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        January 1982

        Innovation und Technologietransfer.

        Gesamtwirtschaftliche und einzelwirtschaftliche Probleme. Festschrift zum sechzigsten Geburtstag von Herbert Wilhelm.

        by Herausgegeben von Engeleiter, Hans-Joachim; Herausgegeben von Corsten, Hans

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2002



        by Bärbel Reetz

        Wendezeit. Die westdeutsche Chirurgin Dorothea Mayfeld fliegt zu einem Kongreß nach Prag, trifft ihren amerikanischen Kollegen und Geliebten Henry Goldstein und dessen ostdeutschen Freund, Hermann Nehmer, ohne den Goldstein, so erzählt er Dorothea, nicht am Leben wäre. Eine schicksalshafte Beziehung aus NS-Zeit und Krieg, in die auch die Frau sich unversehens hineingezogen fühlt.Aber auch bei ihr durchdringen sich bei der Begegnung mit Nehmer Gegenwart und Vergangenheit, meint sie doch, in einer Déjà-vu-Situation einen Zeitsprung zu erleben und einen längst vergessen Geglaubten zu sehen: Grewe, den geheimnisvollen Geliebten der Mutter, das Skandalon der kleinen Stadt am Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs.Eine Geschichte der Verarbeitung. Verarbeitung von Geschichte und Geschichten. Und eine (Liebes-) Geschichte zwischen zwei Menschen, die sich am Ende verlieren.Bärbel Reetz, geboren 1942, Studium der Germanistik und Anglistik, arbeitet als freie Journalistin und Autorin in Berlin und Kiel. Zuletzt veröffentlichte sie die Biographie Emmy Ball-Hennings. Leben im Vielleicht (st 3240). 1994 erhielt sie für ihre Erzählung Virginia oder die Gleichzeitigkeit den Bettina-von-Arnim-Preis.

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        Martial, Buch VI

        Ein Kommentar

        by Grewing, Farouk

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        August 1998

        Toto notus in orbe

        Perspektiven der Martial-Interpretation

        by Herausgegeben von Grewing, Farouk

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        July 2000

        Lexis und Logos

        Studien zur antiken Grammatik und Rhetorik

        by Ax, Wolfram / Herausgegeben von Grewing, Farouk

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        January 1993


        Eine Jahres-Chronik. Von Günther Gillessen. Unter Mitarbeit von Regine Ebert, Markus Grewe, Ulrike Hellwig, Susanne Hessing, Anja Kaatz, Martina Kaiser, Nicolette Klein, Ulrich Paulus, Mahnas Rassapur-Ebersberger, Imke Schneider, Geoffrey Smith, Karin Vey

        by Günther Gillessen, Franz-Heinrich Hackel, Regine Ebert, Markus Grewe, Ulrike Hellwie, Susanne Hessing, Anja Kaatz, Martina Kaiser, Nicolette Klein, Ulrich Paulus, Mahnas Rassapur-Ebersberger, Imke Schneider, Geoffrey Smith, Karin Vey, Reiner Voß, Stephan Zimmermann

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        Humanities & Social Sciences


        by Wolfgang Büscher

        In the middle of the woods, in the middle of Germany: Wolfgang Büscher‘s fascinating journey into its very core. Night after night, a boy stands at the window of his parents’ house and watches the sun as it disappears from view behind the rolling hills in the west. He roams through the woods with his friends, building wooden shacks which the foresters destroy. It’s the early sixties. Decades later, Wolfgang Büscher makes his childhood dream come true. He moves to the woods and experiences spring, summer and autumn there. An aristocratic family on the border of Hessen and Westphalia where Büscher grew up allows him to stay in a hunting lodge in the middle of the woods, in the middle of Germany.  This is where he puts up his camp bed. He has no electricity or running water. He prepares himself for quiet times alone, chopping wood and making fires, the odd hunting expedition, hiking, a marksmen’s festival, extreme loneliness and a nighttime blackness never seen in the city. The year takes an unexpectedly dramatic turn as storms, heat and plagues of beetles kill half of the woods. And something else happens which turns everything on its head: Büscher’s mother dies that summer, meaning the house he grew up in is left empty, but full of memories. This is a homecoming more existential than he could have imagined. A book far removed from the deafening din of today‘s world. An exploration of a nation, floods of memories and a “sentimental education” all rolled into one - literary, perceptive and overwhelming.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2024

