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      • Cultural Relics Press

        Cultural Relics Press was established in 1957, and is the only press dedicated to publishing archeology related books. It is committed to salvaging and protecting China’s cultural heritage and publicizing the content and artistic charm of traditional Chinese culture. Over the past 60 years, it has published about 7000 kinds of books on culture and archeology”. Its publications on traditional Chinese culture are well received across the world. It is the first press to engage in cultural exchange abroad and cooperate with counterparts in Europe, the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan. It has collaborated with partners in UK, USA, Italy, Japan, former Yugoslavia, Taiwan. More than 300 awards has been received at home and abroad, including, among others, National Book Award, China Book Award, and “Most Beautiful Books in the World” (Leipzig).

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      • Book Cultural Center

        The Book Cultural Center is a publishing house established in Morocco, Casablanca, created in 2016. With over 42 years of experience in the industry, we are specialized in Arabic literature, social science and novels. We have more than 250 titles. Our books are distributed in all Arabic countries and we participate in more than 10 bookfairs a year. Our establishment is a reference and a pioneer in the Arabic world.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Developing Anti-Racist Cultural Competence

        by Rehman Abdulrehman

        Learn to understand how you see others with this no-nonsense,practical guide• Teaches cultural humility• Provides practical guidance• Addresses internalized racismIn today’s society, anti-racist cultural competence is an essentialskill and not something meant only to be addressedby some. Issues tied to resolving racism and understandingand including diverse cultural points of view remain highlyconflictual – and the ability to deal with these issues effectivelyis often hindered by fear, anxiety, and a misunderstandingof what it means to be culturally competent withoutmaking people feel like outsiders. While many other modelsof cultural competence approach the issue as though lookinginto a fishbowl, this book views the issue as everyoneswimming in the water together, as part of a common ecosystemand community.

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        Children's & YA
        April 2024

        Smart Pickings

        2nd Edition

        by Lynne Bianchi

        Smart Pickings (2nd Edition) further engages young readers with the world of science. It promotes talk between children, their classmates, teachers, parents, family and friends. The book introduces a range of diverse and inspirational scientists who have or are making a difference through their innovations and research. A book to encouraging us all to wonder, ask questions and ask 'Who are they?', 'How might I be like them?'

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        An empire of many cultures

        Bahá’ís, Muslims, Jews and the British state, 1900–20

        by Diane Robinson-Dunn

        Based upon extensive archival research and bringing to life the words and actions of extraordinary individuals from the early 20th century, this book calls into question contemporary assumptions about the appreciation of diversity as a solely postcolonial phenomenon. It shows how Bahá'í, Muslim, and Jewish leaders prior to and during WWI found value in the existence of many different religions, races, languages, nations, and ethnicities within the British Empire. Recognition of this heterogeneity combined with sympathy for certain liberal traditions allowed those historical actors to engage with that imperial state and culture in ways that would have an impact on future generations and relevance to modern debates.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2018

        Cultures of decolonisation

        Transnational productions and practices, 1945–70

        by Ruth Craggs, Andrew Thompson, Claire Wintle, John M. MacKenzie

        Cultures of decolonisation combines studies of visual, literary and material cultures in order to explore the complexities of the 'end of empire' as a process. Where other accounts focus on high politics and constitutional reform, this volume reveals the diverse ways in which cultures contributed to wider political, economic and social change. The book demonstrates the transnational character of decolonisation, thereby illustrating the value of comparison - between different cultural forms and diverse places - in understanding the nature of this wide-reaching geopolitical change. Individual chapters focus on architecture, theatre, museums, heritage sites, fine art and interior design, alongside institutions such as artists' groups, language agencies and the Royal Mint, across Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Europe.

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        October 2024

        Eradicating deafness?

        Genetics, pathology, and diversity in twentieth-century America

        by Marion Andrea Schmidt

        Is deafness a disability to be prevented or the uniting trait of a cultural community to be preserved? Combining the history of eugenics and genetics with deaf and disability history, this book traces how American heredity researchers moved from trying to eradicate deafness to embracing it as a valuable cultural diversity. It looks at how deafness came to be seen as a hereditary phenomenon at all, how eugenics became part of progressive reform at schools for the deaf, and how, from the 1950s on, more sociocultural approaches to disability and minority led to new cooperative projects between professionals and local signing deaf communities. Analysing the transformative effects of exchange between researchers and objects of research, this book offers new insight to changing ideas about medical ethics, reproductive rights, the meaning of scientific progress and cultural diversity.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Affirmative Counseling for Transgender and Gender Diverse Clients

