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      • Orange International AD

        Orange Books is one of the most recognizable publishers amongst the progressive and modern readers. We are proud to have given life to authors such as Margaret Atwood, Neal Shusterman, Alice Walker, Jenniffer Donnelly, Katherine Arden, Alma Katsu and many more. Our readers are passionate and curious and we are happy to guide them through their literature evolution.

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      • Caramel Publishing - Editions Caramel

        Caramel specializes in the creation and packaging of children’s books destined for the mass-market. We are based in Brussels and have been serving as an international book packager since 1993. Caramel continues to innovate with new concepts, while also expanding its editorial program. We possess a wide range of eductional products from board books to activity books, that can easily be translated into more than 60 languages!

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      • Trusted Partner

        80 Picture Cards for Coaching, Training, and Psychotherapie

        Initiating Learning- and Change Processes

        by Evelin Fräntzel, Dieter Johannsen

        People think and remember in images, images influence our feelings and our perception, they shape our interpersonal communication and interaction. Coaches, supervisors,trainers, consultants, and therapists can use picture cards as a creative method to initiate learning and change processes among their clients. The card set can be used when working with groups and teams as well as in individual settings. Using the picture cards and the detailed exercise descriptions, processes ofprofessional and personal reorientation and further development of clients can be effectively supported. The enclosed booklet gives numerous suggestions for the use of the picture cards in practice.   For: • coaches• supervisors• consultants• group leaders• psychotherapists• psychologists• teachers, educators, personnel developers

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2024

        Sir Philip Sidney: The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia

        The New Arcadia, Second Revised Edition

        by Victor Skretkowicz, Elisabeth Chaghafi, J. B. Lethbridge

        Shipwrecks, gory battle scenes, cross-dressing, toxic relationships, abduction, torture (psychological and physical), comical country bumpkins, and, of course, love and poetry -Sir Philip Sidney's witty pastoral romance The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia is the classic that has it all in terms of entertainment factors. Modern readers mostly know Arcadia in its complete 'old' version, but it is the New Arcadia (published in 1590) that was the most influential and most widely imitated literary text of the sixteenth century. While preserving the basic plot - a ruler attempts to escape an alarming oracle by moving his family to the countryside and engaging in shepherd-cosplay until the arrival of two foreign princes triggers a chain of events leading to the fulfilment of the oracle - this version adds further narrative strands and introduces ambitious revisions that showcase Sidney's stylistic brilliance as a prose writer.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2010

        The Paddington prophet

        Richard Brothers's journey to Jerusalem

        by Deborah Madden

        As an educated gentleman and naval officer, Richard Brothers dramatically altered eighteenth-century expectations and perceptions of what prophets were and the nature of prophecy itself. The messianic messages delivered to Londoners by the self-styled prophet are central to the religious politics and culture of the 1790s, mockingly referred to by one contemporary critic as the 'age of prophecy'. The Paddington Prophet is the first book-length study which probes deep under the skin of Brothers's apparently idiosyncratic writings and religious 'enthusiasm'. Close textual analysis of Brothers's writings shows the extent to which his Biblical, 'prophetic imagination' arose out of the same theological, political and cultural context that spurred 'radicals' like Tom Paine whilst inspiring poets and artists such as William Blake. Tracing the contours of his visionary experiences, this book exposes the intensity and vibrancy of Brothers's faith, the power of his prophetic imagination and the internal logic of his theology. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        The Arctic in the British imagination 1818–1914

        by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, Rob David

        The Arctic region has been the subject of much popular writing. This book considers nineteenth-century representations of the Arctic, and draws upon an extensive range of evidence that will allow the 'widest connections' to emerge from a 'cross-disciplinary analysis' using different methodologies and subject matter. It positions the Arctic alongside more thoroughly investigated theatres of Victorian enterprise. In the nineteenth century, most images were in the form of paintings, travel narratives, lectures given by the explorers themselves and photographs. The book explores key themes in Arctic images which impacted on subsequent representations through text, painting and photography. For much of the nineteenth century, national and regional geographical societies promoted exploration, and rewarded heroic endeavor. The book discusses images of the Arctic which originated in the activities of the geographical societies. The Times provided very low-key reporting of Arctic expeditions, as evidenced by its coverage of the missions of Sir John Franklin and James Clark Ross. However, the illustrated weekly became one of the main sources of popular representations of the Arctic. The book looks at the exhibitions of Arctic peoples, Arctic exploration and Arctic fauna in Britain. Late nineteenth-century exhibitions which featured the Arctic were essentially nostalgic in tone. The Golliwogg's Polar Adventures, published in 1900, drew on adult representations of the Arctic and will have confirmed and reinforced children's perceptions of the region. Text books, board games and novels helped to keep the subject alive among the young.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Solution-Focused Treatment and Coaching

        by Lara de Bruin

        These fans contain questions that can be used in a variety of different setting and offer a solution-focused perspective. The user is guided through the fan by topics. The front of the cards provide guidance to help construct a conversation, while the back of the cards focus on specific situations or clients.   Target Group: therapists, coaches, managers

