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Organisation for Researching and Composing University Textbooks in the Humanities (SAMT)
Over 140 titles of books in cooperation with universities and research centers in countries in Asia and Europe
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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2017
Britain in China
by Robert Bickers
This is a study of Britain's presence in China both at its peak, and during its inter-war dissolution in the face of assertive Chinese nationalism and declining British diplomatic support. Using archival materials from China and records in Britain and the United States, the author paints a portrait of the traders, missionaries, businessmen, diplomats and settlers who constituted "Britain-in-China", challenging our understanding of British imperialism there. Bickers argues that the British presence in China was dominated by urban settlers whose primary allegiance lay not with any grand imperial design, but with their own communities and precarious livelihoods. This brought them into conflict not only with the Chinese population, but with the British imperial government. The book also analyzes the formation and maintenance of settler identities, and then investigates how the British state and its allies brought an end to the reign of freelance, settler imperialism on the China coast. At the same time, other British sectors, missionary and business, renegotiated their own relationship with their Chinese markets and the Chinese state and distanced themselves from the settler British.
Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2022
Chinese religion in contemporary Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan
The cult of the Two Grand Elders
by Fabian Graham
In Singapore and Malaysia, the inversion of Chinese Underworld traditions has meant that Underworld demons are now amongst the most commonly venerated deities in statue form, channelled through their spirit mediums, tang-ki. The Chinese Underworld and its sub-hells are populated by a bureaucracy drawn from the Buddhist, Taoist and vernacular pantheons. Under the watchful eye of Hell's 'enforcers', the lower echelons of demon soldiers impose post-mortal punishments on the souls of the recently deceased for moral transgressions committed during their prior incarnations. Chinese religion in contemporary Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan offers an ethnography of contemporary Chinese Underworld traditions, where night-time cemetery rituals assist the souls of the dead, exorcised spirits are imprisoned in Guinness bottles, and malicious foetus ghosts are enlisted to strengthen a temple's spirit army. Understanding the religious divergences between Singapore and Malaysia (and their counterparts in Taiwan) through an analysis of socio-political and historical events, Fabian Graham challenges common assumptions about the nature and scope of Chinese vernacular religious beliefs and practices. Graham's innovative approach to alterity allows the reader to listen to first-person dialogues between the author and channelled Underworld deities. Through its alternative methodological and narrative stance, the book intervenes in debates on the interrelation between sociocultural and spiritual worlds, and promotes the destigmatisation of spirit possession and discarnate phenomena in the future study of mystical and religious traditions.
Trusted PartnerScience & MathematicsSeptember 2024
The elephant and the dragon in contemporary life sciences
A call for decolonising global governance
by Joy Y. Zhang, Saheli Datta Burton
This book provides a powerful diagnosis of why the global governance of science struggles in the face of emerging powers. Through unpacking critical events in China and India over the past twenty years, it demonstrates that the 'subversiveness' assumed in the two countries' rise in the life sciences reflects many of the regulatory challenges that are shared worldwide. It points to a decolonial imperative for science governance to be responsive and effective in a cosmopolitan world. By highlighting epistemic injustice within contemporary science, the book extends theories of decolonisation.
