2024 Frankfurt Invitation Programme
Have a look at this compilation of titles from independent publishers from Africa, the Arab world, Asia and Latin America.
View Rights PortalHave a look at this compilation of titles from independent publishers from Africa, the Arab world, Asia and Latin America.
View Rights PortalEin literarischer Begleiter durch das Jahr: Der Insel-Kalender 2024 versammelt wie jedes Jahr Gedanken, Geschichten und Gedichte Hermann Hesses über das Leben und den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten. Mit einem Kalendarium, das Raum bietet für eigene Notizen und neben Geburtstagen wichtiger Autorinnen und Autoren auch die Mondphasen verzeichnet. Im Anhang finden sich ein Übersichtskalender der Jahre 2024 und 2025, eine Tabelle der Schulferien sowie ein Adress- und ein Telefonverzeichnis. Lassen Sie sich von diesem wunderbaren Band durchs Jahr begleiten.
Das handliche CalenDarium mit Hermann Hesses farbenfrohen Kleinaquarellen auf den Frontseiten bringt für das Jahr 2024 auf den Rückseiten eine Auswahl von Gedanken des Autors über den Eigensinn: In Prosa und mit farbigen Reproduktionen seiner Aquarelle enthält dieses CalenDarium viel von dem, was die Eigenart und den unverwechselbaren Reiz der zwölf Monate ausmacht.
Hermann Hesses expressionistisch-farbenfrohe Aquarelle sind mittlerweile zu einem begehrten Objekt für Sammler und Kunstfreunde in aller Welt geworden. Aus dem Fundus von mehr als 2000 Bildern, in denen der Autor und Maler seine Tessiner Wahlheimat dargestellt hat, zeigt dieser Kalender dreizehn Aquarelle sowie Stellungnahmen zum Thema Krieg und Frieden.
Das handliche CalenDarium mit Hermann Hesses farbenfrohen Kleinaquarellen auf den Frontseiten bringt für das Jahr 2024 auf den Rückseiten eine Auswahl von Gedanken des Autors über den Eigensinn: In Prosa und mit farbigen Reproduktionen seiner Aquarelle enthält dieses CalenDarium viel von dem, was die Eigenart und den unverwechselbaren Reiz der zwölf Monate ausmacht.
15 packende Geschichten für kleine Fußballfans, deren Herz fürs Kicken schlägt. In diesem Sammelband stecken viele spannende Fußball-Abenteuer, kleine und große Geschichten, die zwischen Anpfiff und Elfmeterschießen, zwischen Fußballtraum und Pokalsieg spielen. Benno, der von allen „Superkicker“ genannt wird, muss heute einfach ins Tor treffen, egal wie. Denn das Derby gegen Fortuna Bockshorn ist schon zu oft schlecht für seine Mannschaft ausgegangen. Werden sie es diesmal schaffen zu gewinnen? Mit dem Glücksbringer von Lena könnte es vielleicht klappen. Auch Paul hat für seine Lieblingsmannschaft einen Glücksbringer – so gehört es sich schließlich als echter Fan. Und einige tausend Kilometer weit entfernt hat Samuel ganz andere Sorgen: Soll er erfolgreicher Fußballstar in Europa werden oder lieber zu Hause bei seiner Familie bleiben? Tooor! Die 15 treffsichersten Fußballgeschichten passend zur Fußball-EM 2024 in Deutschland. Du spielst Fußball für dein Leben gern und freust dich schon auf die EM 2024? Dann werden die Fußball-Abenteuer in diesem Sammelband deine Vorfreude noch ein bisschen größer machen. Ob Nachwuchs-Torhüter*in oder Dribbelstar, ob du in der Verteidigung spielst oder zum flinken Sturm zählst – hier findet jeder kleine Fußballfan ab 4 Jahren seine Lieblingsgeschichte. Fast 100 Seiten Fußball-Stories zum Vorlesen und Mitfiebern oder zum ersten Selberlesen. Von Rüdiger Bertram, dem Erfinder der lustigen Comicserien „Coolman und ich“ und „Die Jungs vom S.W.A.P.“.
