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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2024

        Das Krokodil pupst viel zu viel

        by Susanne Weber, Tanja Jacobs

        Die Luft muss raus! Das Krokodil kann einfach nicht aufhören, zu furzen. Während der Frosch sich vor Lachen kaputtlacht, beschweren sich die anderen Tiere über den üblen Gestank. Bis die Maus allen erklärt, dass Pupsen ein ganz normaler Vorgang ist… Dieses charmante Pappbilderbuch der „Dein-Spiegel“-Bestseller-Autorin Susanne Weber widmet sich einem Thema, das bei Kindern ab 18 Monaten stets für Kicheranfälle sorgt: das Pupsen. Die lustigen Reime und die fröhlichen Illustrationen von Tanja Jacobs animieren die Kleinen dazu, die Pupsgeräusche nachzuahmen. Ein wunderbares Vorlesebuch, das Kindern auf humorvolle Weise Wissen über die natürlichen Funktionen ihres Körpers vermittelt! Das Krokodil pupst zu viel: Pups-Alarm im Tierreich Fröhliche Furzerei: Ein gereimtes Pappbilderbuch für Kinder ab 18 Monaten, das zeigt, dass Pupsen lustig sein kann und ganz natürlich ist. Interaktiver Spaß: Das lustige Tierbuch lädt dazu ein, die Pupsgeräusche des Krokodils nachzuahmen. Lustige Wissensvermittlung: Das Bilderbuch erklärt kindgerecht, warum Tiere und Menschen pupsen müssen. Ein witziges Pups-Abenteuer: Mit humorvollen Reimen von „Dein-Spiegel“-Bestseller-Autorin Susanne Weber und lebendigen Illustrationen von Erfolgsillustratorin Tanja Jacobs. Das lustige Pupsbuch bietet nicht nur großen Vorlesespaß, sondern vermittelt Kindern ab 18 Monaten spielerisch und altersgerecht erstes Wissen über ihren Körper. Ein vergnügliches erstes Tierbuch in der beliebten „Die kleine Eule“-Reihe.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Wer pupst hier so? Wo ist das Klo?

        by Richert, Katja

        Oje, ein Pups! Jetzt ist es dringend: Panda, Elefant und Co. müssen mal! Doch wo ist das Klo? Ein tolles neues Fühlbuch, das doppelt Spaß macht.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Die Erzählungen. Vier Bände

        Band 1: Die Nacht auf dem Rücken

        by Julio Cortázar, Wolfgang Promies, Rudolf Wittkopf, Mario Vargas Llosa

        Julio Cortázars weltweiter Ruf als »phantastischer« Autor gründet vor allem auf seinen Erzählungen. Geschichten wie Bestiarium, Axolotl, Das besetzte Haus und Die Nacht auf dem Rücken sind selbstverständlicher Bestandteil der Weltliteratur.In diesem ersten Band der vierbändigen Taschenbuchausgabe sind erstmals auch zwölf frühe Erzählungen enthalten, die bislang nicht als Einzelausgabe erschienen sind. Liebhaber des argentinischen Meistererzählers werden diesen Bänden gleich neben Cortázars literarischem Meilenstein, dem Antiroman, Rayuela. Himmel und Hölle, ihren gebührenden Platz einräumen. »Die wahre Rebellion Cortázars findet in seinen Erzählungen statt. In ihnen experimentierte Cortázar nicht: er fand, er entdeckte, er schuf etwas Unvergängliches«, so Mario Vargas Llosa in seinem Vorwort.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2024

        The Wigmaker of Königsberg

        A difficult friendship with Immanuel Kant

        by Michael Lichtwarck-Aschoff

        It is said that all the ladies in Königsberg had a crush on Kant. How one coifs one’s intellectual giants, one’s occidental luminaries. Although at the time, Kant employed a Huguenot wigmaker to style his hair. Of whom not much is known. Except that he would have liked to get rid of the wigs and replace them with a short back and sides. And that he tried to comply practically with the idea of enlightenment. But with Kant’s sentences the great philosopher only ever addressed the enlightenment-driven rulers of Europe, and never the people of Africa, whose diff erent skin colour alone proved to Kant that they could not reach a higher level of civilisation on their own. But he and Kant only really fell out seriously over Esther, the pleasing and seductive maid...

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        August 2022

        T wie Tessa - Geheime Geschäfte (Band 3)

        by Frauke Scheunemann

        T for Tessa – Secret Business (Vol. 3) Fast fashion with a clear conscience? - Tessa and the Fashion MafiaChaos Queen Tessa's comfortable life has finally come to an end since she became a secret agent (by mistake) of the internationally operating secret service R.I.N.G. Now she's out to put a stop to the masterminds of organized crime.Cool, stylish, and exciting, T for Tessa combines classic chick-lit elements with trendy agent plotting. In each volume, there is a new thrilling case to keep readers on their toes.What happens in Volume 3:Tessa joins the school newspaper because she wants to prove to her crush Timo, the editor-in-chief, that she is a damn cool eighth grader. Wouldn't it be laughable if Tessa didn't make a top investigative journalist with her newly acquired agent skills? She wants to research how well recycling clothes works: Customers can return their used clothing, and stores like Fashionista refurbish the clothes and donate them to neighborhood projects. With the help of a GPS tracker sewn into a used sweater, they track the sweater to the Suez Canal ... but this does not fit the promises of Fashionista at all. The problem of old clothes imports seems to be even bigger than Tessa suspects. And then Tessa and the Girl Group receive a tip that calls for RING's intervention ...• Chick-lit with trendy agent plot in international settings: Charlie's Angels meets Austin Powers• Exciting and humorous entertainment for readers aged 11 and up, unmistakably humorous and entertaining à la Frauke Scheunemann• Special topic: fast fashion & greenwashing, narrated with coolness, humor and a touch of romance

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories
        March 2022

        T wie Tessa - Codewort Lotusblüte (Band 2)

        by Frauke Scheunemann

        T for Tessa - Codeword Lotus Flower (Vol. 2) From Hamburg Harbour to Rotterdam - Tessa topsecret!Shooting training, karate, heart palpitations and band rehearsals - Tessa Neumann's comfortable life has finally come to an end since she "accidentally" became an agent of the internationally operating secret service R.I.N.G. Now she's out to put a stop to the masterminds of organized crime.And it’s Tessa's first mission to be involved from the very beginning! Quite stressful but usually absolutely okay, if not now of all times Timo Erhardt, the crush of her sleepless nights, would show interest in her. How can fate throw such lousy timing at her? Actually, Tessa would really like to take a break, but evil never sleeps, as we all know. The scene of the crime in this mission is the port of Hamburg. Here, the customs investigation has uncovered 16 tons of cocaine in the container of a cargo ship. A remarkable catch! But one thing soon becomes clear to Tessa, her band mates and the Mongolian gerbil Hector: the real culprits are not in Hamburg, but in Rotterdam. There a cat-and-mouse game begins, in which the girls have to show what they are made of. With their combined forces, they manage to lure the criminals into a trap so that the Dutch police can arrest them. But mousy Hector discovers that drugs are not the only commodity being smuggled across Europe via Rotterdam: In fact, one of the smugglers is also dealing in exotic animals, animals listed as Endangered Species, so they can't be imported. But be assured, Hector wouldn't be Hector if he didn't do everything he could to save the animals!

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