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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2008

        National Missile Defence and the politics of US identity

        A poststructural critique

        by Natalie Bormann

        Why adopt a poststructural lens for the reading of the military strategy of national missile defence (NMD)? No doubt, when contemplating an attack on US territory by intercontinental ballistic missiles, consulting Michel Foucault and critical international relations theory scholars may not seem the obvious route to take. The answer to this lies in another question: why has there been so much interest and continuous investment in NMD deployment when there is such ambiguity surrounding the status of threat to which it responds, controversy over its technological feasibility and concern about its cost? Posed in this manner, the question cannot be answered on its own terms - the terms given in official accounts of NMD that justify the system's significance on the basis of strategic feasibility studies and conventional threat predictions guided by worst-case scenarios. Instead, this book argues that the preferences leading to NMD deployment must be understood as satisfying requirements beyond strategic approaches and issues. In turning towards the interpretative modes of inquiry provided by critical social theory and poststructuralism, this book contests the conventional wisdom about NMD and suggests reading the strategy in terms of US identity. Presented as an analysis of discourses on threats to national security, around which the need for NMD deployment is predominantly framed, this book is an effort to let the two fields of critical international relations theory and US foreign policy speak directly to each other. It seeks to do so by showing how the concept of identity can be harnessed to an analysis of a contemporary military-strategic practice. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2009

        Full participation

        A comparative study of compulsory voting

        by Sarah Birch

        About a quarter of all democracies today legally oblige their citizens to vote, making this an important aspect of electoral systems in many settings. Moreover, numerous commentators and policy-makers in voluntary voting states are coming to view mandatory attendance at the polls as an attractive option in the context of declining turnout. Yet there has been a dearth of analysis of the way in which compulsory voting shapes attitudes, behaviour and outcomes of the political process. This volume fills that gap by providing a comprehensive description, analysis and evaluation of compulsory voting as it is practiced throughout the world. Specifically, the study systematically examines the history of the institution, the normative arguments for and against it, and the influence it has on a range of political phenomena. These include electoral campaigns, political attitudes, electoral integrity and legitimacy, policy outcomes and turnout. The book also considers the feasibility of introducing compulsory voting in a contemporary democracy, as well as variations on the institution designed to broaden its appeal. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2009

        Regional politics in Russia

        by Cameron Ross

        This innovative, multi-contributed book, now available in paperback, argues convincingly that Russia will never be able to create a viable democracy as long as authoritarian regimes are able to flourish in the regions. The main themes covered are democratisation at the regional level, and the problems faced by the federal states in forging viable democratic institutions in what is now a highly assymetrical Federation. A major strength of the book lies in its combination of thematic chapters with case studies of particular regions and republics. Very little has been published to date on the actual processes of democratisation in particular republics and regions. The book takes into account the literature available on the 'new institutionalism' and outlines the importance of institutions in developing and maintaining democracy. It looks at the importance of sovereignty, federalism and democratic order, and considers the distinct problems of party-building in Russia's regions. Electoral politics are also considered fully, before the book goes on to consider the whole issue of regional politics and democratisation in five particular areas of Russia - Novgorod, the Komi Republic, Russia's Far East, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. The authors, the majority of whom are internationally recognised experts in their field, have been drawn from Britain, the USA, Russia and Germany, giving the book a truly global perspective. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2024

        Why We Should Care if a Sack of RiceFalls Over in China

        The food of the future

        by Dr. Malte Rubach

        It is time to counter the numerous utopias, myths and established narratives of the future of nutrition with a fact-based scenario. This book shows where the natural limits of what is currently technologically feasible lie and how the global diversity of food cultures will ensure the survival of humanity in the future. It exposes the great promises of meat substitutes from the laboratory as well as vegan renunciation scenarios, and shows a realistic path for the future of global nutrition along the lines of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 1998