The author reveals structural problems and offers solutions – an urgently necessary book, not least with a view to the acute shortage of skilled workers 450,000 migrant workers toll on German construction sites, work in sometimes inhumane conditions in meat factories or as truck drivers, and let’s not forget the hordes of cleaners in German hotels and companies. They are systematically exploited and cheated out of their wages. Sascha Lübbe exposes the octopus-like network of partly criminal companies in a shadowy world where the boundary between the legal and the illegal is blurred. In his evocative book with interviews with those aff ected, he reveals how a parallel system has established itself in the German working world, but also how those affected resist.
The image many people have of depression is devastating - a chronic condition that leaves not only the sufferer but also their loved ones at a loss. Unfortunately, psychotherapies often focus on deficits rather than individual strengths and resources. Although this makes patients feel understood, there is a risk that they will become stuck in the role of victim. But what about those who seem to be functioning normally, those who masterfully hide their depression behind a smile? High-functioning depression" is often overlooked because people affected by it have good coping strategies to deal with everyday life. In this groundbreaking book, Dr Michelle Hildebrandt, a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, shows how high-functioning depression can be recognised and how resource-oriented therapy can help not only those affected, but also other people with depression and their relatives. This book broadens the picture of depression and creates a space of hope.
The dream of the ideal city is as old as the city itself. Since real cities often develop chaotically, the idea of perfecting them, even tearing them down if necessary, and rebuilding them according to the prevailing patterns of thought is an obvious one. The latest manifestation of this utopia is the smart city - the intelligent city, packed with the latest technology and extensively digitised. But will air taxis and hyperloops, ubiquitous sensors, access control systems and data-driven management really make the city of the future a better place to live? Are they the answer to the enormous challenges facing today's fast-growing metropolises? Or will the supposed administrative paradise ultimately mutate into a digital juggernaut?
The phenomenon of anti-scientific disinformation has been discussed in the recent past under the acronym FLICC (Fake experts, Logical fallacies, Impossible expectations, Cherry-picking and Conspiracy theories), especially as it pertains to the topic of climate change. What is generally missing however is a more comprehensive consideration of science denial in diff erent disciplines with a critical examination of the central arguments and a comparison of the parallels. Holm Gero Hümmler dedicates himself to this task in this readable and fact-orientated book on topics such as genetic engineering, mobile phone networks, radioactivity, and chips that are implanted under the skin for medical reasons.
"Sex sells" also applies to evolution. Without sex, there is no genetic variation, and without genetic variation, there is no natural selection and evolution. When it comes to sex and reproduction, all animals have things in common, but there are also many variations. In this game of the sexes, everything revolves around the conflicts of interest between females and males, the diversity of mating systems, matriarchal and patriarchal communities and the securing of paternity, whether through beauty, song and dance or violence.
"Rescue” has two fundamentally different “existential” dimensions. One is aimed at “saving” individual lives that are in danger. Firefighters, for instance, rescue people from fires, while the sea rescue services rescue shipwrecked people from the Mediterranean. The second dimension of “rescue”, on the other hand, concerns systems – think of the bailing out of banks, the euro or the climate disaster – and so points to a larger context that creates the conditions for “life” to even be possible, or at least to be preserved. The complex subject of this stringent essay is just to what extent politics enable or prevent “rescue attempts”, to what extent it understands its actions as “rescue actions”, and how decisively the “narrative”, i.e. the “talk of rescue”, ultimately dominates our entire understanding of politics.
Consumers stand perplexed at the fish counter. Cod or salmon; mackerel or sea bass? Or perhaps rather carp and trout? How about flounder and dab? Dab what? A terrific flatfish, but sadly hardly anyone has heard of it. And what was it again about organic, aquaculture, wild-caught, and that little blue sustainability certificate? Is catching your own a way out? Before you start thinking it’s time to opt for a chop and fried potatoes instead, read this book. It provides readers with deep blue facts from the world’s waters and analyses the global and local habitat of the finned creature.
Make it simple! The pharmacy can do more than just provide medicines. In this book, two smart authors show what ideas are out there for pharmacy services and how they can be offered. This involves much more than just the pharmaceutical services that are paid for. Digitalisation makes many things possible. Optimised operational processes, broad knowledge and skills become further services that offer good opportunities for the on-site pharmacy. Here you can read about • what contemporary services are available, how they can be introduced, and what they should cost, • why telemedicine and appointment booking software can be helpful strategies, and • how pharmacies can effectively counter the mail-order trade. From the content: pharmaceutical counselling in and outside the pharmacy on health topics, prevention and medicinal products, services for specific target groups, distributing and blistering, vaccination, determination of physiological values and much more.
