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        Summit Books is a division of Summit Publishing Company, Inc. We celebrate pop culture, extraordinary ideas, the brilliance of local talent, and up-and-coming trends. We provide readers with fresh reading material that’s well-written, well-priced, and well-distributed.Being a key player in the local book publishing, we pride ourselves for combining both strategy and out-of-the-box thinking in the books we publish. From a single imprint to five exciting new mediums for the written word, Summit Books has taken cues from market trends and even has dictated the needs of the local book market. This allows for the advancement of multi-platform marketing among various demographic levels.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2023

        Transitional justice in process

        Plans and politics in Tunisia

        by Mariam Salehi

        After the fall of the Ben Ali regime in 2011, Tunisia swiftly began dealing with its authoritarian past and initiated a comprehensive transitional justice process, with the Truth and Dignity Commission as its central institution. However, instead of bringing about peace and justice, transitional justice soon became an arena of contention. Through a process lens, the book explores why and how the process evolved, and explains how it relates to the country's political transition. Based on extensive field research in Tunisia and the US, and interviews with a broad range of international stakeholders and decision-makers, this is the first book to comprehensively study the Tunisian transitional justice process. It provides an in-depth analysis of a crucial period, examining the role of justice professionals in different stages, as well as the alliances and frictions between different actor groups that cut across the often-assumed local-international divide.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2004

        Qualities of food

        by Mark Harvey, Andrew McMeekin, Alan Warde

        In this book, the complexity and the significance of the foods we eat are analysed from a variety of perspectives, by sociologists, economists, geographers and anthropologists. Chapters address a number of intriguing questions: how do people make judgments about taste? How do such judgments come to be shared by groups of people?; what social and organisational processes result in foods being certified as of decent or proper quality? How has dissatisfaction with the food system been expressed? What alternatives are thought to be possible? The multi-disciplinary analysis of this book explores many different answers to such questions. The first part of the book focuses on theoretical and conceptual issues, the second part considers processes of formal and informal regulation, while the third part examines social and political responses to industrialised food production and mass consumption. Qualities of food will be of interest to researchers and students in all the social science disciplines that are concerned with food, whether marketing, sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, human nutrition or economics.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2002

        The rise of the Nazis

        by Conan Fischer, Mark Greengrass

        How and why did the Nazis seize power in Germany? Nearly seventy years on, the question remains heated and important discoveries continue to challenge long standing assumptions. Beginmning with an overview of the historical context within which Nazism grew, looking at the foreign relations, politics and society of Weimar and in particular at the role of the elites in the rise of Nazism. The book questions the anatomy of Nazism itself: What lent Nazi ideology its coherence and credibility? What distinguished the Nazi's programme from their competitors' and how did they project it so effectively? How was Hitler able to put together and fund an organisation so quickly and effectively that it could launch a sustained assault on Weimar? Who supported the Nazis and what were their motives? Where, precisely, does Nazism belong in the history of Europe?. Since the publication of the first edition, important new works have appeared and this new scholarship has been incorporated into the text. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        My Voice: Danny Herman

        by Danny Herman

        Danny Herman was born in 1935 in Königsberg in East Prussia. As the Nazis were rounding up Jews, Danny's father managed to escape to England in July 1939. He travelled to the Kitchener Camp in Kent, which helped refugees secure visas for safer places. Danny and his mother arrived in England just three days before war was declared in 1939, and his father was later sent to an internment camp on the Isle of Man. Danny went on to become a successful runner, competing in many international athletics events and volunteering in many roles, including at the 2002 Commonwealth Games. Danny's detailed memories of arriving in England, initially at the seaside in Kent and then moving to Manchester, create a vivid picture of life-changing events as experienced by a young child. Danny's book is part of the My Voice book collection, a stand-alone project of The Fed, the leading Jewish social care charity in Manchester, dedicated to preserving the life stories of Holocaust survivors and refugees from Nazi persecution who settled in the UK. The oral history, which is recorded and transcribed, captures their entire lives from before, during and after the war years. The books are written in the words of the survivor so that future generations can always hear their voice. The My Voice book collection is a valuable resource for Holocaust awareness and education.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 1999

        British Politics in an Age of Reform

        by Michael J. Turner, Mark Greengrass

        This work is a detailed examination of principal themes in the political history of late 18th- and early 19th-century Britain. It evaluates much recent research, links the politics of the elite with the politics of the people and seeks to explain significant developments with reference to both their long- and short-term causes. Among the issues addressed are the relative powers of crown, cabinet and parliament between 1760 and 1832; the impact on domestic politics of revolution and war abroad; the growth of radicalism and popular political activity; agitation for reform and the responses of government; the rise of party; the connections between extra-parliamentary pressure and instability; at the centre of power. ;

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        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2021