        Reading popular fiction

        by Scott McCracken

        Pulp brings together in one volume chapters on the best seller, detective fiction, popular romance, science fiction and horror. It combines a lucid and accessible account of the cultural theories that have informed the study of popular fiction with detailed readings of Jackie Collins, Jilly Cooper, Colin Dexter, William Gibson, Stephen King, Iain Banks, Terry McMillan and Walter Mosley. Scott Mc Cracken argues that popular fiction serves a vital function: it provides us with the means to construct a workable sense of self in the face of the disorientating pressures of modernity. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        Imagining Caribbean womanhood

        Race, nation and beauty competitions, 1929–70

        by Pamela Sharpe, Rochelle Rowe, Penny Summerfield, Lynn Abrams, Cordelia Beattie

        Over fifty years after Jamaican and Trinidadian independence, Imagining Caribbean womanhood examines the links between beauty and politics in the Anglophone Caribbean, providing a first cultural history of Caribbean beauty competitions, spanning from Kingston to London. It traces the origins and transformation of female beauty contests in the British Caribbean from 1929 to 1970, through the development of cultural nationalism, race-conscious politics and decolonisation. The beauty contest, a seemingly marginal phenomenon, is used to illuminate the persistence of racial supremacy, the advance of consumer culture and the negotiation of race and nation through the idealised performance of cultured, modern beauty. Modern Caribbean femininity was intended to be politically functional but also commercially viable and subtly eroticised.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2012

        Changing anarchism

        Anarchist theory and practice in a global age

        by Edited by Jonathan Purkis and James Bowen

        The massive protests against globalisation in recent years have re-awoken interest in anarchism. Changing anarchism, finally available in paperback, sets out to reposition anarchist theory and practice by documenting contemporary anarchist practice and providing a viable analytical framework for understanding it. The contributions here, from both academics and activists, raise challenging and sometimes provocative questions about the complex nature of power and resistance to it. The areas covered include: sexuality and identity; psychological dependency on technology; libertarian education; religion and spirituality; protest tactics; mental health and artistic expression; and the ongoing 'metaphorical wars' against drugs and terror. This collection epitomises the rich diversity that exists within contemporary anarchism as well as demonstrating its ongoing relevance as a sociological tool.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Changing anarchism

        Anarchist theory and practice in a global age

        by Jonathan Purkis, James Bowen

        The massive protests against globalisation in recent years have re-awoken interest in anarchism. Changing anarchism sets out to reposition anarchist theory and practice by documenting contemporary anarchist practice and providing a viable analytical framework for understanding it. The contributions here, from both academics and activists, raise challenging and sometimes provocative questions about the complex nature of power and resistance to it. The areas covered include: sexuality and identity; psychological dependency on technology; libertarian education; religion and spirituality; protest tactics; mental health and artistic expression; and the ongoing 'metaphorical wars' against drugs and terror. This collection epitomises the rich diversity that exists within contemporary anarchism as well as demonstrating its ongoing relevance as a sociological tool.

      • Trusted Partner

        Nutritional Practice Infants, Children, Adolescents

        Concise advisory knowledge

        by Dr. Ute Alexy, Dr. Annett Hilbig and Frauke Lang. Edited by Prof. Dr. Martin Smollich

        Anyone giving responsible advice about questions on nutrition must have sound expert knowledge. This must not only be scientifically reliable, but must at the same time be relevant and practicable in the individual context. The concept behind the book series Nutritional Practice is to provide the necessary translation of current research results and guidelines into recommendations suitable for everyday use. In accordance with this consistent, practical approach, the focus is on the individual person in his or her particular stage in their life. The present volume is based on the various stages in life between infancy and adolescence. It therefore covers all questions about nutrition in health and disease from the first day of life to young adulthood

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2024

        Cases of citation

        On literature in art

        by Chloe Julius, Michael Green, Matthew Holman

        Cases of citation presents a history of artists who incorporated literary references into their work from the 1960s onwards. Through a series of object-focused chapters that each take up a singular 'case of citation', the collection considers how literary citation emerged as a viable and urgent strategy for artists during this period. It surveys eleven artworks by a diverse group of artists - including David Wojnarowicz, Lis Rhodes, Romare Bearden and Silvia Kolbowski - whose citations draw on works as varied as Karl Marx's Das Kapital and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. The book also features an interview with pioneering feminist artist Elaine Reichek that discusses her career-long commitment to working with text. Together, the artworks and cited texts are approached from various critical angles, with each author questioning and complicating the ways in which we can 'read' textual citations in art.

