Daniel Goleman - Foreign Audio
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View Rights PortalThis book uses movies as a medium for learning about the latest research and concepts, such as mindfulness, resilience, meaning, positive relationships, achievement, well-being, as well as the 24 character strengths laid out by the VIA Institute of Character. This book systematically discusses each of the 24 character strengths, balancing film discussion, related psychological research, and practical applications. Resources provided in this book include a suggested syllabus for a complete positive psychology course based on movies, a list of suitable movies for children, adolescents, and families as well as a list of questions for classroom and therapy discussions. Target Group: Psychologists, consultants, therapists and counselors, movie enthusiasts, and all those interested in positive psychology and improving life.
Explores flms according to the diagnostic criteria of DSM5 and ICD11 • Provides psychological ratings of nearly 1,500 flms • Includes downloadable teaching materials Films can be a powerful aid to learning about mental illness and psychopathology. Movies and Mental Illness has established a great reputation as a uniquely enjoyable and highly memorable text for learning about psychopathology. The new edition of this acclaimed book has been updated to include the latest flms and new topics. Includes downloadable material for teachers and discussion groups.
Danny Herman was born in 1935 in Königsberg in East Prussia. As the Nazis were rounding up Jews, Danny's father managed to escape to England in July 1939. He travelled to the Kitchener Camp in Kent, which helped refugees secure visas for safer places. Danny and his mother arrived in England just three days before war was declared in 1939, and his father was later sent to an internment camp on the Isle of Man. Danny went on to become a successful runner, competing in many international athletics events and volunteering in many roles, including at the 2002 Commonwealth Games. Danny's detailed memories of arriving in England, initially at the seaside in Kent and then moving to Manchester, create a vivid picture of life-changing events as experienced by a young child. Danny's book is part of the My Voice book collection, a stand-alone project of The Fed, the leading Jewish social care charity in Manchester, dedicated to preserving the life stories of Holocaust survivors and refugees from Nazi persecution who settled in the UK. The oral history, which is recorded and transcribed, captures their entire lives from before, during and after the war years. The books are written in the words of the survivor so that future generations can always hear their voice. The My Voice book collection is a valuable resource for Holocaust awareness and education.
At the core of this hands-on resource for psychologists and other practitioners, including educators, coaches, and consultants, is Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP), the first structured program to combine mindfulness with the character strengths laid out in the VIA Institute's classification developed by Drs. Martin E. P. Seligman and Christopher Peterson. This 8-session program systematically boosts awareness and application of character strengths. The first section of the book consists of a detailed primer on mindfulness and character strengths while the second part goes into more detail about the integration of mindfulness and character strengths. The third section then leads readers step-by-step through each of the 8 MBSP sessions, including details of session structure and content, suggested homework, 30 practical handouts, as well as inspiring quotes and stories and useful practitioner tips. An additional chapter discusses the adaption of MBSP to different settings and populations (e.g., business, education, individuals, couples). The mindfulness and character strengths meditations on the accompanying CD support growth and development. Target Group: Psychologists, consultants, therapists and counselors, and all those interested in mindfulness, positive psychology, and improving life.
