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Kathrin Dreusicke Books
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Promoted ContentBusiness, Economics & LawJune 2020
The victim in the Irish criminal process
by Shane Kilcommins, Susan Leahy, Kathleen Moore Walsh, Eimear Spain
Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2017
Child, nation, race and empire
Child rescue discourse, England, Canada and Australia, 1850–1915
by Margot Hillel, Shurlee Swain, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie
Child, nation, race and empire is an innovative, inter-disciplinary, cross cultural study that contributes to understandings of both contemporary child welfare practices and the complex dynamics of empire. It analyses the construction and transmission of nineteenth-century British child rescue ideology. Locating the origins of contemporary practice in the publications of the prominent English Child rescuers, Dr Barnardo, Thomas Bowman Stephenson, Benjamin Waugh, Edward de Montjoie Rudolf and their colonial disciples and literature written for children, it shows how the vulnerable body of the child at risk came to be reconstituted as central to the survival of nation, race and empire. Yet, as the shocking testimony before the many official enquiries into the past treatment of children in out-of-home 'care' held in Britain, Ireland, Australia and Canada make clear, there was no guarantee that the rescued child would be protected from further harm.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMarch 2025Straight nation
Heteronormativity and other exigencies of postcolonial nationalism
by Pavan Mano
In Straight Nation, Pavan Mano reveals the logic of straightness that sits at the heart of postcolonial nationalism in Singapore. Mano rejects the romantic notion of the nation as a haven of belonging, showing it to be a relentless force that is allied with heteronormativity to create a host of minoritized and xenologized figures. Through meticulous exploration and close reading of a swathe of texts, Mano unveils the instrumental role of sexuality in structuring the national imaginary. The book adroitly demonstrates how queerness is rendered foreign in postcolonial Singapore and functions alongside technologies of "race", gender, and class. A provocative critique of narrow contemporary identity politics and its concomitant stymying of a more ambitious political critique, Straight Nation sets out an argument that moves beyond the negativity of traditional critique into a space of (re)thinking, (re)building and (re)imagining.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2020Spain in the nineteenth century
New essays on experiences of culture and society
by Andrew Ginger, Geraldine Lawless
The nineteenth-century Hispanic world was shattered to its core by war, civil war, and revolution. At the same time, it confronted a new period of European and North-American expansion and development. In these essays, authors explore major, dynamic ways that people in Spain envisaged how they would adapt and change, or simply continue as they were. Each chapter title begins with the words "How to...", and examines the ways in which Spaniards conceived or undertook major activities that shaped their lives. These range from telling the time to being a man. Adaptability, paradox, and inconsistency come to the fore in many of the essays. We find before us a human quest for opportunity and survival in a complex and changing world. This wide-ranging book contains chapters by leading scholars from the United States, United Kingdom, and Spain.
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February 2007Mister Moores Wortgestöber
Ein Wegweiser durch die Sprachen der Welt
by Moore, C.J / Deutsch Strüh, Christine
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The ArtsDecember 2022D. W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation
by Jenny Barrett, Douglas Field, Ian Scott
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Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 2010Race, nation and empire
Making histories, 1750 to the present
by Catherine Hall, Keith McClelland, Julian Hoppit
The essays in this collection show how histories written in the past, in different political times, dealt with, considered, or avoided and disavowed Britain's imperial role and issues of difference. Ranging from enlightenment historians to the present, these essays consider both individual historians, including such key figures as E. A. Freeman, G. M. Trevelyan and Keith Hancock, and also broader themes such as the relationship between liberalism, race and historiography and how we might re-think British history in the light of trans-national, trans-imperial and cross-cultural analysis. 'Britishness' and what 'British' history is have become major cultural and political issues in our time. But as these essays demonstrate, there is no single national story: race, empire and difference have pulsed through the writing of British history. The contributors include some of the most distinguished historians writing today: C. A. Bayly, Antoinette Burton, Saul Dubow, Geoff Eley, Theodore Koditschek, Marilyn Lake, John M. MacKenzie, Karen O'Brien, Sonya O. Rose, Bill Schwarz, Kathleen Wilson. ;
