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      • Locus Publishing Company

        Locus Publishing Company offers a wide-ranging selection of titles to suit varied tastes:1) Fiction:including literary and genre, in Adult, YA/Crossover categories;2) Business and Trends;3) True Stories:including memoirs, biographies, and travelogues;4) Self-Help:especially those about personal growth;5) Illustrated books and creative works;6) General interest:including historical, philosophical, and social topics;7) Lifestyle:including but not limited to art, design, and photography;8) Health:everything about the wellness of mind and body;9) For Her:lifestyle and day-to-day inspirations as well as light literature designed for femalereaders.

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      • A Story Inside Books

        A Story Inside Books was formed when Book Coach to Best Sellers® Kim O'Hara launched client Allen Maxwell's book to #3 on the Wall Street Journal Best Business books in July 2020.  She saw that her clients who self-publish need an avenue to sell foreign rights.  She also saw her clients who wanted traditional publishing needing an extra forum to present their content.  As a book coach, she has worked individually with each client for over a year on navigating their books to best sellers.  She is now proud to present each special and unique titile at this marketplace.

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      • Trusted Partner


        Schatten und Licht

        by Anne Stern

        1922: Hulda Gold is a midwife and she is smart, fearless and extremely popular in the neighbourhood since the fate of her female patients is extremely close to her heart. Especially as she encounters not only new life, but also death. In the notorious Bülowbogen, one of the city's many slums, Hulda looks after a pregnant woman. The young woman is devastated because her neighbour was found dead in the Landwehrkanal; allegedly a tragic accident. But why is the opaque detective commissioner Karl North so interested in the case? And why is Hulda so attracted to him? She investigates and gets deeper and deeper into the abysses of a city where shadow and light are so close together.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        Robin Cat (2). Wilde Fahrt ins Abenteuer

        by Seltmann, Christian

        Wie gut, dass Robin Cat auf der Insel Mumpitz als echter Abenteurer und größter Superheld aller Zeiten bekannt ist. Denn dort gibt es immer jemanden, der Hilfe benötigt. Zum Beispiel der kleine Seewolf, der eines Tages mutterseelenallein am Strand auftaucht. Oder die Wüstenbewohner, die nicht mehr schlafen können, weil eine geheimnisvolle Felssäule schnarchende Geräusche von sich gibt. Und selbst einen Ausflug in das schaurige Tropfsteinhöhlen-Labyrinth meistern Robin Cat und seine Freunde mit unglaublichem Heldenmut. Zur Belohnung gibt’s nach jedem Abenteuer ein Lagerfeuer mit Gitarrenmusik und Gesang: katzenstark und urgemütlich!

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        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2024

        The Island Book of Records Volume II


        by Neil Storey

        The second volume of this highly collectable series, covering the pivotal years of 1969-70. The Island Book of Records Volume II documents the years 1969-70, during which Island sought to build on its success with the Spencer Davis Group by seeking out new British rock talent. By the end of the period, Island was emerging as a major British label, one that could boast releases from Jethro Tull, Nick Drake, King Crimson, John and Beverley Martyn, Fairport Convention and Cat Stevens. Featuring material from recent interviews and from media interviews of the time, and including a comprehensive discography of 45s, The Island Book of Records Volume II is lavishly illustrated with gig adverts (very many at venues that no longer exist), concert tickets, flyers, international LP variants, labels, LP and 45 adverts and other ephemera collector's dream.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Robin Cat / Robin Cat. Hier kommt ein echter Superheld!

        by Seltmann, Christian

        Wer ist wohl der größte Held von ganz Mumpitz? Robin Cat natürlich - doch das sehen die Mitglieder der Drachenliga ganz anders. Sie fordern Robin zu einem Superhelden-Wettbewerb heraus! Ob der Kater es wohl gemeinsam mit seiner besten Freundin Marie schafft, das Rätsel um die erkältete Nixe und den erloschenen Vulkan als Erster zu lösen?