        Rochester and the pursuit of pleasure

        by Larry D Carver

        Rochester and the pursuit of pleasure provides a reading of Rochester's poems, dramatic works, and letters in a biographical context. In doing so, it sheds light on a central vexed issue in Rochester criticism, the relationship of the poet to his speaker. It also reveals that Rochester's work clusters about a central theme, the pursuit of pleasure, a pursuit motivated by a courtship of purity that grew out of Rochester's Christian and God-fearing upbringing. This rhetoric of courtship, in turn, reveals the unity of Rochester's work as the courtier and his various personae try to persuade his audiences, secular and divine, of his worth.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        After the end

        Cold War culture and apocalyptic imaginations in the twenty-first century

        by David L. Pike

        After the End argues that the cultural imaginaries and practices of the Cold War continue to deeply shape the present in profound but largely unnoticed ways across the global North and in the global South. The argument draws examples from literature and literary criticism, film, music, the historical and social scientific record and past and present physical sites to consider the bunker as a material form, an image and as a fantasy that took shape in the global North in the 1960s and that spread globally into the twenty-first century. After the End reminds us not only that most of the world's peoples have lived with or died from apocalyptic conditions for centuries, but that the Cold War imaginaries that grew from and fed those conditions, continue to survive as well.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2012

        Visions of empire

        Patriotism, popular culture and the city, 1870–1939

        by Andrew Thompson, Brad Beaven, John Mackenzie

        The emergence of a vibrant imperial culture in British society from the 1890s both fascinated and appalled contemporaries. It has also consistently provoked controversy among historians. This book offers a ground-breaking perspective on how imperial culture was disseminated. It identifies the important synergies that grew between a new civic culture and the wider imperial project. Beaven shows that the ebb and flow of imperial enthusiasm was shaped through a fusion of local patriotism and a broader imperial identity. Imperial culture was neither generic nor unimportant but was instead multi-layered and recast to capture the concerns of a locality. The book draws on a rich seam of primary sources from three representative English cities. These case studies are considered against an extensive analysis of seminal and current historiography. This renders the book invaluable to those interested in the fields of imperialism, social and cultural history, popular culture, historical geography and urban history. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2017

        Visions of empire

        Patriotism, popular culture and the city, 1870–1939

        by Andrew Thompson, Brad Beaven, John M. MacKenzie

        The emergence of a vibrant imperial culture in British society from the 1890s both fascinated and appalled contemporaries. It has also consistently provoked controversy among historians. This book offers a ground-breaking perspective on how imperial culture was disseminated. It identifies the important synergies that grew between a new civic culture and the wider imperial project. Beaven shows that the ebb and flow of imperial enthusiasm was shaped through a fusion of local patriotism and a broader imperial identity. Imperial culture was neither generic nor unimportant but was instead multi-layered and recast to capture the concerns of a locality. The book draws on a rich seam of primary sources from three representative English cities. These case studies are considered against an extensive analysis of seminal and current historiography. This renders the book invaluable to those interested in the fields of imperialism, social and cultural history, popular culture, historical geography and urban history.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Visions of empire

        Patriotism, popular culture and the city, 1870–1939

        by Brad Beaven

        The emergence of a vibrant imperial culture in British society from the 1890s both fascinated and appalled contemporaries. It has also consistently provoked controversy among historians. This book offers a ground-breaking perspective on how imperial culture was disseminated. It identifies the important synergies that grew between a new civic culture and the wider imperial project. Beaven shows that the ebb and flow of imperial enthusiasm was shaped through a fusion of local patriotism and a broader imperial identity. Imperial culture was neither generic nor unimportant but was instead multi-layered and recast to capture the concerns of a locality. The book draws on a rich seam of primary sources from three representative English cities. These case studies are considered against an extensive analysis of seminal and current historiography. This renders the book invaluable to those interested in the fields of imperialism, social and cultural history, popular culture, historical geography and urban history.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2002