This unique guide brings together the vast experience of the author with the science and the practice of positive psychology in such a way that both new and experienced practitioners will benefit. New practitioners will learn about the core concepts of character and signature strengths and how to fine-tune their approach and troubleshoot. Experienced practitioners will deepen their knowledge about advanced topics such as strengths overuse and collisions, hot button issues, morality, and integrating strengths with savoring, flow, and mindfulness. Hands-on practitioner tips throughout the book provide valuable hints on how to take a truly strengths-based approach. The 24 summary sheets spotlighting each of the universal character strengths are an indispensable resource for client sessions, succinctly summarizing the core features of and research on each strength. 70 evidence-based step-by-step activity handouts can be given to clients to help them develop character strengths awareness and use, increase resilience, set and meet goals, develop positive relationships, and find meaning and engagement in their daily lives. Working with client’s (and our own) character strengths boosts well-being, fosters resilience, improves relationships, and creates strong, supportive cultures in our practices, classrooms, and organizations. Target Group: psychotherapists / clinical psychologists / counselors/ teachers
Would you like to teach your clients what their character strengths are and how they can use them more? This set of cards helps you do just that. Endorsed with a foreword by Ryan M. Niemiec, VIA Institute 50 full color cards Individual cards for the VIA 24 character strengths and 6 virtues 16 intervention cards 16-page booklet provides practice tips The VIA character strengths look at what positive character traits help us lead fulfilling and happy lives, rather than looking at what is wrong with us. Research has shown that knowing your strengths and using them more often leads to greater well-being, better performance, and more resilience. With these cards, you can help clients learn about their character strengths. For: • psychotherapists• clinical psychologists• counselors
Endlich! Der Werwolf Bram hat es auf die Schule der Bösewichte geschafft. Jetzt kann er seine Familie stolz machen und lernen, ein richtiger Schurke zu sein. Blöd nur, dass Bram eigentlich ganz gern Bitte und Danke sagt und seine Hausaufgaben macht. Als die neue Klasse in Gruppen eingeteilt wird, die im großen Wettkampf um den Titel Bösewicht der Woche gegeneinander antreten müssen, ist Bram hilflos. Was bedeutet es überhaupt, ein Bösewicht zu sein? Und dürfen Bösewichte eigentlich Freund*innen finden? Böse zu sein, war noch nie so gut! Eine Schule, ein Ziel: endlich Bösewicht zu werden. Doch gibt es böse ohne gut? Lerne die Welt der Schurken-Lehrlinge kennen und erlebe gemeinsam mit Werwölfen, Geistern, Hexen und Skeletten den Schulalltag. Eine schaurig schöne Geschichte über Teamarbeit, Freundschaft und die Frage: Wer will ich sein? Der erste Band aus der Debüt-Reihe „Schule der Bösewichte“ von Ryan Hammond. Untermalt mit lustigen Schwarz-Weiß-Illustrationen für noch mehr Spaß beim Lesen.
Endlich! Der Werwolf Bram hat es auf die Schule der Bösewichte geschafft. Jetzt kann er seine Familie stolz machen und lernen, ein richtiger Schurke zu sein. Blöd nur, dass Bram eigentlich ganz gern Bitte und Danke sagt und seine Hausaufgaben macht. Als die neue Klasse in Gruppen eingeteilt wird, die im großen Wettkampf um den Titel Bösewicht der Woche gegeneinander antreten müssen, ist Bram hilflos. Was bedeutet es überhaupt, ein Bösewicht zu sein? Und dürfen Bösewichte eigentlich Freund*innen finden? Böse zu sein, war noch nie so gut! - Eine Schule, ein Ziel: endlich Bösewicht zu werden. Doch gibt es böse ohne gut? - Lerne in die Welt der Schurken-Lehrlinge kennen und erlebe gemeinsam mit Werwölfen, Geistern, Hexen und Skeletten den Schulalltag. - Eine außergewöhnliche Geschichte über Teamarbeit, Freundschaft und die Frage: Wer will ich sein? - Der erste Teil aus der Debüt-Reihe "Schule der Bösewichte" von Ryan Hammond. - Schaurig schön gelesen von Simon Jäger
Religion and life cycles in early modern England assembles scholars working in the fields of history, English literature and art history to further our understanding of the intersection between religion and the life course in the period c. 1550-1800. Featuring chapters on Catholic, Protestant and Jewish communities, it encourages cross-confessional comparison between life stages and rites of passage that were of religious significance to all faiths in early modern England. The book considers biological processes such as birth and death, aspects of the social life cycle including schooling, coming of age and marriage and understandings of religious transition points such as spiritual awakenings and conversion. Through this inclusive and interdisciplinary approach, it seeks to show that the life cycle was not something fixed or predetermined and that early modern individuals experienced multiple, overlapping life cycles.