        by lore m. dickey, Jae A. Puckett

        A how-to guide to affirmative counseling with transgender clients• Presents the best evidence-basedcare• Instructions for strategies to improveinclusivity• Illustrated with case studies• Printable tools for clinical use This volume provides fundamental and evidence-based information on working with transgender and gender diverse people in mental health services. The authors, who are experts in the field, outline the key qualities of affirming mental health services, as well as explore strategies for improving inclusivity and what evidence-based care with trans clients looks like. They also provide insight into current topics, such as working with youth, the harmful and ill-advised approach known as rapid onset gender dysphoria, and whether and how autism is a co-occurring diagnostic concern. Practitioners will find the printable resources provided invaluable for their clinical practice, including sample letters of support for trans clients who are seeking gender affirming medical care. For:• clinical psychologists• psychiatrists• psychotherapists• family practitioners• counselors• students

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        The sound of difference

        Race, class and the politics of 'diversity' in classical music

        by Kristina Kolbe

        What happens when the elitist space of 'Western' classical music seeks to diversify itself? And what are the social effects worked through diversity discourses in classical music institutions? Sounding difference addresses these concerns by critically examining how diversity work takes shape in a cultural sector so deeply implicated in hierarchies of class, structures of whiteness, and legacies of imperialism. The book draws from ethnographic and interview data to analyse how diversity discourses become constructed in the organisational and creative processes of music production. From rehearsal and performance practices to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the sector's commitment to change, Kolbe reveals the institutional constraints and precarious labour relations that form around diversity work in classical music and skilfully considers what these processes can tell us about the remaking of class, race, and racism today.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        British culture after empire

        Race, decolonisation and migration since 1945

        by Josh Doble, Liam Liburd, Emma Parker

        British culture after Empire is the first collection of its kind to explore the intertwined social, cultural and political aftermath of empire in Britain from 1945 up to and beyond the Brexit referendum of 2016, combining approaches from the fields of history, English and cultural studies. Against those who would deny, downplay or attempt to forget Britain's imperial legacy, the various contributions expose and explore how the British Empire and the consequences of its end continue to shape Britain at the local, national and international level. As an important and urgent intervention in a field of increasing relevance within and beyond the academy, the book offers fresh perspectives on the colonial hangovers in post-colonial Britain from up-and-coming as well as established scholars.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Groß genug, die Welt zu retten

        Zwölf wahre Geschichten für kleine Weltretter | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre

        by Loll Kirby, Adelina Lirius, Conny Lösch, Anna Taylor

        Der neunjährige Felix aus Deutschland hat gemeinsam mit seiner Organisation schon mehrere Millionen Bäume gepflanzt. Shalise aus Australien, elf Jahre alt, sammelt Müll am Strand und erklärt anderen, wie sie helfen können, unsere Meere sauber zu halten. Eunita aus Kenia, neun, hat in ihrer Heimatstadt einen Gemeinschaftsgarten angelegt. Sie informiert dort Kinder und Erwachsene über Blütenbestäubung und die Bedeutung von Insekten. Der zwölfjährige Nikita hat in seiner Schule in der Ukraine die Abfalltrennung und die Kompostierung von Biomüll eingeführt. Loll Kirby erzählt von zwölf Jungen und Mädchen aus der ganzen Welt, die sich für unseren Planeten einsetzen. Die bunten, lebendigen Illustrationen von Adelina Lirius laden dazu ein, die Natur zu erkunden, und begeistern Kinder dafür, selbst etwas gegen Klimawandel und Umweltzerstörung zu unternehmen.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022

        Rette die Welt mit deiner Idee

        12 wahre Geschichten über Kinder, die eine nachhaltigere Zukunft gestalten | Zwölf wahre Geschichten für kleine Weltverbesser*innen | Kinderbuch ab 5 Jahren

        by Rebecca Hui, Anneli Bray, Emilie Sievert

        Mit acht Jahren begann Maya aus den USA, umweltfreundliche Mode zu machen. Im Alter von vierzehn Jahren erfand Reyhan aus Aserbaidschan einen cleveren Apparat, der aus Regentropfen grüne Energie gewinnt. Die Niederländerin Fabïenne kämpft gegen die Abholzung von Wäldern und für die Vermeidung von Papiermüll. Jefferson aus Kenia baut nachhaltig Obst und Gemüse an. Mit zwölf Jahren lernte Archie aus Australien, wie wichtig saubere Ozeane sind, und hilft nun, sie zu schützen. Welche Idee hast du für eine bessere Welt? Die Zukunft beginnt mit dir! Unsere Umwelt braucht dich: Schütze Wälder, Ozeane, Menschen mit deinen Ideen. Unternimm gleich heute etwas für morgen, denn du kannst den Unterschied machen. In diesem Buch erzählen dir zwölf Aktivist*innen, wie sie unsere Welt retten.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2015