      • Trusted Partner
        Films, cinema
        May 2015

        The continental connection

        German–speaking émigrés and British cinema, 1927–45

        by Tobias Hochscherf

        Now available in paperback, this study is a major appraisal of the contributions of German-speaking émigrés to British cinema from the late 1920s to the end of World War II. Through a series of film analyses and case studies, it challenges notions of a self-sufficient British national cinema by advancing the assumption that filmmakers from Berlin, Munich and Vienna had a major influence on aesthetics, themes and narratives, technical innovation, the organisation of work and the introduction of apprenticeship schemes. Whether they came voluntarily or as refugees, their contributions and expertise helped to consolidate the studio system and ultimately made possible the establishment of a viable British film industry. Hochscherf talks about such figures as Ewald André Dupont, Alfred Junge, Oscar Werndorff, Mutz Greenbaum and Werner Brandes, and such companies as Korda's London Film Productions, Powell and Pressburger's The Archers and Michael Balcon's Gaumont-British.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2009

        Direct rule and the governance of Northern Ireland

        by Derek Birrell

        This is the first comprehensive study of direct rule as the system of governance which operated in Northern Ireland for most of the period between 1972 and 2007. The major institutions of governance are described and examined in detail, including the often neglected sectors of the role of the Westminster parliament, the civil service, local government, quangos, ombudsmen offices, cross-border structures and the public expenditure process. The book explains how the complex system covering transferred, reserved and excepted functions worked and provided viable governance despite political violence, constitutional conflict and political party disagreements. In addition, a comparison is drawn between direct rule and devolution, analysing both the positive and negative impact of direct rule, as well as identifying where there has been minimal divergence in processes and outcomes. It will prove an invaluable reference source on direct rule and provide a comparative basis for assessing devolution for students of public administration, government, politics, public policy and devolution. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2010

        Redefining the French Republic

        by Alistair Cole, Gino Raymond

        Newly available in paperback, Redefining the French Republic is an innovative work. Explicitly adopting a multidisciplinary approach, the book investigates continuity and change in contemporary French politics, society and culture. The chapters go beyond the familiar question of whether the Republic is acting in accordance with its vocation, to address the issue of whether that vocation is still viable. Drawing on contributions that reflect a variety of methodological approaches, ranging from theoretical speculations and modelling to the interpretation of fieldwork data, this study examines the dynamics of the relationship between the Republic and its constituencies, in the fields of political relations, territorial identities, social movements, public policy and foreign policy, and in each context juxtaposing what is perceived as the model for that relationship with the current reality. France in the twenty-first century is facing challenges that could not have been imagined a generation ago. The test for the Republic is whether it will resist the ongoing pressures for redefinition imposed by internal contestation and the emergence of powerful supranational and global forces, or whether it will find a way of adapting to these pressures while preserving a part of the vocation and ambition that make it characteristically French. The book concludes that, though the French polity remains characteristically different from other models of modern liberal democracy, internal and external pressures have challenged the republican model to the core. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Film theory & criticism
        February 2014

        The Encyclopedia of British Film

        Fourth edition

        by Edited by Brian McFarlane

        With well over 6,300 articles, including over 500 new entries, this fourth edition of The Encyclopedia of British Film is a fully updated invaluable reference guide to the British film industry. It is the most authoritative volume yet, stretching from the inception of the industry to the present day, with detailed listings of the producers, directors, actors and studios behind a century or so of great British cinema. Brian McFarlane's meticulously researched guide is the definitive companion for anyone interested in the world of film. Previous editions have sold many thousands of copies and this fourth edition will be an essential work of reference for enthusiasts interested in the history of British cinema, and for universities and libraries.

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