        The pound and the fury

        by Jack Mosse

      • Trusted Partner
        Political parties
        November 2014

        The Conservative Party and the extreme right 1945–1975

        by Mark Pitchford

        This book, newly available in paperback, reveals the Conservative Party's relationship with the extreme right between 1945 and 1975. For the first time, this book shows how the Conservative Party, realising that its well known pre-Second World War connections with the extreme right were now embarrassing, used its bureaucracy to implement a policy of investigating extreme right groups and taking action to minimise their chances of success. The book focuses on the Conservative Party's investigation of right-wing groups, and shows how its perception of their nature determined the party bureaucracy's response. The book draws a comparison between the Conservative Party machine's negative attitude towards the extreme right and its support for progressive groups. It concludes that the Conservative Party acted as a persistent block to the external extreme right in a number of ways, and that the Party bureaucracy persistently denied the extreme right within the party assistance access to funds and representation within party organisations. It reaches a climax with the formulation of a 'plan' threatening its own candidate if he failed to remove the extreme right from the Conservative Monday Club.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Memories of Summer

        Wer bist du ohne Vergangenheit?

        by Janna Ruth, Moon Notes

        In "Memories of Summer" von Janna Ruth tauchen die Leser in eine faszinierende Zukunftswelt ein, in der es möglich ist, Erinnerungen zu spenden und sie anderen Menschen einzupflanzen. Mika, der Protagonist, nutzt regelmäßig die Dienste des NEURO-Instituts, um durch den Verkauf seiner eigenen Erinnerungen Geld zu verdienen und gleichzeitig Menschen mit Depressionen zu helfen. Dieser Prozess erscheint ihm zunächst unbedenklich, bis er Lynn begegnet, ein Mädchen, das seltsamerweise viel über sein Leben weiß, an das er sich jedoch nicht erinnern kann. Ihre Begegnung lässt Mika zweifeln und weckt in ihm den dringenden Wunsch, seine eigenen Erinnerungen zurückzugewinnen. Als Mika beschließt, seine Erinnerungen vom NEURO-Institut zurückzufordern, beginnt eine gefährliche Reise, die ihn tief in die dunklen Geheimnisse der Institution führt. Je mehr er über die Machenschaften hinter den Kulissen erfährt, desto klarer wird ihm, dass das, was er für eine harmlose Möglichkeit hielt, anderen zu helfen, tatsächlich Teil eines viel größeren und erschreckenderen Plans ist. Auf seinem Weg muss Mika nicht nur für die Wiedererlangung seiner eigenen Vergangenheit kämpfen, sondern auch die Frage nach der moralischen Vertretbarkeit der Erinnerungsmanipulation stellen. "Memories of Summer" entwirft ein packendes Szenario einer nicht allzu fernen Zukunft, das nicht nur für Romance-Fans, sondern auch für Liebhaber von spannender und nachdenklich machender Future-Fiction eine fesselnde Lektüre bietet. Faszinierende Zukunftsvision: Tauche ein in eine Welt, in der Erinnerungen gespendet werden können, um Menschen mit Depressionen zu helfen – eine innovative Idee, die sowohl fasziniert als auch zum Nachdenken anregt. Emotional und tiefgründig: Begleite Mika auf seiner Reise, als er versucht, seine eigenen Erinnerungen zurückzugewinnen und dabei die dunklen Geheimnisse des NEURO-Instituts aufdeckt. Eine Geschichte voller Emotionen und unerwarteter Wendungen. Spannende Romanze: Erlebe die zarte Liebesgeschichte zwischen Mika und Lynn, die sich durch gemeinsame Vergangenheit und das Streben nach Wahrheit intensiviert. Eine Beziehung, die zeigt, wie wichtig gemeinsame Erinnerungen sind. Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit wichtigen Themen: Das Buch behandelt sensible Themen wie Depressionen und den Wert von Erinnerungen in einer Weise, die zum Nachdenken anregt und gleichzeitig unterhält. Packend bis zum Schluss: "Memories of Summer" hält die Spannung von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite aufrecht, mit einem Ende, das sowohl zufriedenstellend als auch nachdenklich macht. Eine Geschichte, die lange im Gedächtnis bleibt.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2018

        The sense of early modern writing

        by Mark Robson

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2023

        The break-up of Greater Britain

        by Stuart Ward, Christian Pedersen

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2022

        I want to break free

        by Matt Qvortrup

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2022

        Transitional justice in process

        by Mariam Salehi, Simon Mabon

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2006

        The sense of early modern writing

        by Mark Robson, Rebecca Mortimer

      • Trusted Partner
        Social welfare & social services
        June 2015

        Between two worlds of father politics

        USA or Sweden?

        by Michael Rush

        The essential message of the 'two regimes' model is that the social politics of fatherhood have taken on a global significance and that the USA and Sweden represent two ends of an international continuum of ways of thinking about fatherhood. The key selling points of the two regimes model are its topicality, originality, its global appeal, and its particularised appeal to readers in the USA, the Nordic countries, Great Britain, Ireland, the European Union, Japan and China. The book offers students a comparative analytical framework and new insights into why some welfare states have 'father-friendly' social policies and others do not. The book makes an original contribution to the growing fields of welfare regime and gender studies by linking the epochal decline of patriarchal fatherhood to welfare state expansion over the course of the twentieth century and it raises new questions about the legitimacy of religiously inspired neo-patriarchy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2020

        Neoliberal lives

        by Robert Chernomas, Ian Hudson, Mark Hudson

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