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S&P Literary - Publishing Division of Sosia & Pistoia SRL
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Promoted ContentClinical psychology
Cultural and Ethnic Diversity
How European Psychologists Can Meet the Challenges
by Alexander Thomas
Culture and diversity are both challenge and opportunity. This volume looks at what psychologists are and can be doing to help society meet the challenges and grasp the opportunities in education, at work, and in clinical practice. The increasingly international and globalized nature of modern societies means that psychologists in particular face new challenges and have new opportunities in all areas of practice and research. The contributions from leading European experts cover relevant intercultural issues and topics in areas as diverse as personality, education and training, work and organizational psychology, clinical and counselling psychology, migration and international youth exchanges. As well as looking at the new challenges and opportunities that psychologists face in dealing with people from increasingly varied cultural backgrounds, perhaps more importantly they also explain and discuss how psychologists can deepen and acquire the intercultural competencies that are now needed in our professional lives. Target Group: psychotherapists / clinical psychologists / mental health professionals
Promoted ContentLiterature & Literary StudiesMarch 2013
Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species
by David Amigoni, Jeff Wallace
This volume marks a new approach to a seminal work of the modern scientific imagination: Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species (1859). Darwin's central theory of natural selection neither originated nor could be contained, with the parameters of the natural sciences, but continues to shape and challenge our most basic assumptions about human social and political life. Several new readings, crossing the fields of history, literature, sociology, anthropology and history of science, demonstrate the complex position of the text within cultural debates past and present. Contributors examine the reception and rhetoric of the Origin and its influence on systems of classification, the nineteenth-century women's movement, literary culture (criticism and practice) and Hinduism in India. At the same time, a re-reading of Darwin and Malthus offers a constructive critique of our attempts to map the hybrid origins and influences of the text. This volume will be the ideal companion to Darwin's work for all students of literature, social and cultural history and history of science. ;
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2013
Diversity management in Spain
New dimensions, new challenges
by Ricard Zapata-Barrero
In the current European dilemma as to whether to increase diversity policies or move towards an assimilationist policy, it is difficult to know what the Spanish approach is. This book argues that Spain represents a context of "multiple diversity", where two frameworks interact: an old, unresolved one, arising from democratic transition, and a new one due to immigration. This explains the Spanish practical approach, where the recent past plays the role of an iron cage, limiting institutional innovation and change. The author proposes a heuristic model, to better understand the "Spanish laboratory of diversities". In order to go through these steps, the author analyses three case studies, coming from the political/social agenda: education, workplace, and political rights. At the end, the reader will have an empirically informed and theoretically founded overview on how Spain is managing diversity. This book is timely for a wide range of academic and professional readers. ;
Trusted PartnerOctober 2015
Diversity Management
Generationenübergreifende Zusammenarbeit fördern
by Wegge, Jürgen; Schmidt, Klaus-Helmut
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2017
Pleading for Diversity
The Church Caspar Coolhaes Wanted
by Gottschalk, Linda Stuckrath
Trusted PartnerMedicineOctober 2024
Eradicating deafness?
Genetics, pathology, and diversity in twentieth-century America
by Marion Andrea Schmidt
Is deafness a disability to be prevented or the uniting trait of a cultural community to be preserved? Combining the history of eugenics and genetics with deaf and disability history, this book traces how American heredity researchers moved from trying to eradicate deafness to embracing it as a valuable cultural diversity. It looks at how deafness came to be seen as a hereditary phenomenon at all, how eugenics became part of progressive reform at schools for the deaf, and how, from the 1950s on, more sociocultural approaches to disability and minority led to new cooperative projects between professionals and local signing deaf communities. Analysing the transformative effects of exchange between researchers and objects of research, this book offers new insight to changing ideas about medical ethics, reproductive rights, the meaning of scientific progress and cultural diversity.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2016
Schools and the politics of religion and diversity in the Republic of Ireland
by Karin Fischer
Trusted PartnerMay 1992
Beschreibung einer Form
Versuch über Kafka
by Martin Walser, Walter Höllerer
Der Versuch über Kafka Beschreibung einer Form ist Martin Walsers Dissertation, sie erschien erstmals 1961 und ist eine bemerkenswerte Einführung in das Werk Franz Kafkas, das eine so tiefe und nicht nachlassende Wirkung ausübt.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2024
Dog politics
Species stories and the animal sciences
by Mariam Motamedi Fraser
Do dogs belong with humans? Scientific accounts of dogs' 'species story,' in which contemporary dog-human relations are naturalised with reference to dogs' evolutionary becoming, suggest that they do. Dog politics dissects this story. This book offers a rich empirical analysis and critique of the development and consolidation of dogs' species story in science, asking what evidence exists to support it, and what practical consequences, for dogs, follow from it. It explores how this story is woven into broader scientific shifts in understandings of species, animals, and animal behaviours, and how such shifts were informed by and informed transformative political events, including slavery and colonialism, the Second World War and its aftermath, and the emergence of anti-racist movements in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The book pays particular attention to how species-thinking bears on 'race,' racism, and individuals.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2006
Unity and Diversity in International Law.
