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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2010

        British politics today: Essentials

        6th Edition

        by Bill Jones, Bill Jones, Dennis Kavanagh

        Short, yet comprehensive. Completely up to date. Great value for money textbook by two established scholars . ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2003

        British politics today

        7th edition

        by Bill Jones, Bill Jones, Dennis Kavanagh, Caroline Wilding

        A short but comprehensive textbook for students of British politics which interprets changes over the last thirty years and analyses institutions within the context of British society and economics. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2023

        Poison on the early modern English stage

        Plants, paints and potions

        by Lisa Hopkins, Bill Angus

        Many early modern plays use poison, most famously Hamlet, where the murder of Old Hamlet showcases the range of issues poison mobilises. Its orchard setting is one of a number of sinister uses of plants which comment on both the loss of horticultural knowledge resulting from the Dissolution of the Monasteries and also the many new arrivals in English gardens through travel, trade, and attempts at colonisation. The fact that Old Hamlet was asleep reflects unease about soporifics troubling the distinction between sleep and death; pouring poison into the ear smuggles in the contemporary fear of informers; and it is difficult to prove. This book explores poisoning in early modern plays, the legal and epistemological issues it raises, and the cultural work it performs, which includes questions related to race, religion, nationality, gender, and humans' relationship to the environment.

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        Richtig wütend

        Vom Umgang mit einem explosiven Gefühl

        by Lee, John; Stott, Bill / Englisch Zybak, Maria

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2007

        Interiors of empire

        Objects, space and identity within the Indian Subcontinent, c. 1800–1947

        by Robin Jones, Christopher Breward, Bill Sherman, Alan Rutter

        Interiors of Empire uses the methods of design history and material culture studies to analyse the domestic and public interiors of the British and local middle class during the heyday of the British Raj. It contrasts representations of that space within contemporary discourse with analysis of historical evidence, the varying uses of such space, and relevant social practices. Through detailed discussion of these texts, spaces, objects and practices, this study locates the domestic interiors and public spaces of empire in the history of the British colonisation of India. The book discusses the imagined barrier of the domestic against the local environment, the intrusions of the local and the effects of this on the British in India, and assesses the gradual westernisation of domestic and public spaces of empire. This work will be of interest to students and scholars of design history, material culture and colonial history. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2005

        Parliament today

        by Michael Rush, Bill Jones

        'Parliament Today' is an up-to-date textbook, explaining Parliament's historical and constitutional context but focusing on how it operates in modern Britain and how it might be reformed. It looks at parliamentary government in theory and practice, drawing widely on academic research and making extensive use of Parliament's own records. Themes and concepts are illustrated by historical, recent and contemporary examples. Where appropriate, comparisons are made with practice in other countries. Parliament is treated as a single political institution, at the same time drawing out the similarities and differences between Commons and Lords. Boxes set out themes and concepts, figures illustrate the physical layout and tables provide detailed information on Parliament's operation. 'Parliament Today' is intended for students of politics from A-level to final year undergraduates, but also for anyone interested in what Parliament does and how it works. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2006

        Devolution in Britain today

        Second edition

        by Russell Deacon, Bill Jones

        Devolution in Britain today provides a comprehensive analysis of both the historical development and the current state of devolved government. Devolution is now a key element in A-level syllabuses and on most undergraduate politics courses. This book is written in a clear and accessible style for students either encountering devolution for the first time or for those who need to explore the subject area in greater detail. All of the devolved bodies in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are examined. This book is a thorough update of the first edition, written by Colin Pilkington and published by MUP in 2002. The book explains the concept and background of devolution, and indicates the constitutional implications of political devolution in the United Kingdom before providing a full and considered historical background to devolution, including an explanation of how the United Kingdom came to be united. It then examines the historical and political events that surrounded the preparation of devolution across Britain, before addressing each country in turn, assessing the relative success of devolution in that country. ;

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        The Arts
        November 2013

        Surface tensions

        Surface, finish and the meaning of objects

        by Christopher Breward, Glenn Adamson, Victoria Kelley, Bill Sherman

        Surfaces are often held to be of lesser consequence than 'deeper' or more 'substantive' aspects of artworks and objects. Yet it is also possible to conceive of the surface in more positive terms: as a site where complex forces meet. Surfaces can be theorized as membranes, protective shells, sensitive skins, even thicknesses in their own right. The surface is not so much a barrier to content as an opportunity for encounter: in new objects, the surface is the site of qualities of finish, texture, the site of tactile interaction, the last point of contact between object and maker, and the first point of contact between object and user. Surface tensions includes sixteen essays that explore this theoretically uncharted terrain. The subjects range widely: domestic maintenance; avant-garde fashion; the faking of antiques; postmodern architecture and design; contemporary film costume. Of particular emphasis within the volume are textiles, which are among the most complex and culturally rich materialisations of surface. As a whole, the book provides insights into the whole lifecycle of objects, not just their condition when new. ;

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        October 2021

        The Dating Game

        by Kathy Tailor, Moon Notes

        Tilda findet sich widerwillig in der verrückten Welt der Reality-TV-Dating-Shows wieder, als sie ihrer Zwillingsschwester Maxime einen großen Gefallen tut. Maxime, die sich unerwartet in den charmanten Junggesellen Florian während ihrer Teilnahme an "The Dating Game" in Portugal verliebt hat, muss überraschend zurück nach Deutschland und überredet Tilda, in der Show ihre Rolle einzunehmen und Florian für sich zu gewinnen. Trotz ihrer anfänglichen Abneigung gegen das Vorhaben – und dem Fakt, dass sie ihr Jurastudium und den Job in einer Kneipe hat – lässt Tilda sich auf das Abenteuer ein, getrieben von der Enttäuschung über ihren Mitbewohner Nik, mit dem sie eine leidenschaftliche Nacht verbracht hat, der nun jedoch andere Frauen datet. Die Teilnahme an der Show entpuppt sich als ein Spießrutenlauf voller Täuschungen und Emotionen, vor allem, da Tilda ständig in Gefahr läuft, enttarnt zu werden – nicht zuletzt durch den aufmerksamen Kameramann Ben, der ihr Lügengerüst gefährlich ins Wanken bringt. Während sie versucht, Florian zu umgarnen, findet Tilda sich in einem Wirbel aus Gefühlen, Lügen und der bedrohlichen Nähe der ständigen Überwachung durch Kameras wieder. Die Herausforderung, sich als ihre Schwester auszugeben, führt sie nicht nur zu unerwarteten Einsichten über sich selbst und das, was sie wirklich vom Leben will, sondern stellt auch ihre Gefühle, ihre Werte und letztlich ihre Entscheidungen über Liebe und Loyalität auf die Probe. Turbulente emotionale Achterbahnfahrt, die Tilda vor die Herausforderung stellt, ihre Identität zu verbergen, während sie von Kameras umgeben ist und ständig Gefahr läuft, entlarvt zu werden. Tauche ein in die Welt des Reality-TV, wo Tilda nicht nur mit der Aufgabe kämpft, Florian für sich zu gewinnen, sondern auch mit ihren eigenen Gefühlen und der Enttäuschung über ihren Mitbewohner Nik konfrontiert wird. Geschichte voller Humor, Herz und der Suche nach der wahren Liebe, die zeigt, wie weit man für Geschwister und für die Chance auf Glück zu gehen bereit ist. Entdecke in diesem romantischen New-Adult-Liebesroman wie Tilda durch ihre Teilnahme an der Show wichtige Erkenntnisse über sich selbst, das Leben und die Liebe gewinnt, während sie versucht, das Lügengerüst vor dem kritischen Blick des Kameramanns Ben zu schützen.

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