        The rise of the Nazis

        by Conan Fischer, Mark Greengrass

        How and why did the Nazis seize power in Germany? Nearly seventy years on, the question remains heated and important discoveries continue to challenge long standing assumptions. Beginmning with an overview of the historical context within which Nazism grew, looking at the foreign relations, politics and society of Weimar and in particular at the role of the elites in the rise of Nazism. The book questions the anatomy of Nazism itself: What lent Nazi ideology its coherence and credibility? What distinguished the Nazi's programme from their competitors' and how did they project it so effectively? How was Hitler able to put together and fund an organisation so quickly and effectively that it could launch a sustained assault on Weimar? Who supported the Nazis and what were their motives? Where, precisely, does Nazism belong in the history of Europe?. Since the publication of the first edition, important new works have appeared and this new scholarship has been incorporated into the text. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        The Strand

        A biography

        by Geoff Browell, Eileen Chanin

        The first history of one of London's most extraordinary streets. Running along the Thames's northern shore and spanning three-quarters of a mile from Trafalgar Square to Temple Bar, the Strand has been a witness to London's growth and change from the earliest years of the city's existence. In The Strand: A biography, Geoff Browell and Eileen Chanin uncover the deep history of this remarkable street. Tracing its origins in the Roman era, they reveal how it grew in importance as authority shifted from church to aristocracy, then to commerce, media and law. Over time, everything that mattered converged on the Strand: tradition and ceremony clashed with rebellion and destitution. By 1910, the street was known as the 'centre of the world'. Drawing on remarkable archival discoveries, Browell and Chanin present the most complete and compelling history of the Strand ever written. Filled with surprising, untold stories, The Strand: A biography is a must-read for lovers of one of the world's greatest cities.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2013

        Richard Wainwright, the Liberals and Liberal Democrats

        Unfinished business

        by Frances Babbage, Matt Cole

        Richard Wainwright, the Liberals and Liberal Democrats: Unfinished Business now available in paperback, offers new research on familiar themes involving loyalties of politics, faith and locality. Richard Wainwright was a Liberal MP for seventeen years during the Party's recovery, but his life tells us about much more than this. Wainwright grew up in prosperity, but learned from voluntary work about poverty; he refused to fight in World War Two, but saw war at its cruellest; he joined the Liberal Party when most had given up on it, but gave his fortune to it; lost a by-election but caused the only Labour loss in Harold Wilson's landslide of 1966. He then played a key role in the fall of Jeremy Thorpe, the Lib-Lab Pact and the formation of the SDP-Liberal Alliance and the Liberal Democrats; he represented a unique Yorkshire constituency which reflected his pride and hope for society; and though he gave his life to the battle to be in the Commons, he refused a seat in the Lords. Richard Wainwright's story is central to the story of the Liberal Party and sheds light on the reasons for its survival and the state of its prospects. At the same time this book is a parable of politics for anyone who wants to represent an apparently lost cause, who wants to motivate people who have been neglected, and who wants to follow their convictions at the highest level. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2006

        The My Lai massacre in American history and memory

        by Kendrick Oliver

        On 16 March 1968, two US infantry companies entered a Vietnamese village and in the course of a single morning killed over 400 of its unarmed, unresisting inhabitants . . . This is the first book to examine the response of American society to the My Lai massacre and its ambiguous place in American national memory. Kendrick Oliver argues that the massacre revelations left many Americans untroubled. It was only when the soldiers most immediately responsible came to be tried that opposition to the conflict grew, for these prosecutions were regarded by supporters of the war as evidence that the national leaders no longer had the will to do what was necessary to win. Oliver goes on to show that, contrary to interpretations of the Vietnam conflict as an unhealed national trauma or wound, many Americans have assimilated the war and its violence rather too well, and they were able to do so even when that violence was most conspicuous and current. US soldiers have been presented as the conflict's principal victims, and this was true even in the case of My Lai. It was the American perpetrators of the massacre and not the Vietnamese they brutalized who became the central object of popular concern. Both the massacre and its reception reveal the problem of human empathy in conditions of a counter-revolutionary war - a war, moreover, that had always been fought for geopolitical credibility, not for the sake of the Vietnamese. This incisive enquiry into the moral history of the Vietnam war should be essential reading for all students of the conflict, as well as others interested in the war and its cultural legacies. ;

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