Ready for telepharmacy? Digitalisation is not only increasingly influencing our private lives, it is also playing an ever greater role in the healthcare sector. For example, digitalisation in the form of telepharmacy can significantly improve comprehensive patient care. This book shows how telepharmacy makes it possible to tap into new target groups and thus strengthen brick-and-mortar pharmacies. In addition, it suggests a wide range of possible ways of implementation, from individual patient consultations to telepharmaceutical lectures. In addition to the opportunities offered by telepharmacy, the authors also discuss • how telepharmaceutical services can be integrated into existing workflows, • how telepharmacy can enable employees to work from home, and • which technical and legal aspects need to be considered, especially regarding data protection. Telepharmacy can be used to expand the pharmacy‘s digital offering. Practical examples and checklists make it easier to get started.
Many would agree that we are living in one of humanity’s most permissive times. Sex seems to be available anywhere, anytime. These developments can lead to the conclusion that we are all having all the sex we want today. In fact, though, a number of international studies have shown in recent years that our mobile phone and pornography consumption in particular, as well as women’s empowerment, have led to a decrease rather than an increase in sexuality. In her entertaining book, Juliane Burghardt analyses and evaluates the situation in our bedrooms.
For prospective pharmaceutical sales assistant professionals! With an exam around the corner, the key question is how to cope with all the content to be learned. Whether for the intermediate or final exam: this flashcard box is the ultimate learning companion for the entire training period. Two hundred flashcards • are colour-coded into the different learning fields of the training course, • summarise the most important learning content, and • are based on real examination tasks. The solutions on the back of the cards can be used to check learning success immediately. Supplementary information from the author contributes to better understanding. Efficient learning in the shortest possible time has never been easier. Nothing stands in the way of a successful career as a pharmaceutical sales assistant!
It‘s a match?! The interaction check plays a key role when it comes to drug therapy safety. These index cards offer a way of keeping track and familiarising yourself with a wide variety of active ingredient combinations. The standardised structure of the case studies helps you learn • to understand the mechanism of interaction, • to assess the clinical relevance, and • to implement any necessary measures. The 2nd edition has not only been updated, but also expanded to include new cases. Thanks to a handy booklet, users can refer quickly to the theoretical principles.
The political era of media entrepreneur and multi-billionaire Silvio Berlusconi began in 1994. German journalist Michaela Namuth also arrived in Rome at that time. He became prime minister, she became a freelance correspondent for various newspapers. She spent the long period of his government with him. During this time, the populist Berlusconi not only paved the way for a far-right government, he was also an ice-breaker for other right-wing populists in Europe and elsewhere. What else happened during and after Berlusconi's time in power is told in 20 chapters of articles, reports and interviews. The result is a colourful mosaic of contemporary Italy. It is about publishing, design, crime fiction, the mafia, a women's factory, the south and Nutella. Under Berlusconi, the country has changed. Many speak of “Berlusconisation”, by which they mean the gradual weakening of democracy. It is a critical book, but also a declaration of love to a contradictory country whose name still has a special ring to many ears.
Nursing is sick and lacking. In funding, staff and structure. The issue of who is going to care for Germany's elderly and sick in the future, and how and where they are going to do so, is completely open. One thing is certain: caring won’t work at all without the “joint commitment of everyone”. Thomas Klie, an expert in this fi eld, identifi es and analyses the dilemmas of the care industry. Above all, though, he and other experts present ideas and perspectives for the future – and in doing so challenge the hitherto half-hearted to lurching care policy.
“Well, that’s football for you!” – football-related conventional wisdom when there’s nothing left to explain after a lucky win or unlucky defeat. But Jörg Heinrich, the renowned football journalist, is not satisfied with this platitude. “Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda”: in the 25 essays in this ball-smart book, bursting with esprit and wit, Jörg Heinrich addresses questions and topics that have never even been considered before, never mind answered. Such as: “What if Günter Netzer had not come on as a substitute in 1973?”, or “if Birgit Prinz had aimed better in the 1995 World Cup?”. “What if Mario Basler had been a non-smoker in 1999”, or “if SC Freiburg had fired their coach Christian Streich after relegation in 2015?”.