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 1977

        Zwei Abhandlungen über die Regierung

        by John Locke, Walter Euchner, Hans Jörn Hoffmann, Walter Euchner

        "»Locke hatte in der historischen Epoche, als in England das Bürgertum sein soziales und politisches Selbstverständnis gegenüber einer feudal-absolutistischen Krone zu entwickeln begann, als einer der ersten die Postulate der bürgerlichen Freiheitsbewegung formuliert; das Recht auf Selbstentfaltung der Persönlichkeit, das er auf die Formel des legitimen Strebens nach Glück brachte; das auf Arbeit beruhende Recht auf Privateigentum, das als materielle Grundlage bürgerlicher Existenz (…) zu verstehen ist; Verhinderung der Zusammenballung aller politischen Macht in der Hand einer einzigen Institution, etwa des Monarchen, deshalb Aufteilung der Gewalten auf Legislative und Exekutive - Gewaltenteilung also; Recht auf Toleranz in Glaubensdingen; Widerstandsrecht des Volkes gegen eine absolutistische Macht, die sich an den Rechten der Bürger auf Leben, Freiheit und Eigentum vergreifen will.« (Walter Büchner)"

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        Green for the Soul

        How to Help People Blossom

        by Berndt Vogel

        This richly illustrated and clearly structured publication demonstrates how green indoor and outdoor spaces can be used to stabilize individuals’ psychiatric health, to enable relaxation and recovery, to engage people, to enable them to experience inclusion, and to develop creativity and imagination. The author describes the diverse ways that gardening can be used to foster creativity and to engage, and presents the opportunities for interaction that landscapes offer people, animals, and plants. She explains how landscapes can prompt a search for meaning in crisis situations or everyday life and presents spaces for new experiences and taking stock of past experiences in green environments.   Target Group: Horticultural therapists, occupational therapists, activity therapists, landscape architects, psychiatric nurses

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2021

        Algerian national cinema

        by Guy Austin

        This topical and innovative study is the first book on Algerian cinema to be published in English since the 1970s. At a time when North African and Islamic cultures are of increasing political significance, Algerian National Cinema presents a dynamic, detailed and up to date analysis of how film has represented this often misunderstood nation. Algerian National Cinema explores key films from The Battle of Algiers (1966) to Mascarades (2007). Introductions to Algerian history and to the national film industry are followed by chapters on the essential genres and themes of filmmaking in Algeria, including films of anti-colonial struggle, representations of gender, Berber cinema, and filming the 'black decade' of the 1990s. This thoughtful and timely book will appeal to all interested in world cinemas, in North African and Islamic cultures, and in the role of cinema as a vehicle for the expression of contested identities. By the author of the critically-acclaimed Contemporary French Cinema.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Algerian national cinema

        by Guy Austin

        This topical and innovative study is the first book on Algerian cinema to be published in English since the 1970s. At a time when North African and Islamic cultures are of increasing political significance, Algerian National Cinema presents a dynamic, detailed and up to date analysis of how film has represented this often misunderstood nation. Algerian National Cinema explores key films from The Battle of Algiers (1966) to Mascarades (2007). Introductions to Algerian history and to the national film industry are followed by chapters on the essential genres and themes of filmmaking in Algeria, including films of anti-colonial struggle, representations of gender, Berber cinema, and filming the 'black decade' of the 1990s. This thoughtful and timely book will appeal to all interested in world cinemas, in North African and Islamic cultures, and in the role of cinema as a vehicle for the expression of contested identities. By the author of the critically-acclaimed Contemporary French Cinema.

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2017

        Terence Fisher

        by Peter Hutchings

        Terence Fisher is best known as the director who made most of the classic Hammer horrors - including The Curse of Frankenstein, Dracula and The Devil Rides Out. But there is more to Terence Fisher than Hammer horror. In a busy twenty-five-year career, he directed fifty films, not just horrors but also thrillers, comedies, melodramas and science-fiction. This book offers an appreciation of all of Fisher's films and also gives a sense of his place in British film history. Looking at Fisher's career as a whole not only underlines his importance as a film-maker but also casts a new, interesting light on the areas in which he worked - Gainsborough melodrama, the 1950s B film, 1960s science-fiction and, of course, Hammer, one of the most successful independent film companies in the history of British cinema.

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