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      • Suug Productions

        Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel Was wir machen Das Internet sollte Zugang zu Wissen organisieren und ist ein Werkzeug zum Austausch von Ideen, Visionen und Lösungen. – Suug Productions kreiert Projekte mit Sinn – und dem Anspruch, die Welt durch neue und ungewöhnliche Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel zu einem etwas reizvolleren Ort zu machen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 1985

        A Christmas Carol in Prose

        Ein Weihnachtslied in Prosa

        by Dickens, Charles; Raykowski, Harald

        Bitte überprüfen Sie bei Ihrer Anfrage, ob die gewählte Übersetzung von dem/der hier genannten Übersetzer/in erstellt worden ist.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 1997


        Revised Edition

        by Michael Swanton

        New, up-to-date bibliography which should give this edition another twenty years of life.. Excellent, scholarly introduction which focusses on the values and social relevance of the poem.. Explanatory notes drawing on archaeological sources.. Prose translation. ;

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        October 2007

        Poésies. Poèmes en prose. Gedichte. Gedichte in Prosa

        by Stéphane Mallarmé, Rüdiger Görner, Rüdiger Görner

        Die schönsten Gedichte von Mallarmé in repräsentativer Auswahl und in einer zweisprachiger Ausgabe.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Columbus, the Discarded Explorer

        Disaster of the legendary sailor

        by Wolfgang Wissler

        There he stands, the man the whole of Spain cheered, before whom the most catholic regents Isabella and Ferdinand rose to their feet, his eyes on his ship Capitana, devoured by shipworm, stranded off Jamaica. Some of the crew mutiny, the locals can no longer be fobbed off with glass beads, the Spanish on the nearby island of Hispaniola do not help, the world doesn‘t want anything to do with him, the demanding whinger. He, Christopher Columbus, is a John Lackland, a king without land, a conqueror without conquest. Between fiction and historical truth, Wolfgang Wissler recounts the legendary sailor‘s last expedition in an entirely new way – and what a story it is!

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        Humanities & Social Sciences


        by Wolfgang Büscher

        In the middle of the woods, in the middle of Germany: Wolfgang Büscher‘s fascinating journey into its very core. Night after night, a boy stands at the window of his parents’ house and watches the sun as it disappears from view behind the rolling hills in the west. He roams through the woods with his friends, building wooden shacks which the foresters destroy. It’s the early sixties. Decades later, Wolfgang Büscher makes his childhood dream come true. He moves to the woods and experiences spring, summer and autumn there. An aristocratic family on the border of Hessen and Westphalia where Büscher grew up allows him to stay in a hunting lodge in the middle of the woods, in the middle of Germany.  This is where he puts up his camp bed. He has no electricity or running water. He prepares himself for quiet times alone, chopping wood and making fires, the odd hunting expedition, hiking, a marksmen’s festival, extreme loneliness and a nighttime blackness never seen in the city. The year takes an unexpectedly dramatic turn as storms, heat and plagues of beetles kill half of the woods. And something else happens which turns everything on its head: Büscher’s mother dies that summer, meaning the house he grew up in is left empty, but full of memories. This is a homecoming more existential than he could have imagined. A book far removed from the deafening din of today‘s world. An exploration of a nation, floods of memories and a “sentimental education” all rolled into one - literary, perceptive and overwhelming.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2010

        Writing for Art

        The aesthetics of ekphrasis

        by Stephen Cheeke

        Writing for art is a concise introduction to the subject of ekphrasis, and the first study to offer a useful general survey of the larger philosophical and theoretical questions arising from the encounter of literary texts and artworks. Stephen Cheeke offers close readings of poems and prose from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries alongside a generous amount of illustrations, covering a broad range of writing and theory about the relation of literary texts to the visual arts, and extending the subject of ekphrasis to include literary works on photography, as well as celebrated prose descriptions of artworks. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2024

        The Wigmaker of Königsberg

        A difficult friendship with Immanuel Kant

        by Michael Lichtwarck-Aschoff

        It is said that all the ladies in Königsberg had a crush on Kant. How one coifs one’s intellectual giants, one’s occidental luminaries. Although at the time, Kant employed a Huguenot wigmaker to style his hair. Of whom not much is known. Except that he would have liked to get rid of the wigs and replace them with a short back and sides. And that he tried to comply practically with the idea of enlightenment. But with Kant’s sentences the great philosopher only ever addressed the enlightenment-driven rulers of Europe, and never the people of Africa, whose diff erent skin colour alone proved to Kant that they could not reach a higher level of civilisation on their own. But he and Kant only really fell out seriously over Esther, the pleasing and seductive maid...