Proceedings of an International Symposium of the Kiel Walther Schücking Institute of International Law, November 4-7, 2004.
by Herausgegeben von Zimmermann, Andreas; Herausgegeben von Hofmann, Rainer; Mitherausgeber Goeters, Hanna
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerApril 2009
Zur Evolution der Arten und zur Entwicklung der Erde
Frühe Schriften zur Evolutionstheorie
by Charles Darwin, Rita Seuß, Uwe Hoßfeld, Lennart Olsson
Die erste öffentliche Darstellung von Darwins Evolutionstheorie erfolgte 1858 vor der Linnean Society in London zusammen mit einer Arbeit des Naturforschers Alfred Russel Wallace, der unabhängig von Darwin zu ähnlichen Einsichten gekommen war. Der Band präsentiert ebenjene berühmte Darwin-Wallace-Papers und weitere frühe Schriften Darwins, die seine ersten Schritte zu einer umfassenden Theorie der Evolution markieren und gewissermaßen die Vorgeschichte der Origins of Species erzählen. Der Kommentar beleuchtet nicht nur die historischen Hintergründe, begrifflichen Weichenstellungen und Darwins Arbeitsweise, sondern dokumentiert auch einen seltenen Fall echter wissenschaftlicher Fairneß.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2009
Die Entstehung der biologischen Evolutionstheorie
by Wolfgang Lefèvre
Wie entstand die Theorie Darwins? War sie ein Produkt des fortschrittsgläubigen 19. Jahrhunderts? Warum wurde sie trotz der weltanschaulichen Kontroversen, die sie provozierte, von Darwins Fachgenossen akzeptiert? Auf welche Kenntnis- und Problemsituation in den Lebenswissenschaften bezog sie sich? Diesen Fragen geht das Buch in materialreichen und leichtverständlichen Analysen der Vorgeschichte von Darwins Theorie und ihrer ersten Rezeption nach Erscheinen der Origins of Species im Jahre 1859 nach. Ein Nachwort informiert über die Entwicklung der Darwin-Forschung in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten. Das Buch wendet sich gleichermaßen an Biologen und Biologiehistoriker wie an ein breites interessiertes Publikum und eignet sich insbesondere für die Lehre an Gymnasien und Universitäten.
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Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerMay 2002
Das dicke Kind und andere Erzählungen
by Marie Luise Kaschnitz, Uwe Schweikert, Asta-Maria Bachmann
Text und Kommentar in einem Band. In der Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek erscheinen literarische Hauptwerke aller Epochen und Gattungen als Arbeitstexte für Schule und Studium. Der vollständige Text wird ergänzt durch anschaulich geschriebene Kommentare.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YAJanuary 2020
Die schönsten Bildermaus-Geschichten zum Lesenlernen für starke Mädchen
by Diverse
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YAJanuary 2020
Die schönsten Bildermaus-Geschichten zum Lesenlernen für mutige Jungs
by Diverse
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YAJanuary 2020
Die schönsten Bildermaus-Geschichten zum Lesenlernen von besten Freunden
by Diverse