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        Como grupo editorial, estamos orgullosos de decir que somos creadores de best-sellers, que pasan de ser éxitos locales a éxitos nacionales. Apostamos tanto por autores reconocidos como por autores noveles y nos interesamos en ampliar y renovar nuestro catálogo de manera constante. Como actores activos de la cultura, nuestro horizonte es ofrecer libros que participen de la construcción colectiva de contenidos de calidad.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2017

        Die Empathie-Tests

        Über Einfühlung und das Leiden anderer

        by Leslie Jamison, Kirsten Riesselmann

        In einer virtuosen Mischung aus Reportage, Kulturkritik und persönlichem Erzählen schreibt Leslie Jamison ein radikal aufrichtiges Buch über Empathie – und wird verglichen mit Susan Sontag, Joan Didion und David Foster Wallace. Ist Empathie eine naturgegebene Qualität oder eignen wir sie uns kulturell an? Ist sie wirklich immer von Vorteil oder kann sie auch destruktiv wirken? Wo fängt Mitgefühl an, wo endet es? In ihren fesselnden wie schonungslosen Essays lotet Leslie Jamison genau diese Grenzen aus. Sie schreibt über das Verhältnis von Ärzten und Patienten, über Elendstourismus, über weiblichen Schmerz. Und sie führt ihren eigenen Körper ins Feld, beschreibt persönliche Leidenserfahrungen und beobachtet sich im Umgang mit sorgenvollen Mitmenschen. Immer wieder stellt sie dabei die Frage, wie weit wir dabei gehen können, wie sehr wir uns in andere hineinversetzen können und weshalb sich Empathie zu dem Modephänomen unserer Zeit entwickelt hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2017

        Die dunklen Seiten der Empathie

        by Fritz Breithaupt

        Empathie gilt als Grundlage moralischen Handelns – und damit selbst als gut. Sieht man aber genauer hin, erweist sich die Fähigkeit, »sich in andere Menschen hineinzuversetzen«, auch als Voraussetzung für gezielte Erniedrigungen und Grausamkeiten. Zudem hat selbst das wohlmeinende Mitgefühl zahlreiche unbeabsichtigte Konsequenzen. Aus diesen Gründen sind es gerade die dunklen, bisher verdrängten Aspekte der Empathie, die auf dem Weg zu einer besseren Gesellschaft in den Blick genommen werden müssen. Fritz Breithaupt lädt seine Leser dazu ein, diese Seiten zu bedenken oder gar an sich selbst zu entdecken, und führt uns dabei von Narzissmus und Nietzsche bis zu den Helikopter-Eltern und Angela Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2023

        Watching the Brain Think

        Facets of neuroscience: short thought provoking texts for the curious

        by Monika Niehaus/Martin Osterloh

        — An exciting and entertaining explanation of neuroscience — In the diverting and humorous style for which the author is known – learning has never been this much fun What processes in the brain are responsible for intelligence, free will, empathy or reason? Can memories be falsified? And what does actually happen in the brain when we reach puberty? Monika Niehaus and Martin Osterloh answer these and many other neuroscientific questions in their book – a fundamental work on brain research, and easy to understand, exciting and entertaining.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Imagine Being a Jew for One Hour

        Stories against anti-Semitism

        by Kurt Oesterle

        Hatred of Jews is long-standing, widespread and powerful. After Auschwitz, the lesson used to be: “Never again!” However, anti-Semitic resentment, like an epidemic, still grips the bourgeois middle-class in our society. In his book “A Jew for One Hour”, Kurt Oesterle convincingly demonstrates how hatred of Jews functions in aesthetic and emotional terms with no empathy whatsoever. He also shows that for the past 200 years of German literature a line of tradition can be acknowledged “in defence of Jewishness”. Kurt Oesterle accounts for this in his book of stories with an impressive depth of knowledge, with a generous heart and mind and incredible commitment. A truly significant book.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Love The Way You Want To!

        How a Flatworm can lead you to finding Happiness in Relationship

        by Maja Storch

        Love is blind – not just to a partner’s shortcomings and faults, but often to one’s own needs as well. How can personal needs be identified, while staying true to oneself, yet still showing empathy towards the partner? How can one tell if this is Mr. or Ms. Right? How compatible are thin and thick-skinned people? In this book, Maja Storch shows the reader how to find out what their own needs are, take them seriously, articulate them, and communicate them to those they love. There’s no doubt about it: a relationship is hard work. But with this self-help book it can be fun.   Target Group: Everyone interested in long-term, happy relationships

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2024

        Affective bordering

        The emotional politics of migration, race, and deservingness

        by Billy Holzberg

        Affective Bordering is an incisive exploration of the emotional politics of migration and borders. Billy Holzberg dives into the intricate interplay between emotions and migration governance, revealing how emotions work to reinforce racial, sexual, and national hierarchies. Examining pivotal events in Germany during the aftermath of the misnamed 'refugee crisis' in Germany, the book traces the construction of different emotions during key events of this period. Challenging the assumption that positive emotions like hope and empathy necessarily work as a counter to negative emotions like anger or fear, Affective Bordering reveals the racial grammars of deservingness that shape border governance today. Bringing together queer feminist theories of affect with postcolonial border and migration studies, the book offers a thought-provoking perspective on the reproduction and contestation of borders in today's world.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        How to Overcome Embitterment with Wisdom

        by Christopher Patrick Arnold, Michael Linden

        Expert help on overcoming feelings of embitterment• Understand how these difficultfeelings come about• Learn problem-solving skills toreorientate to the future• Also ideal reading for anyone living orworking with an embittered person Embitterment is an emotional reaction anyone can have to injustices, humiliation, and breaches of trust. Like other feelings, feelings of embitterment normally subside, but they can persist and cause a great deal of suffering. This book helps you understand what embitterment is and how it can come about. Learn how to detach from these negative feelings and find ways to better deal with the hurtful situations, including learning to look to the future. You will learn about problem-solving strategies that focus on the psychology of wisdom, which include identifying facts and problem solutions, changing perspectives, self-relativizing, and emotional empathy. For:• clients, relatives and friends ofclients• clinical psychologists• psychotherapists• psychiatrists• counselors