      • Trusted Partner

        Oplossingsgericht organiseren en veranderen

        by Lara de Bruin

        These fans contain questions that can be used in a variety of different setting and offer a solution-focused perspective. The user is guided through the fan by topics. The front of the cards provide guidance to help construct a conversation, while the back of the cards focus on specific situations or clients.   Target Group: therapists, coaches and managers

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2021

        Passing into the present

        Contemporary American fiction of racial and gender passing

        by Sinead Moynihan

        This book is the first full-length study of contemporary American fiction of passing. Its takes as its point of departure the return of racial and gender passing in the 1990s in order to make claims about wider trends in contemporary American fiction. The book accounts for the return of tropes of passing in fiction by Phillip Roth, Percival Everett, Louise Erdrich, Danzy Senna, Jeffrey Eugenides and Paul Beatty, by arguing meta-critical and meta-fictional tool. These writers are attracted to the trope of passing because passing narratives have always foregrounded the notion of textuality in relation to the (il)legibility of "black" subjects passing as white. The central argument of this book, then, is that contemporary narratives of passing are concerned with articulating and unpacking an analogy between passing and authorship. The title promises to inaugurate dialogue on the relationships between passing, postmodernism and authorship in contemporary American fiction.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2019

        Daniel Calparsoro

        by Nuria Triana-Toribio, Ann Davies, Andy Willis

        Daniel Calparsoro, a director who has made a crucial contribution to contemporary Spanish and Basque cinema, has provoked strong reactions from the critics. Reductively dismissed as a works of crude violence by those lamenting a 'lost golden age' of Spanish filmmaking, Calparsoro's films in fact reveal a more complex interaction with trends and traditions in both Spanish and Hollywood cinema. This book is the first full-length study of the director's work, from his early social-realist films set in the Basque Country to his later forays into the genres of the war and horror. It offers an in-depth film-by-film analysis while simultaneously exploring the director's position in the contemporary Spanish context, the tension between directors and critics and the question of national cinema in an area - the Basque Country - of heightened national and regional sensitivities.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2017

        The Trump revolt

        by Edward Ashbee, Bill Jones

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        February 2009

        Daniel Calparsoro

        by Ann Davies, Nuria Triana-Toribio, Andy Willis

        Daniel Calparsoro, a director who has provided a crucial contribution to the contemporary scene in Spanish and Basque cinema, has provoked strong reactions from the critics. Reductively dismissed as a purveyor of crude violence by those critics lamenting a 'lost golden age' of Spanish filmmaking, Calparsoro's films reveal in fact a more complex interaction with trends and traditions in both Spanish and Hollywood cinema. This book is the first full-length study of the director's work, from his early social realist films set in the Basque Country to his later forays into the genres of the war and horror film. It offers an in-depth film-by-film analysis, while simultaneously exploring the function of the director in the contemporary Spanish context, the tension between directors and critics, and the question of national cinema in an area - the Basque Country - of heightened national and regional sensitivities. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2024

        Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda, or Not the Miracle of Bern

        What if everything had been different in German football

        by Jörg Heinrich

        “Well, that’s football for you!” – football-related conventional wisdom when there’s nothing left to explain after a lucky win or unlucky defeat. But Jörg Heinrich, the renowned football journalist, is not satisfied with this platitude. “Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda”: in the 25 essays in this ball-smart book, bursting with esprit and wit, Jörg Heinrich addresses questions and topics that have never even been considered before, never mind answered. Such as: “What if Günter Netzer had not come on as a substitute in 1973?”, or “if Birgit Prinz had aimed better in the 1995 World Cup?”. “What if Mario Basler had been a non-smoker in 1999”, or “if SC Freiburg had fired their coach Christian Streich after relegation in 2015?”.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2018

        So enden wir


        by Daniel Galera, Nicolai Schweder-Schreiner

        Sie waren unsterblich – damals, Ende der Neunziger, wütend und voller Aufbruch, drei Jungs und eine Frau, Protagonisten der neuen Gegenkultur aus späten Punks, krassen Künstlern und digitalen Bohemiens. Allen voran Duke, riesiges Schriftstellertalent, genialisch, unnahbar. Jetzt ist Duke tot, zufälliges Opfer eines Raubüberfalls, es ist das Jahr 2014 und Porto Alegre wie paralysiert von der sengenden Hitze und dem Streik. Am Grab ihres alten Mitstreiters kommen Aurora, Antero und Emiliano zusammen, nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit wie Fremde. Unweigerlicher Blick zurück: Wie war das früher, und was ist aus ihnen geworden, aus den Idealen, Lebensplänen, Hoffnungen? Und: Wer war dieser Duke wirklich? War er ihr Freund? Oder hat er sie nicht doch bloß für seine Zwecke benutzt? Die immer skurrilere Suche nach einer Antwort führt die drei zu einer Hinterlassenschaft, die so berührend wie erschütternd ist. Was gibt dem Leben Halt, wenn das Wünschen nicht mehr hilft? Daniel Galera hat einen virtuos agilen, unerschrockenen Generationen- und Gegenwartsroman geschrieben. Über Auf- und Abbrüche, über Ankünfte und Verlorenheiten und über das ungelöste – vielleicht unlösbare? – Geheimnis menschlicher Nähe.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2009