        Biblical women in early modern literary culture, 1550–1700


        by Edited by Victoria Brownlee and Laura Gallagher

        At once pervasive and marginal, appealing and repellent, exemplary and atypical, the women of the Bible provoke an assortment of readings across early modern literature. Biblical women in early modern literary culture, 1550-1700 draws attention to the complex ways in which biblical women's narratives could be reimagined for a variety of rhetorical and religious purposes. Considering a confessionally diverse range of writers, working across a variety of genres, this volume reveals how women from the Old and New Testaments exhibit an ideological power that frequently exceeds, both in scope and substance, their associated scriptural records. The essays explore how the Bible's women are fluidly negotiated and diversely redeployed to offer (conflicting) comment on issues including female authority, speech and sexuality, and in discussions of doctrine, confessional politics, exploration and grief. As it explores the rich ideological currency of the Bible's women in early modern culture, this volume demonstrates that the Bible's women are persistently difficult to evade. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature: history & criticism
        February 2017

        The Gothic and death

        by Series edited by Elisabeth Bronfen. Edited by Carol Davison

        The Gothic and death offers the first ever published study devoted to the subject of the Gothic and death across the centuries. It investigates how the multifarious strands of the Gothic and the concepts of death, dying, mourning and memorialisation ('the Death Question') - have intersected and been configured cross-culturally to diverse ends from the mid-eighteenth century to the present day. Drawing on recent scholarship in such fields as Gothic Studies, film theory, Women's and Gender Studies and Thanatology Studies, this interdisciplinary collection of fifteen essays by international scholars combines an attention to socio-historical and cultural contexts with a rigorous close reading of works, both classic and lesser known. This area of enquiry is considered by way of such popular and uncanny figures as corpses, ghosts, zombies and vampires, and across various cultural and literary forms such as Graveyard Poetry, Romantic poetry, Victorian literature, nineteenth-century Italian and Russian literature, Anglo-American film and television, contemporary Young Adult fiction and Bollywood film noir.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        August 2016

        Culture in Manchester

        Institutions and urban change since 1850

        by Janet Wolff, Mike Savage

        This book brings together studies of cultural institutions in Manchester from 1850 to the present day, giving an unprecedented account of the city's cultural evolution. These bring to light the remarkable range of Manchester's contribution to modern cultural life, including the role of art education, popular theatre, religion, pleasure gardens, clubs and societies. The chapters show the resilience and creativity of Manchester's cultural institutions since 1850, challenging any simple narrative of urban decline following the erosion of Lancashire's industrial base, at the same time illustrating the range of activities across the social classes. This book will appeal to everyone interested in the cultural life of the city of Manchester, including cultural historians, sociologists and urban geographers, as well as general readers with interests in the city. It is written by leading international authorities, including Viv Gardner, Stephen Milner, Mike Savage, Bill Williams and Janet Wolff.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2013

        Diversity management in Spain

        New dimensions, new challenges

        by Ricard Zapata-Barrero

        In the current European dilemma as to whether to increase diversity policies or move towards an assimilationist policy, it is difficult to know what the Spanish approach is. This book argues that Spain represents a context of "multiple diversity", where two frameworks interact: an old, unresolved one, arising from democratic transition, and a new one due to immigration. This explains the Spanish practical approach, where the recent past plays the role of an iron cage, limiting institutional innovation and change. The author proposes a heuristic model, to better understand the "Spanish laboratory of diversities". In order to go through these steps, the author analyses three case studies, coming from the political/social agenda: education, workplace, and political rights. At the end, the reader will have an empirically informed and theoretically founded overview on how Spain is managing diversity. This book is timely for a wide range of academic and professional readers. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2024

        Myth and (mis)information

        Constructing the medical professions in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century English literature and culture

        by Allan Ingram, Helen Williams, Clark Lawlor

        This collection draws together original scholarship from international contributors on a range of aspects of professional and semi-professional medical work and its relations to British culture. It combines a diverse spectrum of scholarly approaches, from medical history to book history, exploring literary and scientific texts, such as satiric poetry, essays, anatomies, advertisements, and the novel, to shed light on the mythologisation and transmission of medical (mis)information through literature and popular culture. It analyses the persuasive and sometimes deceptive means by which myths, as well as information and beliefs, about medicine and the medical professions proliferated in English literary culture of this period, from early eighteenth-century household remedies to the late nineteenth-century concerns with vaccination that are still relevant today.

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