Annina Safran
Eine Jugendbuchfantasy-Saga ab 10 Jahre: Der Spiegelwächter, Die Suche nach dem Schattendorf, Im Land der Nuria. Insgesamt wird es fünf Bände zu dieser Saga geben.
View Rights PortalEine Jugendbuchfantasy-Saga ab 10 Jahre: Der Spiegelwächter, Die Suche nach dem Schattendorf, Im Land der Nuria. Insgesamt wird es fünf Bände zu dieser Saga geben.
View Rights PortalIt was founded in November of 2006 with the efforts of SeyedHossein Abedini and was introduced to the publishing industryof Iran. He placed the publishing approach on the production ofresources related to traditional medicine , history and textualresearch using manuscripts. Publishing books on nutrition andcomplementary medicine are also considered to be other booksthat have been discussed more.
View Rights PortalTaking five or more medications – this is part of the daily routine of many, especially elderly people. But polymedication increases the risk of drug-related problems. This is where the pharmaceutical service „Extended medication counselling for polymedication“ comes in. This comprehensive guide shows how to establish and implement such knowledge in the pharmacy: ■ Part A explains the legal and contractual basis of the service. In addition, the publication highlights the risks of polymedication, drug-related problems and goals, and the benefits of the service for the stakeholders involved in the pharmacy, the doctor‘s practice, and for the patients themselves. ■ Part B is dedicated to the organisation in the pharmacy: team preparation, quality management, required documents, consulting and workplaces, and staff qualification. Aspects such as time management, patient recruitment and public liability are also considered. ■ Part C describes the individual process steps flanked by aids such as work tables, checklists, sample texts (for download at and a comparison table for supporting AMTS software tools, including screenshots. ■ Part D offers case studies, including the initiation of extended medication counselling, the pharmaceutical AMTS review (software-supported), solution paths and communication (including formulation examples) with the various stakeholders involved. A medication analysis promotes drug therapy safety, strengthens customer loyalty and creates new opportunities for interdisciplinary cooperation with the medical profession – good reasons for starting immediately!
In this book, the complexity and the significance of the foods we eat are analysed from a variety of perspectives, by sociologists, economists, geographers and anthropologists. Chapters address a number of intriguing questions: how do people make judgments about taste? How do such judgments come to be shared by groups of people?; what social and organisational processes result in foods being certified as of decent or proper quality? How has dissatisfaction with the food system been expressed? What alternatives are thought to be possible? The multi-disciplinary analysis of this book explores many different answers to such questions. The first part of the book focuses on theoretical and conceptual issues, the second part considers processes of formal and informal regulation, while the third part examines social and political responses to industrialised food production and mass consumption. Qualities of food will be of interest to researchers and students in all the social science disciplines that are concerned with food, whether marketing, sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, human nutrition or economics.
In "Night Shadow 1: They Who Guard The Night" von Laura Cardea entführt die Autorin ihre Leser*innen ins Paris an der Schwelle zum 20. Jahrhundert, wo die mittellose Odette in der rauschhaften Welt des Pariser Nachtlebens ihre magischen Fähigkeiten entdeckt. Als sie sich als Mann verkleidet ins Vergnügen stürzt, ahnt sie nicht, dass sie zu einer seltenen Gruppe von Menschen gehört, die nachtbezogene Kräfte besitzen. Diese Entdeckung führt sie zur Bruderschaft der Nachtschwärmer, einem Männerbund, der die Dunkelheit beherrscht. Doch Odette ist einzigartig, denn sie kontrolliert das Licht. Gemeinsam mit Eugène, einem wohlhabenden Mitglied der Bruderschaft, nimmt sie den Kampf gegen einen finsteren Orden auf, der es auf ihre Kräfte abgesehen hat. Dabei müssen sie nicht nur gegen äußere Feinde kämpfen, sondern auch für ihre Liebe, die sich über Standesschranken hinwegsetzt. Die Geschichte bietet eine fesselnde Mischung aus historischem Setting und Fantasy-Elementen, angereichert mit einer Liebesgeschichte, die vor dem Hintergrund von Klassenunterschieden und magischen Fähigkeiten erblüht. Odette, als starke weibliche Protagonistin, bricht mit traditionellen Rollenbildern und fügt der Erzählung eine Schicht der Emanzipation hinzu. Ihre Entwicklung von einer mittellosen jungen Frau zu einer mächtigen Kämpferin, die ihre Fähigkeiten entdeckt und einsetzt, bildet das Herzstück der Geschichte. Eugène, als ihr Verbündeter und