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Humanities & Social SciencesApril 2018The Conservative Party and the nation
by Arthur Aughey, Richard Hayton
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January 2008Love's Sacrifice
by A. T. Moore
A. T. Moore's thorough commentary on "Love's Sacrifice" is designed to be of use to all kinds of readers, from students of Early Modern drama to specialists in the field. The notes provide full explanations of obscure words and phrases, and offer analyzes of many aspects of staging and interpretation. The text for this edition is based on a fresh study of the quarto of 1633, the only authoritative early text. In his introduction to the play, Moore reappraises the evidence for the play's date of composition. He also looks at the circumstances of the play's genesis, presenting detailed discussions of both the theater where "Love's Sacrifice" was first performed and the acting company for which it was written. Arguing that Ford's adaptation of his source materials is the key to interpreting this remarkably allusive play, Moore provides a wealth of new information about Ford's sources.The introduction also includes a survey of critical responses, an overview of the play, stage history, and a bibliography of relevant secondary material. This new volume in the "Revels Plays" series is the most detailed and comprehensive edition of "Love's Sacrifice" ever published - and the first modern-spelling edition of Ford's tragedy in more than a century. The play's textual history is discussed in an appendix. A second appendix examines possible links between "Love's Sacrifice" and the real-life story of the murdered Italian prince and musician Carlo Gesualdo. ;
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Humanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2013The Spanish Socialist Party and the modernisation of Spain
by Paul Kennedy, Steven Fielding, John Callaghan, Steve Ludlam
This book considers the most electorally successful political party in Spain, the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), which was in government for two of the three decades since it won office under Felipe González in 1982. Providing rich historical background, the book's main focus is on the period since General Franco's death in 1975. It charts Spain's modernisation under the PSOE, with a particular focus on the role played by European integration in this process. Covering events including the 2011 general election, the book is one of the most up-to-date works available in English and will be of great interest to academics and undergraduate and postgraduate students in the field of Spanish and European studies. ;
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Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 2010Child, nation, race and empire
Child rescue discourse, England, Canada and Australia, 1850–1915
by Margot Hillel, Shurlee Swain, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie
Child, nation, race and empire is an innovative, inter-disciplinary, cross cultural study that contributes to understandings of both contemporary child welfare practices and the complex dynamics of empire. It analyses the construction and transmission of nineteenth-century British child rescue ideology. Locating the origins of contemporary practice in the publications of the prominent English Child rescuers, Dr Barnardo, Thomas Bowman Stephenson, Benjamin Waugh, Edward de Montjoie Rudolf and their colonial disciples and literature written for children, it shows how the vulnerable body of the child at risk came to be reconstituted as central to the survival of nation, race and empire. Yet, as the shocking testimony before the many official enquiries into the past treatment of children in out-of-home 'care' held in Britain, Ireland, Australia and Canada make clear, there was no guarantee that the rescued child would be protected from further harm. ;
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2020Citizenship, nation, empire
The politics of history teaching in England, 1870–1930
by Andrew Thompson, Peter Yeandle, John M. MacKenzie
Citizenship, nation, empire investigates the extent to which popular imperialism influenced the teaching of history between 1870 and 1930. It is the first book-length study to trace the substantial impact of educational psychology on the teaching of history, probing its impact on textbooks, literacy primers and teacher-training manuals. Educationists identified 'enlightened patriotism' to be the core objective of historical education. This was neither tub-thumping jingoism, nor state-prescribed national-identity teaching, but rather a carefully crafted curriculum for all children which fused civic as well as imperial ambitions. The book will be of interest to those studying or researching aspects of English domestic imperial culture, especially those concerned with questions of childhood and schooling, citizenship, educational publishing and anglo-British relations. Given that vitriolic debates about the politics of history teaching have endured into the twenty-first century, Citizenship, nation, empire is a timely study of the formative influences that shaped the history curriculum in English schools
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Humanities & Social SciencesAugust 2021Counter-terror by proxy