        The silence of Barbara Synge

        by Bill McCormack

        'The silence of Barbara Synge' provides a fascinating companion volume to Bill McCormack's acclaimed 'Fool of the family' (2000), a biography of the playwright J.M. Synge (1871-1909). Taking the alledged death of Mrs John Hatch (née Synge) in 1767 as a focal point, this book explores the varied strands of the Synge family tree in eighteenth and nineteenth century Ireland. Key events in the family's history are carefully documented, including a suicide in 1769 which is echoed in an early Synge play, the effects of the famine which influenced 'The playboy of the western world' in 1907, and the behaviour of Francis Synge at the time of the union. 'The silence of Barbara Synge' is a unique work of cultural enquiry, combining archival research, literary criticism, and religious and medical history to pull the strands together and relate them to the family's literary descendent J.M. Synge. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        August 2020


        by Poznanski, Ursula

        Where do we go when Nowhere is the only destination left?   Kerrybrook is Jana‘s favourite virtual escape. An idyllic fishing village with beautiful nature and, every now and then, a breeze of fresh air from the nearby sea. Jana, is this world‘s designer and person in power, she’s satisfied with her masterpiece. Best job so far. Until one day, a dead body is found, in both, ’Virtual Reality‘ and the real world. In times of climate change, VR is the only safe place for humankind. That‘s why Jana needs to solve the crime, she’s responsible for stopping the destruction.   • CliFi Thriller (Climate Fiction): Climate change & virtual reality • For fans of Black Mirror (Netflix) • All age readers • Strong, female protagonist • Highly relevant topic   WHITE RAVENS recommendation (2021):   "In the not too distant future, the world is an inhospitable place: droughts, storms, floods. That’s why world designers construct »alternative realities«, such as landscapes populated by dinosaurs, life at court in the Middle Ages, and surfing and chilling out on a beach. People can switch between these worlds at will and, when they die there, they are not truly dead; instead, they merely return to the »real world« – same as at night when they sleep. Then they are reunited with their body, which is lying inside a capsule.   In »Cryptos«, Ursula Poznanski pulls out all the stops of storytelling: She embeds numerous references to human and intellectual history in an action-packed and extremely suspenseful thriller plot. In the process, she raises central existential and ontological questions that result from the interplay between the real and the virtual worlds. This complex dystopian novel is narrated in such an enjoyable way that readers will hardly notice their brains going into overdrive as they devour it."

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2023

        Pasts at play

        Childhood encounters with history in British culture, 1750–1914

        by Rachel Bryant Davies, Barbara Gribling

        This collection brings together scholars from disciplines including Children's Literature, Classics, and History to develop fresh approaches to children's culture and the uses of the past. It charts the significance of historical episodes and characters during the long nineteenth-century (1750-1914), a critical period in children's culture. Boys and girls across social classes often experienced different pasts simultaneously, for purposes of amusement and instruction. The book highlights an active and shifting market in history for children, and reveals how children were actively involved in consuming and repackaging the past: from playing with historically themed toys and games to performing in plays and pageants. Each chapter reconstructs encounters across different media, uncovering the cultural work done by particular pasts and exposing the key role of playfulness in the British historical imagination.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        What Does the Ball Think?

        Why football is not just kicking

        by Johannes Schweikle, Oliver Lück

        A football is a moody thing, and the art of mastering it a highly challenging concern. Whether fan or philosopher, football is a fascination, and its various facets are revealed in this anthology with memorable, intelligent and curious contributions. How and with what (human rights-violating) methods did Qatar prepare for the World Cup? Actress Christiane Paul explains why she supports FC Bayern. Herman van Veen explains the difference between Dutch and German football fans, and the report 'Five balls for Angola' takes readers on a journey to football in Africa. A book for dedicated fans and critical football observers.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1978

        Der Graf von Monte Christo

        by Alexandre Dumas, der Ältere, Dagmar Bromova, Pavel Brom, Meinhard Hasenbein

        Edmond Dantés wird wegen angeblicher Konspiration zugunsten des exilierten Napoleon ohne richterliches Verfahren auf dem Marseille vorgelagerten Chtaeau d'If gefangengehalten. Im Kerker kann er mit dem Leidensgenossen Abbe Paria Kontakt aufnehmen. Dieser berichtet von einem sagenhaften Schatz auf der kleinen Insel Monte Christo nahe Korsika. Nach Parias Tod läßt sich der Held als dessen vermeintliche Leiche in einem Sack ins Meer werfen und entkommt. Dank der auf Monte Christo gefundenen Reichtümer begibt sich Dantés Jahre später als geheimnisumwitterter Graf von Monte Christo nach Paris, wo er seine Feinde als Spitzen der Gesellschaft wiederfindet und schließlich Rache an ihnen nimmt.

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