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2009

        Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit and Euphues and His England John Lyly

        An annotated, modern-spelling edition

        by Paul Edmondson, Martin White

        John Lyly's Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit and Euphues and his England, created a literary sensation in their own age, and had a profound influence on Elizabethan prose. This modern-spelling edition of the two works, the first for nearly a century, is designed to allow the twenty-first century reader access to this culturally significant text and to explore the fascination that it exerted. Attuned to the needs of both students and specialists, the text is edited from the earliest complete witnesses, is richly annotated, and facilitates an understanding of Lyly's narrative technique by distinguishing typographically between narrative levels. The introduction explores the relationship between the dramatic and non-dramatic work, locating Lyly's highly influential plays in a wider context and Euphues' Latin poem in praise of Elizabeth I, translated for the first time, is discussed in an Appendix. A work of primary importance for students of Renaissance prose, this edition complements the on-going publication of Lyly's dramatic works in The Revels Plays. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2024

        Thomas Nashe and literary performance

        by Chloe Kathleen Preedy, Rachel Willie

        As an instigator of debate and a defender of tradition, a man of letters and a popular hack, a writer of erotica and a spokesman for bishops, an urbane metropolitan and a celebrant of local custom, the various textual performances of Thomas Nashe have elicited, and continue to provoke, a range of contradictory reactions. Nashe's often incongruous authorial characteristics suggest that, as a 'King of Pages', he not only courted controversy but also deliberately cultivated a variety of public personae, acquiring a reputation more slippery than the herrings he celebrated in print. Collectively, the essays in this book illustrate how Nashe excelled at textual performance but his personae became a contested site as readers actively participated and engaged in the reception of Nashe's public image and his works.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2000

        Bartholomew Fair

        By Ben Jonson

        by David Bevington, Suzanne Gossett, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich

        Of all of Jonson's plays, Bartholomew Fair with its focus on the conflict between a carnivalesque enjoyment of the flesh and society's desire for order and control, speaks most directly to the modern audience. This edition is the first to use the findings of feminist scholarship in examining the play's concern with forced marriage, pregnancy, sexual commerce and widowhood. Glosses and notes are provided for students and theatre-goers clarifying the language and dialects Jonson uses to individualise the characters in his prose masterpiece and helpfully explicating layers of meaning and topical references. ;

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        Dementia – First Things First.

        Texts and Drawings by a Person with Dementia

        by Franz Inauen

        Franz Inauen was diagnosed with dementia in 2013. Since his diagnosis, he has worked through his fears, experiences, hopes, and anger by writing prose and poetry and by drawing. The result is a work consisting of 85 images and texts. They are accompanied by narratives explaining how the author produced them, an interview with Franz Inauen, and the views of his wife and employer.   Target Group: People with dementia, their relatives, nurses, art therapists

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        Health & Personal Development
        July 2021

        Everything harder than everyone else

        by Jenny Valentish

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2019

        Pastoral poetry of the English Renaissance

        An anthology

        by J. B. Lethbridge, Sukanta Chaudhuri

        Renaissance pastoral poetry is gaining new interest for its distinctive imaginative vein, its varied allusive content, and the theoretical implications of the genre. This is by far the biggest ever anthology of English Renaissance pastoral poetry, with 277 pieces spanning two centuries. Spenser, Sidney, Jonson and Drayton are amply represented alongside their many contemporaries. There is a wide range of pastoral lyrics, weightier allusive pieces, and translations from classical and vernacular pastoral poetry; also, more unusually, pastoral ballads and poems set in all kinds of prose works. Each piece has been freshly edited from the original sources, with full apparatus and commentary. This book will be complemented by a second volume, to be published in 2017, which includes a book-length introduction, textual notes and analytic indices.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2024

        Horizontal together

        Art, dance, and queer embodiment in 1960s New York

        by Paisid Aramphongphan

        Horizontal together tells the story of 1960s art and queer culture in New York through the overlapping circles of Andy Warhol, underground filmmaker Jack Smith and experimental dance star Fred Herko. Taking a pioneering approach to this intersecting cultural milieu, the book uses a unique methodology that draws on queer theory, dance studies and the analysis of movement, deportment and gesture to look anew at familiar artists and artworks, but also to bring to light queer artistic figures' key cultural contributions to the 1960s New York art world. Illustrated with rarely published images and written in clear and fluid prose, Horizontal together will appeal to specialists and general readers interested in the study of modern and contemporary art, dance and queer history.

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        Literature: history & criticism
        May 2017

        Three sixteenth-century dietaries

        by Joan Fitzpatrick. Series edited by Susan Cerasano

        Early modern dietaries are prose texts recommending the best way to maintain physical and psychological well-being. Three sixteenth-century dietaries contains Thomas Elyot's Castle of Health, Andrew Boorde's Compendious Regiment and William Bullein's Government of Health, all popular and influential works that were typical of a genre advising the reader on how best to maintain physical and psychological health. They are here introduced, contextualized and edited for the first time in a modern spelling edition. Introductory material explores the dietary genre, its relationship to humanism, humoral theory, and the wide range of authorities with which the dietary authors engaged. The volume includes an examination of the bibliographical and publication history of each work, comprehensive explanatory notes and appendices that provide prefaces to earlier editions, a glossary, and a list of authorities and works cited or alluded to in the dietaries.

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