The Spanish State's illicit war with ETA
by Emmanuel Pierre Guittet
Between 1983 and 1987, mercenaries adopting the pseudonym GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación, Antiterrorist Liberation Group) paid by the Spanish treasury and relying upon national intelligence support were at war with the Basque militant group ETA (Euskadi (e)Ta Askatasuna, Basque Country and Freedom). Over four years, their campaign of extrajudicial assassinations spanned the French-Spanish border. Nearly thirty people were killed in a campaign comprised of torture, kidnapping, bombing and the assassination of suspected ETA activists and Basque refugees. This establishment of unofficial counterterrorist squads by a Spanish Government was a blatant detour from legality. It was also a rare case in Europe where no less than fourteen high-ranking Spanish police officers and senior government officials, including the Minister of Interior himself, were eventually arrested and condemned for counter-terrorism wrongdoings and illiberal practices. Thirty years later, this campaign of intimidation, coercion and targeted killings continues to grip Spain. The GAL affair was not only a serious example of a major departure from accepted liberal democratic constitutional principles of law and order, but also a brutal campaign that postponed by decades the possibility of a political solution for the Basque conflict. Counter-terror by proxy uncovers why and how a democratic government in a liberal society turned to a 'dirty war' and went down the route of illegal and extrajudicial killing actions. It offers a fuller examination of the long-term implications of the use of unorthodox counter-terrorist strategies in a liberal democracy.
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Humanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2017Conquering nature in Spain and its empire, 1750–1850
by Helen Cowie, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie
This book examines the study of natural history in the Spanish empire in the years 1750-1850. During this period, Spain made strenuous efforts to survey, inventory and exploit the natural productions of her overseas possessions, orchestrating a serries of scientific expeditions and cultivating and displaying American fauna and flora in metropolitan gardens and museums. This book assesses the cultural significance of natural history, emphasising the figurative and utilitarian value with which eighteenth-century Spaniards invested natural objects, from globetrotting elephants to three-legged chickens. It considers how the creation, legitimisation and dissemination of scientific knowledge reflected broader questions of imperial power and national identity. This book will be of particular interest to scholars and students of Spanish and Latin American History, the History of Science and Imperial Culture
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TelevisionSeptember 2004Terry Nation
by Jonathan Bignell, Andrew O'Day
This is the first in-depth study of the science fiction television devised and written by Terry Nation. Terry Nation was the inventor of the Daleks and wrote other serials for 'Doctor Who'; he also wrote the BBC's 1970s post-apocalyptic drama 'Survivors' and created the space adventure series 'Blake's 7'. Previously television science fiction in Britain has received little critical attention. This book fills that gap and places Nation's work in the context of its production. Using Terry Nation's science fiction work as a case study, the boundaries around the authorship and authority of the television writer are explored in detail. The authors make use of BBC's archival research and specially conducted interviews with television producers and other production staff, to discuss how the programmes that Terry Nation created and wrote were commissioned, produced and brought to the screen. The book makes an important contribution to the study of British television history and will be of interest to enthusiasts of Terry Nation's landmark drama series as well as students of Television Studies.
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Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 2013Diversity management in Spain
New dimensions, new challenges
by Ricard Zapata-Barrero
In the current European dilemma as to whether to increase diversity policies or move towards an assimilationist policy, it is difficult to know what the Spanish approach is. This book argues that Spain represents a context of "multiple diversity", where two frameworks interact: an old, unresolved one, arising from democratic transition, and a new one due to immigration. This explains the Spanish practical approach, where the recent past plays the role of an iron cage, limiting institutional innovation and change. The author proposes a heuristic model, to better understand the "Spanish laboratory of diversities". In order to go through these steps, the author analyses three case studies, coming from the political/social agenda: education, workplace, and political rights. At the end, the reader will have an empirically informed and theoretically founded overview on how Spain is managing diversity. This book is timely for a wide range of academic and professional readers. ;
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