Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Evan-Moor is an award-winning educational publisher based in the U.S. We support parents and educators with resources that develop important academic and life skills for children.
View Rights PortalEvan-Moor is an award-winning educational publisher based in the U.S. We support parents and educators with resources that develop important academic and life skills for children.
View Rights PortalA. T. Moore's thorough commentary on "Love's Sacrifice" is designed to be of use to all kinds of readers, from students of Early Modern drama to specialists in the field. The notes provide full explanations of obscure words and phrases, and offer analyzes of many aspects of staging and interpretation. The text for this edition is based on a fresh study of the quarto of 1633, the only authoritative early text. In his introduction to the play, Moore reappraises the evidence for the play's date of composition. He also looks at the circumstances of the play's genesis, presenting detailed discussions of both the theater where "Love's Sacrifice" was first performed and the acting company for which it was written. Arguing that Ford's adaptation of his source materials is the key to interpreting this remarkably allusive play, Moore provides a wealth of new information about Ford's sources.The introduction also includes a survey of critical responses, an overview of the play, stage history, and a bibliography of relevant secondary material. This new volume in the "Revels Plays" series is the most detailed and comprehensive edition of "Love's Sacrifice" ever published - and the first modern-spelling edition of Ford's tragedy in more than a century. The play's textual history is discussed in an appendix. A second appendix examines possible links between "Love's Sacrifice" and the real-life story of the murdered Italian prince and musician Carlo Gesualdo. ;
»Poison Artist ist eine elektrisierende Lektüre, die sich von Schock zu Schock steigert. Ich habe die letzten 100 Seiten in einem Rutsch gelesen. Das letzte Kapitel ist ein absoluter Knaller. Ich habe seit Roter Drache nichts so Furchterregendes mehr gelesen.« Stephen King Der brillante Toxikologe Caleb Maddox lernt in einer Bar die verführerische Emmeline kennen. Sie flüstert ihm beim Absinth etwas zu, bekommt sein Blut an ihre Finger und streift dann zum Abschied mit ihren Lippen sein Ohr. Er muss sie wiedersehen ... Auf der Suche nach ihr wird Caleb von der Gerichtsmedizin San Francisco um seine Expertise gebeten, denn aus der Bay werden immer mehr Männer geborgen, die unter unbeschreiblichen Schmerzen gestorben sein müssen. Die Suche nach dem Mörder verschränkt sich bald mit Calebs Jagd nach Emmeline, und je näher er beiden kommt, desto gefährlicher wird es für ihn ...
This book provides an important intervention into social reproduction theory and the politics of water. Presenting an incorporated comparison, it analyses the conjuncture following the 2007 financial crisis through the lens of water expropriation and resistance. This brings into view the way that transnational capital has made use of and been facilitated by the strategic selectivities of both the Irish and the Australian state, as well as the particular class formations that emerged in resistance to such water grabs. What is revealed is a crisis-ridden system that is marked by increasing reproductive unrest - class understood through the lens of social reproduction theory. As an important analysis of two significant water struggles, the book makes a compelling argument for integrating the study of social movements within critical political economy.