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      • Epigram Books

        Singapore's largest independent publisher of fiction and non-fiction for all ages. Check out our latest catalogue here: July – December 2018 (PDF.)

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      • Landmark Books

        We are a boutique publishing house producing quality books on Asian subjects. We also provide publishing services and consultancy.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2023

        The Island Book of Records Volume I


        by Neil Storey

        The Island Book of Records brings the early years of this iconic record label to life. A fifteen-year labour of love, the volumes will fully document the analogue era of Island. Offering a comprehensive archive of album cover design and photography, together with the voices of the musicians, designers, photographers, producers, studio engineers and record company personnel that worked on each project, the volumes show in unique depth the workings of the label, covering every LP. Featuring material from recent interviews and from media interviews of the time, and each including a comprehensive discography of 45s, the books are lavishly illustrated with gig adverts (very many at venues which no longer exist), concert tickets, flyers, international LP variants, labels, LP and 45 adverts and other ephemera. These LP-sized editions are a collector's dream, offering a truly unparalleled resource for those interested in music history and a perfect gift for any music lover.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Paul Klee

        by Daniel Kupper

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        March 1905

        The First Book of Farming

        by Charles L. Goodrich

        This book is a result of the author's search for these facts and truths as a student and farmer and his endeavor as a teacher to present them in a simple manner to others. The object in presenting the book to the general public is the hope that it may be of assistance to farmers, students and teachers, in their search for the fundamental truths and principles of farming.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2024

        The Island Book of Records Volume II


        by Neil Storey

        The second volume of this highly collectable series, covering the pivotal years of 1969-70. The Island Book of Records Volume II documents the years 1969-70, during which Island sought to build on its success with the Spencer Davis Group by seeking out new British rock talent. By the end of the period, Island was emerging as a major British label, one that could boast releases from Jethro Tull, Nick Drake, King Crimson, John and Beverley Martyn, Fairport Convention and Cat Stevens. Featuring material from recent interviews and from media interviews of the time, and including a comprehensive discography of 45s, The Island Book of Records Volume II is lavishly illustrated with gig adverts (very many at venues that no longer exist), concert tickets, flyers, international LP variants, labels, LP and 45 adverts and other ephemera collector's dream.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2010

        Orangism in the Dutch Republic in word and image, 1650–75

        by Jill Stern, Joseph Bergin, Penny Roberts, Bill Naphy

        This remarkable study represents a completely original presentation of the language and imagery used by the Orangists in the critical period in the mid-seventeenth century Netherlands as they sought the restoration of the stadholderate in the person of the young prince William III. Stern argues that the Orangists had no desire for the prince to become a monarch, rather that they viewed the stadholderate as an essential component of the Dutch constitution, the Union of Utrecht, and fulfilling a key role as defender of the rights and privileges of the citizenry against an overwheening urban oligarchy. Source material is drawn not only from books and political pamphlets but also from contemporary drama, poetry, portraits, prints, and medals. This enables the author to examine the imagery used by the supporters of the House of Orange, in particular the symbols of rebirth and regeneration which were deployed to propagate the restoration of the stadholderate in the person of William III. ;

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2011

        Shakespeare's book

        Essays in reading, writing and reception

        by Richard Meek, Jane Rickard, Richard Wilson

        This collection of essays is part of a new phase in Shakespeare studies. The traditional view of Shakespeare is that he was a man of the theatre who showed no interest in the printing of his plays, producing works that are only fully realised in performance. This view has recently been challenged by critics arguing that Shakespeare was a literary 'poet-playwright', concerned with his readers as well as his audiences. Shakespeare's Book offers a vital contribution to this critical debate, and examines its wider implications for how we conceive of Shakespeare and his works. Bringing together an impressive group of international Shakespeare scholars, the volume explores both Shakespeare's relationship with actual printers, patrons, and readers, and the representation of writing, reading, and print within his works themselves. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2021

        Encountering The Book of Margery Kempe

        by Laura Kalas, Laura Varnam, David Matthews, Anke Bernau, James Paz

        This innovative critical volume brings the study of Margery Kempe into the twenty-first century. Structured around four categories of 'encounter' - textual, internal, external and performative - the volume offers a capacious exploration of The Book of Margery Kempe, characterised by multiple complementary and dissonant approaches. It employs a multiplicity of scholarly and critical lenses, including the intertextual history of medieval women's literary culture, medical humanities, history of science, digital humanities, literary criticism, oral history, the global Middle Ages, archival research and creative re-imagining. Revealing several new discoveries about Margery Kempe and her Book in its global contexts, and offering multiple ways of reading the Book in the modern world, it will be an essential companion for years to come.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2023

