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      • Caramel Publishing - Editions Caramel

        Caramel specializes in the creation and packaging of children’s books destined for the mass-market. We are based in Brussels and have been serving as an international book packager since 1993. Caramel continues to innovate with new concepts, while also expanding its editorial program. We possess a wide range of eductional products from board books to activity books, that can easily be translated into more than 60 languages!

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      • - Online bookshop and wholesale supplier of geographical maps and globes, wall maps, reproduction of antique maps. Touristic, topographic, geographical and antique maps.  Vendita online di carte geografiche, carte murali, mappamondi e riproduzioni di carte antiche. Vendita al dettaglio via web e fornitura all'ingrosso per librerie, agenzie turistiche ed esercizi specializzati in genere.

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      • Trusted Partner

        80 Picture Cards for Coaching, Training, and Psychotherapie

        Initiating Learning- and Change Processes

        by Evelin Fräntzel, Dieter Johannsen

        People think and remember in images, images influence our feelings and our perception, they shape our interpersonal communication and interaction. Coaches, supervisors,trainers, consultants, and therapists can use picture cards as a creative method to initiate learning and change processes among their clients. The card set can be used when working with groups and teams as well as in individual settings. Using the picture cards and the detailed exercise descriptions, processes ofprofessional and personal reorientation and further development of clients can be effectively supported. The enclosed booklet gives numerous suggestions for the use of the picture cards in practice.   For: • coaches• supervisors• consultants• group leaders• psychotherapists• psychologists• teachers, educators, personnel developers

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Cards of Love 2. Der Zauber der Welt

        by Nena Tramountani, Moon Notes, Lea Melcher

        Giulietta erwacht in einem mysteriösen Zimmer im Grand Hotel in Venedig, ohne zu wissen, was mit ihr geschehen ist. Nach und nach kommt sie zu der erschreckenden Erkenntnis, dass sie in eine Tarotfigur verwandelt wurde und nun über besondere Fähigkeiten verfügt. Diese Gabe bringt jedoch nicht nur Vorteile mit sich, denn ihr rachsüchtiger Onkel macht ihr das Leben schwer, indem er andere Kartenfiguren gegen sie aufbringt. Er verbreitet die Lüge, dass Giulietta die Macht besitzt, sie alle für immer in die Karten zu verbannen, was dazu führt, dass sich Giulietta in einer Welt voller Misstrauen und Verrat wiederfindet. Ihre verzweifelte Suche nach Verbündeten und die Frage, wem sie noch trauen kann, prägen ihr Schicksal in dieser magischen Welt. Die Geschichte entfaltet sich in einer Atmosphäre voller Magie und Geheimnisse, in der die Grenzen zwischen Realität und Tarot verschwimmen. Giulietta muss lernen, mit ihrer neuen Identität und den damit verbundenen Kräften umzugehen, während sie gleichzeitig versucht, die Intrigen ihres Onkels zu durchschauen und sich gegen die Angriffe der anderen Kartenfiguren zur Wehr zu setzen. Ihre Reise ist geprägt von Selbstfindung, Mut und der Entdeckung tieferer Wahrheiten über ihre Familie und die Welt der Tarotkarten. Während sie versucht, ihre Gegner auszumanövrieren und ihre eigene Freiheit zu sichern, steht Giulietta vor der alles entscheidenden Frage: Kann sie in einer Welt voller Magie und Verrat wahre Verbündete finden und ihr Schicksal zum Guten wenden? Fesselnde Fantasy-Geschichte, die in der magischen Kulisse Venedigs spielt und die geheimnisvolle Welt der Tarotkarten zum Leben erweckt. Spannende Handlung mit einer starken weiblichen Hauptfigur, Giulietta, die entdeckt, dass sie in eine Tarotfigur verwandelt wurde und nun außergewöhnliche Kräfte besitzt. Einzigartiger Plot, der Elemente der Selbstfindung, Magie und Intrigen meisterhaft miteinander verwebt, während Giulietta lernt, ihre neuen Fähigkeiten zu beherrschen und sich gegen ihre Feinde zur Wehr setzt. Tiefe Charakterentwicklung, die Leserinnen und Leser auf eine emotionale Reise mitnimmt, auf der Vertrauen, Verrat und die Suche nach Verbündeten in einer Welt voller Geheimnisse zentrale Themen sind. Der finale Band der „Cards of Love“-Dilogie, der eine starke Liebesgeschichte mit spannenden Wendungen und überraschenden Enthüllungen bietet. Perfekt für Fans von Fantasy-Romanen, die sich nach einer innovativen Geschichte sehnen, in der Tarot und Spiritualität eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Begeisterte Leserrezensionen heben hervor, dass der zweite Band sogar noch packender und fesselnder als der erste ist, mit unerwarteten Entwicklungen, die die Leser bis zur letzten Seite in Atem halten. Wunderschön gestaltetes Buch, das nicht nur durch seinen Inhalt, sondern auch durch seine äußere Aufmachung besticht – ein echter Hingucker im Bücherregal. Empfohlen für Leserinnen und Leser, die sich für Tarot, mystische Geschichten und starke, charaktergetriebene Handlungen begeistern. Ein Muss für alle, die eine gelungene Mischung aus Magie, Liebe und Abenteuer suchen und dabei tief in die faszinierende Welt der Tarotkarten eintauchen möchten.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        The Arctic in the British imagination 1818–1914