Böse zu sein, war noch nie so lustig – die neuen Abenteuer von Werwolf Bram und seinen Freund*innen Es ist der Beginn des Winterhalbjahrs und es gibt einen neuen Lehrer an der Schule der Bösewichte – den berüchtigten Drachenreiter Felix Frostbeule. Die Klasse Z hat großen Respekt vor ihm und seinen Lektionen über giftige Bestien und Fabelwesen. Doch Werwolf Bram ist misstrauisch. Ein Glück, denn bald decken Bram und seine Freund*innen Frostbeules bösen Plan auf, alle Drachen aus dem Wald des Wahnsinns zu stehlen und die Schule der Bösewichte schutzlos zurückzulassen. Hat die Bande genug gelernt, um ihren fiesen Lehrer auszutricksen oder wird Felix Frostbeules Überfall in die Schurkengeschichte eingehen? Die zweite Lektion in der Schule der Bösewichte: Wie man einen Drachen klaut. In der Schule der Bösewichte wartet ein neues, herausforderndes Abenteuer auf Werwolf Bram und seine Freunde. Böse zu sein, war noch nie so gut! Ein Kinderbuch für kleine Fantasy-Fans: urkomischer Gruselspaß mit Hexen, Werwölfen und schrägen Fabelwesen. Spannung beim Lesen, Spaß beim Blättern: liebevoll gestaltet, mit vielen witzigen Illustrationen. Lustiger Kinderroman in leichter Sprache für Lesemuffel ab 8 Jahren. Wer bereits Ryan Hammonds ersten Teil der lustigen Schule der Bösewichte (Der Werwolf war’s!) verschlungen hat, für den ist der zweite Teil der Fantasy-Kinderbuchreihe ein absolutes Lese-Muss!
In the mid-ninth century, Francia was rocked by the first royal divorce scandal of the Middle Ages: the attempt by King Lothar II of Lotharingia to rid himself of his queen, Theutberga and remarry. Even 'women in their weaving sheds' were allegedly gossiping about the lurid accusations made. Kings and bishops from neighbouring kingdoms, and several popes, were gradually drawn into a crisis affecting the fate of an entire kingdom. This is the first professionally published translation of a key source for this extraordinary episode: Archbishop Hincmar of Rheims's De divortio Lotharii regis et Theutbergae reginae. This text offers eye-opening insight both on the political wrangling of the time and on early medieval attitudes towards magic, penance, gender, the ordeal, marriage, sodomy, the role of bishops, and kingship.The translation includes a substantial introduction and annotations, putting the case into its early medieval context and explaining Hincmar's sometimes-dubious methods of argument.
While there is increasing interest in the lives of medieval women, the documentary evidence for their activities remains little known. This book provides a collection of sources for an important and influential group of women in medieval England, and examines changes in their role and activities between 1066 and 1500. For most noble and gentry-women, early marriage led to responsibilities for family and household, and, in the absence of their husbands, for the family estates and retainers. Widowhood enabled them to take control of their affairs and to play an independent part in the local community and sometimes further afield. Although many women's lives followed a conventional pattern, great variety existed within family relationships, and individuality can also be seen in religious practices and patronage. Piety could take a number of different forms, whether a woman became a nun, a vowess or a noted philanthropist and benefactor to religious institutions. This volume provides a broad-ranging and accessible coverage of the role of noble women in medieval society. It highlights the significant role played by these women within their families, households, estates and communities.
This book explores the relationship between the papacy and reform against the backdrop of social and religious change in later tenth and eleventh-century Europe. Placing this relationship in the context of the debate about 'transformation', it reverses the recent trend among historians to emphasise the reform developments in the localities at the expense of those being undertaken in Rome. It focuses on how the papacy took an increasingly active part in shaping the direction of both its own reform and that of society, whose reform became an essential part of realising its objective of a free and independent Church. It also addresses the role of the Latin Church in western Europe around the year 1000, the historiography of reform, the significance of the 'Peace of God' as a reformist movement, the development of the papacy in the eleventh century, the changing attitudes towards simony, clerical marriage and lay investiture, reformist rhetoric aimed at the clergy, and how reformist writings sought to change the behaviour and expectations of the aristocracy. Summarising current literature while presenting a cogent and nuanced argument about the complex nature and development of reform, this book will be invaluable for an undergraduate and specialist audience alike.
This is a pathbreaking comparative and trans-national study of the neglected influences of nation, empire and race upon the development and electoral fortunes of the Labour Party in Britain and the Australian Labor Party from their formative years of the 1900s to the elections of 2010. Based upon extensive primary and secondary source-based research in Britain and Australia over several years, it makes a new and original contribution to the fields of labour, imperial and 'British world' history. The book offers the challenging conclusion that the forces of nation, empire and race exerted much greater influence upon Labour politics in both countries than suggested by 'traditionalists' and 'revisionists' alike. The book will appeal to undergraduates, postgraduates, scholars in history and politics and all those interested in and concerned with the past, present and future of Labour politics in Britain, Australia and more generally.