise their treatment, reduce the side effects of their medication, and improve their quality of life!

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        Evolution and Health

        How Do Lifestyle and Diet Inflence Medicine and Our Health?

        by Nicole Bender, Lotte Habermann­-Horstmeier (Eds.)

        Today, we live in a new, anthropogenic environment that differs signifcantly from the environments to which we have adapted in the course of our evolution. This has signifcant effects on us hu­mans, our health, and our social inter­action. But how does the complex inter­action between humans and the environment work from an evolutionary perspective? How does evolution affect our biology and behavior? What role do genetic and epigenetic aspects play here? And what inflence does this have on the development of diseases such as diabetes mellitus type 2, cardiovascular diseases, allergies, autoimmune dis­eases or mental disorders? The book at­tempts to provide answers to these complex questions and allows an excit­ing evolutionary view of our future with new approaches for individual lifestyle opportunities, but also for future public health measures.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2025

        Implementing a global health programme

        Smallpox and Nepal

        by Susan Heydon

        Worldwide eradication of the devastating viral disease of smallpox was devised as a distant global policy, but success depended on implementing a global vaccination programme within nation states. How this was achieved remains relevant and topical for responding to today's global communicable disease challenges. The small and poor Himalayan kingdom of Nepal faced enormous geographical and infrastructure challenges if it was going to succeed in a nationwide vaccination programme. This book acknowledges the key role of the WHO but disrupts the top-down, centre-led standard narrative. Against a background of widespread internal political and social change, Nepal's programme was expanded, effectively decentralised and a vaccination strategy introduced that aligned with people's beliefs. Few foreign personnel were involved.

      • Trusted Partner

        Amino Acids in Prevention and Treatment

        A selection for clinical practice

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        In contrast to vitamins and minerals, for a long time, science paid only scant attention to amino acids, but this all changed when scientists Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1998 for their work on amino acids. Pharmacist Uwe Gröber, Head of the Academy for Micronutrient Medicine in Essen and Prof. Klaus Kisters, MD, Head of the Department of Medicine at St Anna Hospital in Herne – both experts in micronutrient medicine – have reviewed the subject and explain clearly and in practical terms: ■ The importance of individual amino acids for our health ■ How they are optimally used in combination with vitamins, minerals and trace elements ■ Which diseases can be positively influenced in this way. ■ Effects on colds and influenza, cold sores, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, ADHD as well as stress and burnout are examined in more detail. A further chapter is devoted to amino acids and their use in sportsmen and -women.

      • Trusted Partner

        Coping Better with Cancer Therapy

        Improved quality of life with the right vitamins and minerals

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        Cancer patients often suffer from malnutrition. Not only do they lack energy-providing macronutrients such as protein, fats and carbohydrates, they particularly lack the micronutrients that regulate the metabolism. Micronutrients such as vitamin D, selenium, L-carnitine, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C significantly contribute to supporting the immune system of cancer patients, reducing inflammatory processes, alleviating the side effects of cancer therapy, and improving their quality of life. This patient guide provides information about the relationship between cancer, malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, the influence of cancer therapeutics on micronutrient balance, and how cancer patients can support their therapy and improve their quality of life with a controlled intake of micronutrient

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        February 2025

        Assemblages of cancer

        Experiences and contexts of breast cancer in the UK, France and Italy

        by Cinzia Greco

        Assemblages of cancer illustrates the tensions in the experiences and context of breast cancer in Western Europe. Breast cancer is presented as a success story in oncology, especially in countries with advanced, universal healthcare systems. At the same time, individual experiences are shaped by uncertainty, local variability of healthcare provisions, and the need for patients to assemble information about the treatments, knowledge on healthcare systems navigation, and different processes of meaning-making to manage the uncertainty and variability characterising individual outcomes. The book explores both how individual bodies and experiences are transformed by different local medical practices, institutions and discourses of breast cancer and how patients need to find their own way in these contexts. Assemblages of cancer is based on ten years of ethnographic work with patients and medical professionals in the UK, France and Italy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        Murky waters

        British spas in eighteenth-century medicine and literature

        by Sophie Vasset

        Murky waters challenges the refined image of spa towns in eighteenth-century Britain by unveiling darker and more ambivalent contemporary representations. It reasserts the centrality of health in British spas by looking at disease, the representation of treatment and the social networks of care woven into spa towns. The book explores the great variety of medical and literary discourses on the numerous British spas in the long eighteenth century and offers a rare look at spas beyond Bath. Following the thread of 'murkiness', it explores the underwater culture of spas, from the gender fluidity of users to the local and national political dimensions, as well as the financial risks taken by gamblers and investors. It thus brings a fresh look at mineral waters and a pinch of salt to health-related discourses.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        April 2021

        Medicalising borders

        Selection, containment and quarantine since 1800

        by Sevasti Trubeta, Christian Promitzer, Paul Weindling, Hastings Donnan

        The research of pandemics, epidemics, and pathogens like COVID-19 reaches far beyond the scope of biomedicine. It is not only an objective for the health, political and social sciences, but epidemics and pandemics are a matter of geography: foci and vectors of communicable diseases continue to test the efficacy of medical control at state borders. This volume illuminates these issues from various disciplinary viewpoints. It starts by exploring historical models of quarantine, spatial isolation and detention as precautionary means against the dissemination of disease and contagion by border crossers, migrants and refugees. Besides the patterns of prejudice with which these groups are confronted, the book also deals with various kinds of fear of contamination from outside of the nation state. The contributors address the implementation of medical techniques at state borders in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, as well as the presently practiced measures of medical and biometric screening of migrants and refugees. Uniquely, this volume shows that the current border security regimes of Western states exhibit a high share of medicalised techniques of power, which originate both in European modernity and in the medical and biological disciplines developed during the last quarter of the millennium. Drawing on the collective expertise of a network of international researchers, this interdisciplinary volume is essential reading for those wishing to understand the medicalisation of borders across the globe, from the early eighteenth century up to the present day.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Cancer Patient in the Pharmacy

