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Get Fresh Books Publishing
Get Fresh Books Publishing is a non-profit, cooperative press devoted to amplifying diverse voices in poetry and making the publication process accessible to marginalized communities. Our primary objective is to provide opportunities for underrepresented voices by eliminating economic and societal barriers, such as submission fees and contests, which may inhibit marginalized voices from contributing to the literary conversation. As a cooperative press, we encourage manuscript submissions from BIPOC, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities and people living with mental illnesses. By doing so, we explicitly reject any “ism” or phobia which seeks to suppress the voices of those who receive insufficient or inadequate representation in literature. In the four short years of our founding, we have been able to preserve our commitment to diversity and inclusivity by publishing the work of 12 talented and distinct poets, whose poetry cover a wide range of topics from ethnicity, sexuality and religion to immigration, suicide and discrimination. Our press’s cooperative process of integrating the ideas and skills of our poets, editors and publisher have given us the ability to bring fresh and diverse voices into the literary world. With the help of donations, grants and private investments, we have been able to publish each literary work without charging a single submission fee to ensure that poets and writers of all ages, ethnicities, sexual orientations, abilities, and economic statuses would have their voices heard.
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Promoted ContentApril 2000
Mehr Power und Erfolg mit den Fünf "Tibetern"®
Dynamische Übungen zur Steigerung von Energie und Leistungskraft
by Gruber, Fredy
Promoted ContentMarch 1995
Auskunftshaftung nach deutschem und englischem Recht.
Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung der dogmatischen Grundlagen der Haftung gegenüber Dritten für fahrlässig verursachte primäre Vermögensschäden.
by Müller, Fredy
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Children's & YAHohoho, Here Comes Father Christmas!
by Katja Richert/Denitza Gruber
Soon it’ll be Christmas! It’s time to load the sleigh with presents, thinks the reindeer. But Father Christmas wants to decorate his house first, and build a snowman, and have a nice cup of tea. Then suddenly it’s almost too late! All his friends must help, so that children can get their presents on time.
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Literature & Literary StudiesNovember 2001Les Murray
by Steven Matthews, John Thieme
Les Murray is amongst the most gifted poets writing today, his multi-faceted talents have received high praise both in his native Australia and beyond. But he has also proved a controversial figure, whose poetry strays across the boundaries of political and cultural debate. The only full critical study of Murray's work available, Steven Matthews provides a complete picture of his career to date, from its early parables of national emergence to the working man's epic encounter with the major events of the twentieth century, Fredy Neptune. Provides detailed readings of key poems, as well as literary and cultural contexts for the rapid shifts in style and subject matter Murray has made from collection to collection. Gives an overview of Murray's place within Australian literature and national thought. ;
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June 2002Geldwertschwankungen und handelsrechtliche Verträge in Deutschland und Frankreich.
Bestandsaufnahme und Aussichten für das europäische Währungs- und Privatrecht.
by Gruber, Georg
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April 1998Freiheitsschutz als ein Zweck des Deliktsrechts.
Versuch einer methodengerechten Begründung.
by Gruber, Markus
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January 2018Das kleine Kaninchen entdeckt die Welt. Mein Fühl- und Streichelbuch
by Gruber, Denitza
Die kleine Kaninchengeschichte mit den großartigen Fühleffekten bringt Kinder zum Staunen! Wen trifft das Kaninchen auf der Blumenwiese? Den glitzernden Schmetterling. Wer schwimmt im Teich? Die Entenküken mit ihren flauschigen Federn. Und auf dem Bauernhof? Auch dort warten Überraschungen für die Sinne.
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August 2018Radikal-reformatorische Themen im Bild
Druckgrafiken der Reformationszeit (1520–1560)
by Christiane Gruber
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August 2018Die ÖPNV-Abgabe.
Rechtliche Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Umlagefinanzierung des Öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs.
by Gruber, Denise
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May 1995Mozart
Leben und Werk in Texten und Bildern
by Gernot Gruber
Ein Mozart-Buch, das nicht nur die biographischen Blickwinkel offenlegt, sondern auch die Musikgeschichte, die Politik, die Geistes- und Kulturgeschichte jener fünfunddreißig Jahre berücksichtigt, die das Leben von Mozart währte. Ein ausführlicher Essay zeigt Mozarts Wirkung auf die Zeitgenossen bis in die Gegenwart.
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Geschundene Gefährten
Über Irrwege in der Rassezucht und unsere Verantwortung für Hund und Katze
by Gruber, Achim
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