Trusted PartnerTeaching, Language & ReferenceOctober 2023
Conceptualising China through translation
by James St André
Trusted PartnerJune 1985
Ich, Kaiser von China
Ein Selbstporträt des Kangxi-Kaisers. Aus dem Englischen von Stefan B. Polter
by Jonathan D. Spence, Stefan B. Polter
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 1999
Britain in China
by Robert Bickers, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie
This is a study of Britain's presence in China both at its peak, and during its inter-war dissolution in the face of assertive Chinese nationalism and declining British diplomatic support. Using archival materials from China and records in Britain and the United States, the author paints a portrait of the traders, missionaries, businessmen, diplomats and settlers who constituted "Britain-in-China", challenging our understanding of British imperialism there. Bickers argues that the British presence in China was dominated by urban settlers whose primary allegiance lay not with any grand imperial design, but with their own communities and precarious livelihoods. This brought them into conflict not only with the Chinese population, but with the British imperial government. The book also analyzes the formation and maintenance of settler identities, and then investigates how the British state and its allies brought an end to the reign of freelance, settler imperialism on the China coast. At the same time, other British sectors, missionary and business, renegotiated their own relationship with their Chinese markets and the Chinese state and distanced themselves from the settler British. ;
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2024
Divided Isles
Solomon Islands and the China Switch
by Edward Acton Cavanough
In 2019, Solomon Islands made international headlines when the country severed its decades-old alliance with Taiwan in exchange for a partnership with Beijing. The decision prompted international condemnation and terrified Australian security experts, who feared Australia's historical Pacific advantage would come unstuck. This development is often framed as another example of China's inevitable capture of the region - but this misrepresents how and why the decision was made, and how Solomon Islanders have skilfully leveraged global angst over China to achieve extraordinary gains. Despite Solomon Islands' importance to Australia, local readers know little about the country, a fragile island-nation stretching over a thousand islands and speaking seventy indigenous languages. In Divided Isles, Edward Cavanough explains how the switch played out on the ground and its extraordinary potential consequences. He speaks with the dissidents and politicians who shape Solomon Islands' politics, and to the ordinary people whose lives have been upended by a decision that has changed the country - and the region - forever.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2010
Committee governance in the European Union
by Thomas Christiansen, Emil Kirchner, Emil Kirchner, Thomas Christiansen
Committees are a pervasive presence in the EU policy process yet little is known about the way in which they operate. This volume, newly available in paperback, brings together an international group of experts from a number of disciplinary backgrounds to provide a comprehensive account of the role played by committees in the European Union. The book looks at committees in the context of inter-institutional relations, a focus based on the recognition that the relationships between Commission, Council, Parliament and national authorities - rather than the institutions themselves - are crucial to the understanding of European policy-making. Much of that interaction is regularised in various kinds of committees and the book provides an in-depth analysis of the nature and the effects of 'committee governance' in the EU system. A number of case studies (monetary, policy, trade, environment, spatial planning and foreign policy) examine the role of committees in specific areas. These are framed by broader perspectives which provide theoretical, statistical and normative analyses of the phenomenon of committee governance. ;
Trusted PartnerApril 2015
China Girl
Neal Careys zweiter Fall
by Don Winslow, Conny Lösch
Robert Pendleton ist ein Chemiegenie; was er entwickelt, bedeutet nicht nur Fortschritt, es bedeutet vor allem Reichtum und Macht. Als er plötzlich verschwindet, sind alle in Aufruhr: die CIA, die chinesische Regierung und die »Bank«, die sehr viel Geld in Pendletons Forschung investiert hat. Neal Carey soll ihn wiederfinden – ein Routinejob, wie er glaubt, bis er auf die schöne und geheimnisvolle Li Lan trifft. Im dunklen Herzen Chinas soll Neal die Antwort auf alle Fragen finden – oder den Tod. Alle Titel der Neal-Carey-Serie: London Undercover (Neal Carey 1)China Girl (Neal Carey 2)Way Down on the High Lonely (Neal Carey 3 – angekündigt unter dem Titel Holy Nevada)A Long Walk Up the Water Slide (Neal Carey 4 – angekündigt unter dem Titel Lady Las Vegas)Palm Desert (Neal Carey 5)
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawJuly 2024
The business of time
A global history of the watch industry
by Pierre-Yves Donzé
The business of time presents a comprehensive history of the global watch industry from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Watch production in the twenty-first century is concentrated in three countries: Switzerland, Japan and China. The industry is dominated by a dozen or so large companies, including the Swatch Group, Richemont, LVMH, Seiko and Fossil. But a hundred years ago the picture was dramatically different. Over the course of a century, Great Britain, France, the United States and Russia saw the manufacture of watches disappear from their territory. At the same time, Hong Kong went from being a subcontractor of watch components to an intermediary between Chinese factories and the world market. Revealing the conditions that drove the spread of watch production around the globe, The business of time explains how multinationals emerged to dominate the industry and highlights how Swiss companies were able to establish themselves as the undisputed leader in luxury watches.