        Encountering The Book of Margery Kempe

        by Laura Kalas, Laura Varnam

        This innovative critical volume brings the study of Margery Kempe into the twenty-first century. Structured around four categories of 'encounter' - textual, internal, external and performative - the volume offers a capacious exploration of The Book of Margery Kempe, characterised by multiple complementary and dissonant approaches. It employs a multiplicity of scholarly and critical lenses, including the intertextual history of medieval women's literary culture, medical humanities, history of science, digital humanities, literary criticism, oral history, the global Middle Ages, archival research and creative re-imagining. Revealing several new discoveries about Margery Kempe and her Book in its global contexts, and offering multiple ways of reading the Book in the modern world, it will be an essential companion for years to come.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2025

        People and piety

        Protestant devotional identities in early modern England

        by Elizabeth Clarke, Robert W. Daniel

        This international and interdisciplinary volume investigates Protestant devotional identities in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England. Divided into two sections, the book examines the 'sites' where these identities were forged - the academy, printing house, household, theatre and prison - and the 'types' of texts that expressed them - spiritual autobiographies, religious poetry and writings tied to the ars moriendi - providing a broad analysis of social, material and literary forms of devotion during England's Long Reformation. Through archival and cutting-edge research, a detailed picture of 'lived religion' emerges, which re-evaluates the pietistic acts and attitudes of well-known and recently discovered figures. To those studying and teaching religion and identity in early modern England, and anyone interested in the history of religious self-expression, these chapters offer a rich and rewarding read.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        My Life as Lotta. My/ Your Lotta Best Friends Forever book. For you and your BFF.

        by Alice Pantermüller/Daniela Kohl

        Hooray! I’m really happy that I’ve got a brilliant best friend like Cheyenne. I can simply tell her anything and everything, and the two of us have wonderful adventures together. Best of all, though, is that we have no secrets from one another. But it’s better if nobody else gets to know about them – especially the silly Lamb girls. Have you also got a brilliant best friend like Cheyenne? If you have, you can both write down or draw all your secrets, adventures and even wishes or jokes here. This is a book that’s only for you!

      • Trusted Partner
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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023

        Wundervolle Welt der Dinosaurier und der Urzeit

        by Anusuya Chinsamy-Turan, Dominik Freiberger, Birgit Reit, Daniel Long, Angela Rizza

        Wunderschönes Sachhörbuch für die ganze Familie Von einer versteinerten Magnolie über die gepanzerten Knochenplatten eines Polacanthus bis zum perfekt erhaltenen Fell eines Riesenfaultiers – dieses klangvolle Dinosaurierhörbuch zeigt 50 Fossilien von Tieren, und Pflanzen auf zauberhafte Weise! Spannede Geschichten und zauberhafte Klänge bringen den Hörer auf eine atemberaubende Reise durch die Vergangenheit.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2015

        Die Abenteuer des Odysseus

        by Dimiter Inkiow, Judith Ruyters, Michael Hinze, Patrick Ehrlich, , Boris Aljinovic, Laura Maire, Winnie Böwe, Britta Steffenhagen, Matti Krause, Frank Wünsche, Reiner Heise, Bärbel Röhl, Judith Ruyters, Wilfried Gebhard

        "Die Abenteuer des Odysseus" von Dimiter Inkiow bringt Hörerinnen und Hörern die aufregenden Geschichten des antiken Griechenlands näher, wo Götter, Monster und heroische Herausforderungen das Leben des legendären Helden Odysseus bestimmen. Das Hörbuch zeichnet den langen und gefährlichen Weg des Odysseus nach seiner Teilnahme am Trojanischen Krieg nach, als er versucht, nach Ithaka zurückzukehren und dabei unzählige Prüfungen überstehen muss. Von der Begegnung mit der Zauberin Circe über die verführerischen Sirenen bis hin zur Flucht vor menschenfressenden Riesen, entfaltet sich eine fesselnde Erzählung, die durch die Stimmen von Boris Aljinovic, Laura Maire und anderen lebendig wird. Fesselnde Erzählung: Die spannenden Abenteuer des Odysseus sind mitreißend für junge und alte Hörer. Lehrreich und unterhaltsam: Kinder und Erwachsene erhalten Einblick in die klassischen Mythen der griechischen Antike. Hochkarätige Sprecher: Mit Boris Aljinovic und Laura Maire wird jedes Kapitel zum auditiven Erlebnis. Ideales Geschenk: Perfekt für alle, die spannende Geschichten und die griechische Mythologie lieben. Bildungswert: Fördert die Fantasie und das historische Verständnis bei Kindern ab 7 Jahren.

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