      • Trusted Partner

        At Night, Everyone is an Enemy

        True stories

        by Bruno Schrep

        One wrong word, one perceived insult – a small matter may begin a chain of events resulting in tragedy. This was the case with Anothai S., who died in a brawl in Hamburg in September 2014. A quote from the circumstances of this death, reconstructed by Bruno Schrep for the SPIEGEL magazine, has given this book its title. “At Night, Everyone is an Enemy” compiles true stories of people who have been torn from their normal lives and plunged into despair from one moment to the next. In one case, it is a rumour that destroys all plans – the accusation of having abused children. Likewise, the information that your father and mother, who raised you, are not your biological parents, can turn your life upside down. And many an accident destroys not only the life of the victim, but also that of the person who caused the accident. As an accurate observer, Bruno Schrep describes human tragedies with empathy, but also with a keen eye for structural problems.

      • Trusted Partner
        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        February 2022

        Driving with strangers

        by Jonathan Purkis

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2011

        Das Prinzip Empathie

        Was wir von der Natur für eine bessere Gesellschaft lernen können

        by de Waal, Frans / Übersetzt von Kober, Hainer

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 1977

        Introspektion, Empathie und Psychoanalyse

        Aufsätze zur psychoanalytischen Theorie, zu Pädagogik und Forschung und zur Psychologie der Kunst

        by Heinz Kohut, Käte Hügel

        Daß Kohuts Bücher und Aufsätze in den letzten Jahren auch bei uns so große Aufmerksamkeit zu wecken vermochten, hängt nicht nur mit seinem Konzept des Narzißmus zusammen, das die neuere psychoanalytische Diskussion über narzißtische Störungen und Identitätskonflikte maßgeblich beeinflußt hat, sondern sicherlich auch mit dem Umstand, daß Kohut zu den wenigen Psychoanalytikern gehört, die schreiben können. Kohut ist, kein Zweifel, ein Literat von beträchtlichen Graden, und vielleicht rührt daher seine hohe Affinität zur Kunst, die er beispielsweise mit Freud teilt. Die klare Prosa, in der er sich mitzuteilen versteht, macht es auch dem psychoanalytischen Laien nicht allzu schwer, den Einstieg in das zunächst so abweisende Denk- und Lehrgebäude der Psychoanalyse zu finden. Der vorliegende Band präsentiert neben theoretischen Arbeiten solche zur Pädagogik und Forschung und zur Psychologie der Kunst.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2008

        The culture of toleration in diverse societies

        Reasonable tolerance

        by Catriona McKinnon, Dario Castiglione

        The idea of toleration as the appropriate response to difference has been central to liberal thought since Locke. Although the subject has been widely and variously explored, there has been reluctance to acknowledge the new meaning that current debates on toleration have when compared with those at its origins in the early modern period and with subsequent discussions about pluralism and freedom of expression. This collection starts from a clear recognition of the new terms of the debate. It recognises that a new academic consensus is slowly emerging on a view of tolerance that is reasonable in two senses. Firstly of reflecting the capacity of seeing the other's viewpoint, secondly on the relatively limited extent to which toleration can be granted. It reflects the cross-thematic and cross-disciplinary nature of such discussions, dissecting a number of debates such as liberalism and communitarianism, public and private, multiculturalism and the politics of identity, and a number of disciplines: moral, legal and political philosophy, historical and educational studies, anthropology, sociology and psychology. A group of distinguished authors explore the complexities emerging from the new debate. They scrutinise, with analytical sophistication, the philosophical foundation, the normative content and the broadly political implications of a new culture of toleration for diverse societies. Specific issues considered include the toleration of religious discrimination in employment, city life and community, social ethos, publicity, justice and reason and ethics. The book is unique in resolutely looking forward to the theoretical and practical challenges posed by commitment to a conception of toleration demanding empathy and understanding in an ever-diversifying world. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2006

        The My Lai massacre in American history and memory

        by Kendrick Oliver

        On 16 March 1968, two US infantry companies entered a Vietnamese village and in the course of a single morning killed over 400 of its unarmed, unresisting inhabitants . . . This is the first book to examine the response of American society to the My Lai massacre and its ambiguous place in American national memory. Kendrick Oliver argues that the massacre revelations left many Americans untroubled. It was only when the soldiers most immediately responsible came to be tried that opposition to the conflict grew, for these prosecutions were regarded by supporters of the war as evidence that the national leaders no longer had the will to do what was necessary to win. Oliver goes on to show that, contrary to interpretations of the Vietnam conflict as an unhealed national trauma or wound, many Americans have assimilated the war and its violence rather too well, and they were able to do so even when that violence was most conspicuous and current. US soldiers have been presented as the conflict's principal victims, and this was true even in the case of My Lai. It was the American perpetrators of the massacre and not the Vietnamese they brutalized who became the central object of popular concern. Both the massacre and its reception reveal the problem of human empathy in conditions of a counter-revolutionary war - a war, moreover, that had always been fought for geopolitical credibility, not for the sake of the Vietnamese. This incisive enquiry into the moral history of the Vietnam war should be essential reading for all students of the conflict, as well as others interested in the war and its cultural legacies. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2015

        Empathie: Die Macht des Mitgefühls

        Weshalb einfühlsame Menschen gesund und glücklich sind

        by Bartens, Werner

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