Trusted PartnerNovember 1984
Wissenschaft und Zivilisation in China
by Joseph Needham, Rainer Herbster
Joseph Needhams monumentales Standardwerk Wissenschaft und Zivilisation in China gibt dem westlichen Leser eine detaillierte und zusammenhängende Darstellung der chinesischen Wissenschaft und Technik seit frühester Zeit bis zum späten 17. Jahrhundert, als die jesuitischen Missionare die moderne europäische Wissenschaft nach China brachten.
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Trusted PartnerFebruary 2025
China und Russland
Kurze Geschichte einer langen Beziehung | Die grundlegende Einführung in die chinesisch-russischen Beziehungen
by Sören Urbansky, Martin Wagner
Urbansky und Wagner – zwei ausgewiesenen Kennern der beiden Länder – erzählen die wechselvolle Geschichte vielschichtiger Verbindungen, denen sich China und Russland niemals entziehen konnten. Als imperiale Großreiche, sozialistische Supermächte und autoritäre Gewaltregime glichen und verglichen sie sich, sie konkurrierten und kooperierten. China und Russland können sich nicht aus dem Weg gehen und marschieren doch nicht im Gleichschritt. Über das Verhältnis zwischen China und Russland wird viel spekuliert. Einerseits befürchten Beobachter:innen ein Bündnis der autoritären Regime. Andererseits widersprechen sich die geopolitischen Interessen Pekings und Moskaus oftmals. Auf der einen Seite nennen sich Xi Jinping und Wladimir Putin »gute Freunde«. Auf der anderen Seite ist unklar, ob die Länder sich auf Augenhöhe begegnen und wie sich die Machtbalance verschoben hat. Um die chinesisch-russischen Beziehungen im 21. Jahrhundert angemessen einzuordnen, muss man ihre lange Vergangenheit verstehen. Die Historiker Sören Urbansky und Martin Wagner führen in die vierhundertjährige Geschichte der beiden Nachbarn ein: von den ersten offiziellen Kontakten 1618 über das Zerwürfnis der beiden kommunistischen Regime unter Chruschtschow und Mao bis hin zu Chinas Reaktion auf Russlands Krieg in der Ukraine 2022.
Trusted PartnerJuly 2009
Weisheit des Ostens
by Hermann Hesse, Volker Michels, Volker Michels
Die Faszination für die Kultur, Literatur und Philosophie Chinas hat Hermann Hesse zeitlebens begleitet. So durchziehen chinesische Motive, Einflüsse des Taoismus, des Konfuzianismus und des chinesischen Zen sein komplettes Werk, von Gedichten über Märchen und Erzählungen, Betrachtungen und Lektüreempfehlungen bis hinein in seinen großen Roman Das Glasperlenspiel. Dieses Lesebuch versammelt die wichtigsten und schönsten Märchen, Erzählungen und Betrachtungen von Hermann Hesse mit chinesischen Motiven sowie seine essayistischen und literaturkritischen Publikationen und zeigt ihn als großen Kenner der chinesischen Kultur, Literatur und Philosophie. »Wir müssen China, oder das, was es uns bedeutet, in uns selbst finden.« Hermann Hesse
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2022
Latin America–European Union relations in the twenty-first century
by Arantza Gomez Arana, María J. García
Trusted PartnerOctober 2022
Katja chinesisch
Eine fremde Erzählung
by Dmitri Prigow, Christiane Körner
Katja wächst als Tochter russisch-britischer Emigranten in Tientsin in China auf. Es sind die 1940er Jahre und später, die Spuren von Krieg und Gewalt überall spürbar. Als junges Mädchen wird sie die Entscheidung treffen, fortan in der Sowjetunion zu leben, und reist mit dem Zug nach Taschkent. Während draußen Schnee und Landschaft vorbeiziehen, wallen in ihr die Erinnerungen an das privilegierte Leben in der ausländischen Konzession auf, an die Wunder und Wunderlichkeiten, die Drachen, Stoffe, Texturen, an das oft rätselhafte Verhalten der Erwachsenen, deren Leben von der Geschichte durchgewirbelt wurde. Und dann ist da noch der Erzähler, der die sanften, auch absonderlichen Bilder jener russischen Kindheit in China immer wieder mit der eigenen im trüben sowjetischen Plattenbau verschaltet, als die Moskauer »Patriarchenteiche« gerade zu »Pionierteichen« geworden waren. In seinem letzten Roman erforscht Dmitri Prigow den fremden Kontinent einer Kindheit und birgt die kindliche Wahrnehmung, Welterfahrung, in wunderbar zarte poetische Bilder.