Liebhaber, unterstützt sie auf diesem Weg, während beide gegen dunkle Mächte und gesellschaftliche Konventionen ankämpfen. "Night Shadow 1" ist nicht nur ein Abenteuer durch die magische Unterwelt von Paris, sondern auch eine Geschichte über Selbstfindung, Mut und den Kampf für Gerechtigkeit und Liebe. Die vielschichtigen Charaktere und das lebendige historische Setting machen das Buch zu einem unvergesslichen Leseerlebnis für Fans von historischer Fantasy und Romantasy. Laura Cardea erschafft eine Welt, in der die Nacht nicht nur ein Schleier der Dunkelheit, sondern auch ein Ort der Magie, der Geheimnisse und der unerwarteten Verbündeten ist. Einzigartige Mischung aus historischer Fantasy und Romantasy: Tauche ein in eine Welt voller Magie und romantischer Verwicklungen vor der Kulisse des historischen Paris. Detailreiches historisches Setting: Lasse dich von der lebendigen Atmosphäre der Belle Époque und Steampunk-Elementen verzaubern. Empowerment und Selbstbehauptung: Inspirierende, starke weibliche Protagonistin, die entschlossen und mutig ihre eigene Stärke entdeckt. Für Fans von tiefgründigen Liebesgeschichten, magischen Heldinnen und den Autorinnen Julia Dippel, Emily Bold und Jennifer Armentrout. Spannende Handlung mit überraschenden Wendungen: Freue dich auf ein Leseabenteuer voller unerwarteter Entwicklungen. Teil einer fesselnden Dilogie: Beginne eine epische Reise, die mit Spannung auf die Fortsetzung warten lässt.
It‘s a match?! The interaction check plays a key role when it comes to drug therapy safety. These index cards offer a way of keeping track and familiarising yourself with a wide variety of active ingredient combinations. The standardised structure of the case studies helps you learn • to understand the mechanism of interaction, • to assess the clinical relevance, and • to implement any necessary measures. The 2nd edition has not only been updated, but also expanded to include new cases. Thanks to a handy booklet, users can refer quickly to the theoretical principles.
The handling of drug interactions in the pharmacy has an important significance. A well-functioning interaction management system increases the safety of drug therapy for patients, promotes interdisciplinary exchange between physician and pharmacist, and boosts the skills of the local pharmacy. The author, an experienced practitioner, has developed standard templates for successfully communicating the most commonly occurring, clinically relevant interactions: - Decision aids in the form of flowcharts: When and how should the communication with the physician take place? - Aids to communication as sample forms that can be tailored to the individual pharmacy: What information does the physician need, what solutions does the pharmacy suggest? The forms cover both general interactions and specific interaction pairs and mechanisms: The appropriate solution for every interaction!
Several different pills prescribed by many different physicians: pharmacists encounter patients in this situation every day! What at first seems quite normal can, on closer inspection, be fraught with considerable risks of drug-related problems. Using this analysis as a core component of medication management, pharmacies have the key risk minimisation tool at their disposal. The authors guide their readers step by step through the discussions with the patient, the stages of the analysis, and the clear documentation. Case examples reflect on the content and illustrate implementation. The launch of pharmaceutical services enables an improvement in the safety and efficacy of customers‘ drug therapy in the pharmacy by means of the service „Extended medication counselling for polymedication“. Everything pharmacists need to know for the necessary medication analysis can be found in this book. This completely revised 2nd edition includes: - Important information on pharmaceutical services - Illustrative case examples on many indications - QR codes that lead to additional digital material Whether it is a detailed adjustment or a major change to medication: every patient benefits from the intervention.
Home front heroism investigates how civilians were recognised and celebrated as heroic during the Second World War. Through a focus on London, this book explores how heroism was manufactured as civilians adopted roles in production, protection and defence, through the use of uniforms and medals, and through the way that civilians were injured and killed. This book makes a novel contribution to the study of heroism by exploring the spatial, material, corporeal and ritualistic dimensions of heroic representations. By tracing the different ways that Home Front heroism was cultivated on a national, local and personal level, this study promotes new ways of thinking about the meaning and value of heroism during periods of conflict. It will appeal to anyone interested in the social and cultural history of Second World War as well as the sociology and psychology of heroism.
