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Trusted PartnerJanuary 1999
Superfit und einfach schön
So fühlst du dich rundum gut
by Busch, Sonja / Illustriert von Drinnenberg, Julia
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Trusted PartnerApril 1999
Venezianische Epigramme
Eigenhändige Niederschriften, Transkription und Kommentar
by Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Rosalinde Gothe, Jochen Golz
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Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesJuly 2015
Monsters and the poetic imagination in The Faerie Queene
by Maik Goth
Trusted PartnerJune 2016
Der aufgehobene ausländische Schiedsspruch als »rechtliches nullum«?
Eine kritische Analyse auf der Grundlage des Verfassungs- und Völkerrechts.
by Boor, Felix
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2021
Early medieval militarisation
by Ellora Bennett, Guido M. Berndt, Stefan Esders, Laury Sarti
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesMarch 2019
Monsters and the poetic imagination in The Faerie Queene
by Maik Goth, J. B. Lethbridge
Trusted Partner1989
Neu anfangen
Ratgeber für ein aktives Leben nach dem Beruf
by Massow, Martin; Lehr, Ursula; Boor, Ulrich
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2002
The Swiss Reformation
The Swiss Reformation
by Bruce Gordon, Mark Greengrass
The Swiss Reformation was a seminal event of the sixteenth century which created a Protestant culture whose influence spread across Europe from Transylvania to Scotland. Offers the first comprehensive study of the Swiss Reformation and argues that the movement must be understood in terms of the historical evolution of the Swiss Confederation, its unique and fluid structures, the legacy of the mercenary trade, the distinctive character of Swiss theology, the powerful influence of Renaissance humanism, and, most decisively, the roles played by the dominant figures, Huldrych Zwingli and Heinrich Bullinger. Marked by astounding creative energy, incendiary preaching, burning political passions, peasant revolts, and breath-taking scholarship, as well as by painful divisions, civil war, executions and dashed hopes, the story of the Swiss Reformation is told with extensive use of primary sources. Explores the narrative of events before turning to consider themes such as the radical opposition, church and community, daily life in the Confederation, cultural achievements and the Swiss place in the wider European Reformation world. ;
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesOctober 2011
Servants of the empire
The Irish in Punjab 1881–1921
by Patrick O'Leary, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie
Punjab, 'the pride of British India', attracted the cream of the Indian Civil Service, many of the most influential of whom were Irish. Some of these men, along with Irish viceroys, were inspired by their Irish backgrounds to ensure security of tenure for the Punjabi peasant, besides developing vast irrigation schemes which resulted in the province becoming India's most affluent. But similar inspiration contributed to the severity of measures taken against Indian nationalist dissent, culminating in the Amritsar massacre which so catastrophically transformed politics on the sub-continent. Setting the experiences of Irish public servants in Punjab in the context of the Irish diaspora and of linked agrarian problems in Ireland and India, this book descrides the beneficial effects the Irish had on the prosperity of India's most volatile province. Alongside the baleful contribution of some towards a growing Indian antipathy towards British rule. Links are established between policies pursued by Irishmen of the Victorian era and current happenings on the Pakistan-Afghan border and in Punjab. ;