        Advisory knowledge for pharmacy practice

        by Edited by Dr. Dorothee Dartsch

        The decision for cancer treatment has been taken and now a difficult time begins for the cancer patient: complex treatment regimens, side effects, fear. As a trusted confidant and competent point of contact in primary care, the pharmacist is called upon to play a key role. This collection of up-to-date articles provides support in the management of side effects from nausea to cardiotoxicity, gives assistance in interpreting warning signs of complications and highlights particular groups of patients such as pregnant women, geriatric, cachectic or palliative patients.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2025

        Emotional contagion

        The Aristotelian compassio in medieval medicine and philosophy

        by Béatrice Delaurenti, Graham Robert Edwards

        Yawning makes one yawn, crying makes one cry. In the same way, a shiver, appetite, sexual desire and confidence are transmitted from one person to another. These examples capture the contagion-like dimension of emotion, spreading rapidly among people with tangible behavioural manifestations. Emotional contagion still challenges scientific explanation, and philosophical, scientific and anthropological topics converge around this issue. In Medieval Latin, there is a specific name for this contagion: compassio ('compassion'). Etymologically, 'compassion' means the co-experience of a 'passion', involving an involuntary reaction of the soul or the body imitating the reactions of others. The book investigates how these topics were treated in medieval learned texts, and illuminates the twofold enigma, that of the trajectory of the term compassio, and that of explaining the phenomenon it denoted.

      • Trusted Partner
        History of medicine
        May 2017

        Leprosy and colonialism

        Suriname under Dutch rule, 1750–1950

        by Stephen Snelders. Series edited by Professor Keir Waddington

        Leprosy and colonialism investigates the history of leprosy in Suriname within the context of Dutch colonial power and racial conflict, from the plantation economy and the age of slavery to its legacy in the modern colonial state. It explores the relationship between the modern stigmatization and exclusion of people affected with leprosy, and the political tensions and racial fears originating in colonial slave society, exerting their influence until after the decolonization up to the present day. In the book colonial sources are read from shifting perspectives, of the colonial rulers and, 'from below', the ruled. Though leprosy is today a neglected tropical disease, recognizing influences of our colonial heritage in our global management of health and disease, and exploring the perspectives of other cultures are essential in a time in which migration movements make the permeability of boundaries, and transmission of diseases, more common then perhaps ever before.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2003

        Health, disease and society in Europe, 1500–1800

        A source book

        by Isobel McLean

        Considers how the body was viewed by the medical profession from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, and challenges established ideas in the field of medical history. Examines the provision of medical care in context and how it was shaped by the social, religious, political and cultural concerns of the age. Arranged thematically and with brief but scholarly introductions, the selection of documents includes contemporary sources, recent research in the field and classical writings. Written in an accessible style by an Open University lecturer. Companion volume to The Healing Arts: Health, Disease and Society in Europe 1500-1800. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2004

        Health, disease and society in Europe, 1800–1930

        A source book

        by Deborah Brunton, Isobel McLean

        During the nineteenth century, the provision of medical care underwent a radical transformation. In 1800, the body was still understood in terms of humours and fluids, and treatment was provided by a wide range of individuals, some of whom had little or no formal training. Institutions were marginal to the medical enterprise, and governments took almost no part in providing medical services. By 1930, however, a recognisably modern medicine had begun to emerge across Europe. New understandings of human physiology had resulted in the new science of surgical therapy; hospitals had become centres for care, research and training; and the newly organised medical professions increasingly sought to regulate medical practice. In most countries, the state had accepted responsibility for public health and the provision of basic welfare services. This volume provides readers with unrivalled access to a comprehensive range of sources on these major themes. Extracts from contemporary writings vividly illustrate key aspects of medical thought and practice, while a selection of classic historical research and up-to-date work in the field helps further our understanding of medical history. Thematically arranged, these sources are assembled to complement the essays in the companion volume, Medicine Transformed: Health, Disease and Society in Europe, 1800-1930. In addition, brief scholarly introductions make the sources accessible to both the specialist and the general reader. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literary theory
        July 2014

        Degeneration, decadence and disease in the Russian fin de siècle

        Neurasthenia in the life and work of Leonid Andreev

        by Frederick H. White

        Early in the twentieth century, Russia was experiencing a decadent period of cultural degeneration just as science was developing ways to identify medical conditions which supposedly reflected the health of the entire nation. Leonid Andreev, the leading literary figure of his time, stepped into the breach of this scientific discourse with literary works about degenerates. The spirited social debates on mental illness, morality and sexual deviance which resulted from these works became part of the ongoing battle over the definition and depiction of the irrational, complicated by Andreev's own publicised bouts with neurasthenia. This book examines the concept of pathology in Russia, the influence of European medical discourse, the development of Russian psychiatry, and the role that it had in popular culture, by investigating the life and works of Andreev. It engages the emergence of psychiatry and the role that art played in the development of this objective science.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2005

        Familienbetreuung schizophrener Patienten

        Ein verhaltenstherapeutischer Ansatz zur Rückfallprophylaxe

        by Hahlweg, Kurt; Dürr, Heijo; Dose, Matthias; Müller, Ursula

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