In this book Tatjana van Strien, the author of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ), presents a scientific alternative for all the ‘miracle solutions’ to lose weight. Based on more than 25 years of scientific research, she offers a self-test-method which enables readers to explore what is the cause of their eating problem, what they can do about it, and ultimately lose weight and keep it off. Target Group: people who want to lose weight, dieticians, doctors, psychologists.
This book is available as an open access ebook under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Through its study of diabetes care in twentieth-century Britain, Managing diabetes, managing medicine offers the first historical monograph to explore how the decision-making and labour of medical professionals became subject to bureaucratic regulation and managerial oversight. Where much existing literature has cast health care management as either a political imposition or an assertion of medical control, this work positions managerial medicine as a co-constructed venture. Although driven by different motives, doctors, nurses, professional bodies, government agencies and international organisations were all integral to the creation of managerial systems, working within a context of considerable professional, political, technological, economic and cultural change.
Ranging from eyebaths and compression stockings to electronic cigarettes, the variety of medical aids available is huge. Every day, expert advice on these is needed at the pharmacy. The authors have summarised these aids in a practically oriented way. They provide background information, specifics about the materials, application descriptions, practical tips and product examples. Colourful illustrations show how they are used on or by the patient. Fully updated, the new edition of the book contains not only conventional medical devices but also those asked for at a contemporary community pharmacy. This 11th edition, which has been completely revised, contains: - definitions enabling rapid familiarisation with the topic, - tables that provide an overview, - illustrations and advice tips to help with practical use, - mnemonics and practice questions which help reinforce the knowledge Bonus: QR codes take the user to additional digital material! The ideal companion in training and on the job!
Media reports often praise movement as a cure-all. But apart from its undisputed positive effect on health, does movement really make us smarter? Consider a national football team, for example – are these excessively sports-driven players automatically the smartest people? Should we simply replace all school subjects with sports? The authors provide a detailed summary of the latest scientific findings on the influence of movement on cognitive ability. They describe the effects of movement, on old age, embodiment, emotion, school as well as other factors that influence cognition. Target Group: teachers, lecturers, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychotherapists, movement therapists.
Evidence-based-nursing and caring, a method that relies on scientifically verifiable data from an outside perspective (“external evidence”) as well as the individual needs of those cared for as well as the caretakers (“internal evidence”). This title offers a detailed insight into external and internal evidence in nursing care and shows in a 6-step-approach how to • make shared decision • analyse and describe problems • find literature and relevant studies • critically evaluate nursing studies and their quality • change nursing practice and • evaluate nursing care. Target Group: Nursing Students, Nurse Educators.
This book investigates how people have thought about and experienced time, and how their ideas about time have shaped their political views and actions. Using French thinkers and activists of the radical left and right between the Dreyfus Affair and the First World War as a case study, it argues that time provides an important means of exploring how concepts such as nationalism, revolution and social change were understood at the turn of the century. Attending to different experiences of time - the speed at which it was perceived to move, the extent to which the future was near and graspable, the ways in which the past was seen to impinge on the present - opens up exciting new possibilities for analysing politics, ideologies and worldviews.
As the tragedy of the Grenfell tower fire has slowly revealed a shadowy background of outsourcing, private finance initiatives and a council turning a blind eye to health and safety concerns, many questions need answers. Stuart Hodkinson has those answers. He has worked for the last decade with residents groups in council regeneration projects across London. As residents have been shifted out of 60s and 70s social housing to make way for higher rent paying newcomers, they have been promised a higher quality of housing. Councils have passed the responsibility for this housing to private consortia who amazingly have been allowed to self-regulate on quality and safety. Residents have been ignored for years on this and only now are we hearing the truth. Stuart will weave together his research on PFIs, regulation and resident action to tell the whole story of how Grenfell happened and how this could easily have happened in multiple locations across the country.
Devolution to Scotland and Wales represented the most fundamental reform of the British state for almost a century. Ten years on, how successful has the reform been? Drawing on the views of citizens, elected representatives and interest groups in Scotland and Wales, this book provides an answer. The book is based on a wide ranging programme of research, involving dedicated surveys and interviews across Scotland, Wales and England. The results provide important new evidence on how devolution has been seen to have performed. What are its perceived achievements? What are its shortcomings? Is the new devolution 'settlement' stable, or is there a demand for further reform? By bringing together perspectives from the public, members of the devolved legislatures and representatives of civil society, the book establishes a unique picture of where devolution in Britain stands today. The book is accessibly written, and contains a wide range of useful primary data. It is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying devolution in Britain, as well as for general readers with an interest in constitutional reform and territorial politics. ;