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      • Egyptian Office for Publishing & Distribution

        Founded Egyptian Office For Publishing & Distribution in 1992 and until now . our goal is to provide culture for all segments of society and raise the level of public awareness and knowledge and the development of intellectual and creative possibilities for each . Over the past years we have published more than 1,000 cultural educational titles for the whole family through enlist the best authors in Egypt and the Arab world.

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      • Edizioni Sonda

        Italian publishing house born in 1988. Publishing non fiction for adults and children with passion and curiosity.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023

        Golden Mummies of Egypt

        Interpreting identities from the Graeco-Roman period

        by Campbell Price, Julia Thorne

        Golden Mummies of Egypt presents new insights and a rich perspective on beliefs about the afterlife during an era when Egypt was part of the Greek and Roman worlds (c. 300 BCE-200 CE). This beautifully illustrated book, featuring photography by Julia Thorne, accompanies Manchester Museum's first-ever international touring exhibition. Golden Mummies of Egypt is a visually spectacular exhibition that offers visitors unparalleled access to the museum's outstanding collection of Egyptian and Sudanese objects - one of the largest in the UK.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2022

        Ice Song

        by Miriam Körner

        In Miriam Körners "Ice Song" wird die Geschichte der 15-jährigen Emmylou entfaltet, die zunächst widerwillig in Churchill, Kanada, ankommt. Als Ort, der für seine Nähe zu Eisbären bekannt ist, bietet Churchill eine karge und eiskalte Umgebung, die Emmylou zunächst fremd ist. Ihre Sichtweise beginnt sich zu ändern, als sie Barnabas, einen jungen Inuk, trifft, der intensiv seine Schlittenhunde auf das anspruchsvolle Arctic Quest, ein herausforderndes Schlittenhunderennen, vorbereitet. Die Begegnung mit einem bezaubernden Welpen aus dem Rudel weckt nicht nur ihre Zuneigung für die Tiere, sondern auch tiefergehende Gefühle. Der Roman kombiniert Elemente der Romance mit dem aufregenden Kontext des Schlittenhundrennens und bietet Einblicke in die Kultur der Inuit. Durch Körners authentische Darstellung der arktischen Landschaft und die Verwendung ihrer persönlichen Erfahrungen, entsteht eine packende Lektüre, die sowohl bildend als auch unterhaltsam ist. Authentische Darstellung: Bietet fundierte Einblicke in die Inuit-Kultur und das Schlittenhunderennen, angereichert durch die realen Erfahrungen der Autorin. Fesselnde Handlung mit Romance: Verbindet das Abenteuer in der Arktis mit einer jugendlichen Liebesgeschichte, ideal für Leser*innen ab 12 Jahren. Resilienz und Selbstfindung: Inspiriert junge Leser*innen dazu, Herausforderungen zu meistern und sich selbst sowie neue Leidenschaften zu erkunden. Bildungswert: Bietet neben einer fesselnden Story auch wichtige Erkenntnisse über Umweltschutz und traditionelle Lebensweisen. Perfekt für Tier- und Naturfreunde: Ein Muss für junge Leser, die eine Leidenschaft für Tiere, insbesondere Schlittenhunde, und die Natur haben.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2021

        A savage song

        by Margarita Aragon, Aaron Winter

      • Trusted Partner
        Individual composers & musicians, specific bands & groups
        October 2010

        The Beethoven song companion

        by Paul Reid

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        Late Merovingian France

        by Paul Fouracre, Richard A. Gerberding

        This collection of documents in translation brings together the seminal sources for the late Merovingian Frankish kingdom. It inteprets the chronicles and saint's lives rigorously to reveal new insights into the nature and significance of sanctity, power and power relationships. The book makes available a range of 7th- and early 8th-century texts, five of which have never before been translated into English. It opens with a broad-ranging explanation of the historical background to the translated texts and then each source is accompanied by a full commentary and an introductory essay exploring its authorship, language and subject matter. The sources are rich in the detail of Merovingian political life. Their subjects are the powerful in society and they reveal the successful interplay between power and sanctity, a process which came to underpin much of European culture throughout the early Middle Ages.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Marguerite Duras

        by Renate Gunther

        The first book in English to deal exclusively with Duras' cinema, including such films as India Song, Le Camion, and Nathalie Granger. Provides a lucid and stimulating introduction to her films, which is accessible to a wide readerhip, both specialist and non-specialist.. Locates the films in their autobiographical as well as social and historical context, making the book broadly interesting to students and teachers in all areas of French Studies.. The book's empahasis on gender issues widens it's appeal to include those working in Women's Studies, Gender Studies and Gay and Lesbian Studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Ordering Africa

        Anthropology, European imperialism and the politics of knowledge

        by Helen Tilley, Robert Gordon

        African research played a major role in transforming the discipline of anthropology in the twentieth century. Ethnographic studies, in turn, had significant effects on the way imperial powers in Africa approached subject peoples. Ordering Africa provides the first comparative history of these processes. With essays exploring metropolitan research institutes, Africans as ethnographers, the transnational features of knowledge production, and the relationship between anthropology and colonial administration, this volume both consolidates and extends a range of new research questions focusing on the politics of imperial knowledge. Specific chapters examine French West Africa, the Belgian and French Congo, the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Italian Northeast Africa, Kenya, and Equatorial Africa (Gabon) as well as developments in Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. A major collection of essays that will be welcomed by scholars interested in imperial history and the history of Africa.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2009

        Aufstieg und Abstieg der Seele

        Diesseitigkeit und Jenseitigkeit in Plotins Ethik der Sorge

        by Song, Euree

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        Im Garten der Zeit

        Eine Phantasiereise zum Ausmalen

        by Illustriert von Song, Daria

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        February 1993

        Optimale Handelspolitik unter verschiedenen Wettbewerbsbedingungen.

        Eine partialanalytische Untersuchung.

        by Park, Sung-Hoon

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1990

        Rechtfertigung von Sonderabgaben.

        Ein Beitrag zum Sonderabgabenrecht nach deutschem und koreanischem Recht.

        by Kim, Sung-Soo

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Cairo collages

        by Mona Abaza

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