Trusted PartnerJune 1993
Wissenschaftlicher Universalismus
Über Bedeutung und Besonderheit der chinesischen Wissenschaft
by Joseph Needham, Tilman Spengler, Tilman Spengler, Tilman Spengler
Die in diesem Band vereinigten Arbeiten Joseph Needhams stehen in enger thematischer Beziehung zu seinem Hauptwerk »Science and the Civilisation in China«, der ersten maßgeblichen Gesamtdarstellung des chinesischen Beitrags zur Universalgeschichte von Wissenschaft und Technik. Needham begreift das Zustandekommen der neuzeitlichen Wissenschaft als einen universalen Vorgang, zu dessen Entstehen Beiträge aus vielen Zivilisationen zusammenkommen mußten, der aber erst durch die Entdeckung und sozio-kulturellen Neuausrichtung im Europa der Renaissance die für ihn bestimmende Dynamik erhielt. »Wissenschaftlicher Universalismus« als konkretes Forschungsprogramm zielt demnach ebenso auf die Beschreibung einzelner Komponenten wie auf eine Kennzeichnung des Milieus, innerhalb dessen eine Kombination der Einzelteile des Unternehmens »moderne Wissenschaft« in Gang setzte. Wenn der Durchbruch zur modernen Wissenschaft allein in Europa gelang, in anderen Kulturen dazu aber die kognitiven Vorraussetzungen genauso vorhanden waren, dann müssen, folgert Needham, sozio-kulturelle Unterschiede die entscheidenden Hemm- bzw. Beschleunigungsfaktoren bezeichnen.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2024
Women in exile in early modern Europe and the Americas
by Linda Levy Peck, Adrianna E. Bakos
Exile, its pain and possibility, is the starting point of this book. Women's experience of exile was often different from that of men, yet it has not received the important attention it deserves. Women in exile in early modern Europe and the Americas addresses that lacuna through a wide-ranging geographical, chronological, social and cultural approach. Whether powerful, well-to-do or impoverished, exiled by force or choice, every woman faced the question of how to reconstruct her life in a new place. These essays focus on women's agency despite the pressures created by political, economic and social dislocation. Collectively, they demonstrate how these women from different countries, continents and status groups not only survived but also in many cases thrived. This analysis of early modern women's experiences not only provides a new vantage point from which to enrich the study of exile but also contributes important new scholarship to the history of women.
Trusted PartnerFebruary 2024
Why We Should Care if a Sack of RiceFalls Over in China
The food of the future
by Dr. Malte Rubach
It is time to counter the numerous utopias, myths and established narratives of the future of nutrition with a fact-based scenario. This book shows where the natural limits of what is currently technologically feasible lie and how the global diversity of food cultures will ensure the survival of humanity in the future. It exposes the great promises of meat substitutes from the laboratory as well as vegan renunciation scenarios, and shows a realistic path for the future of global nutrition along the lines of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
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