        by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, Rob David

        The Arctic region has been the subject of much popular writing. This book considers nineteenth-century representations of the Arctic, and draws upon an extensive range of evidence that will allow the 'widest connections' to emerge from a 'cross-disciplinary analysis' using different methodologies and subject matter. It positions the Arctic alongside more thoroughly investigated theatres of Victorian enterprise. In the nineteenth century, most images were in the form of paintings, travel narratives, lectures given by the explorers themselves and photographs. The book explores key themes in Arctic images which impacted on subsequent representations through text, painting and photography. For much of the nineteenth century, national and regional geographical societies promoted exploration, and rewarded heroic endeavor. The book discusses images of the Arctic which originated in the activities of the geographical societies. The Times provided very low-key reporting of Arctic expeditions, as evidenced by its coverage of the missions of Sir John Franklin and James Clark Ross. However, the illustrated weekly became one of the main sources of popular representations of the Arctic. The book looks at the exhibitions of Arctic peoples, Arctic exploration and Arctic fauna in Britain. Late nineteenth-century exhibitions which featured the Arctic were essentially nostalgic in tone. The Golliwogg's Polar Adventures, published in 1900, drew on adult representations of the Arctic and will have confirmed and reinforced children's perceptions of the region. Text books, board games and novels helped to keep the subject alive among the young.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        Cards of Love 1. Die Magie des Todes

        by Nena Tramountani, Moon Notes, Lea Melcher

        Giulietta, frisch mit der Schule fertig und leidenschaftlich an Tarotkarten interessiert, steht an einem entscheidenden Punkt in ihrem Leben. Ihre Welt gerät aus den Fugen, als sie die Nachricht vom Tod ihres geliebten Vaters erhält – ausgerechnet in Venedig, einer Stadt, vor der er sie stets gewarnt hatte. Entschlossen, die Wahrheit hinter seinem mysteriösen Unfalltod zu ergründen, ignoriert Giulietta die Warnungen ihres Vaters und zieht nach Venedig. Dort findet sie Unterschlupf im Grand Hotel ihres Onkels Vincenzo, doch schnell wird klar, dass in diesem Hotel und der Stadt selbst Geheimnisse lauern, die tiefer gehen als sie je vermutet hätte. Merkwürdige Schauspieler und der geheimnisvolle Malvolio ziehen sie immer tiefer in ein Netz aus Magie, Intrigen und einem jahrhundertealten Familiengeheimnis. In der atmosphärischen Kulisse Venedigs, wo Magie und Realität verschwimmen, kämpft Giulietta nicht nur darum, die Geheimnisse ihres eigenen Erbes zu entschlüsseln, sondern auch darum, sich selbst und ihre Fähigkeiten in der Tarotkunst zu finden. Ihre Suche führt sie auf einen gefährlichen Pfad, auf dem jede Entscheidung, jedes gezogene Tarotkarte sie näher an die Wahrheit hinter dem Tod ihres Vaters – und an die dunklen Geheimnisse ihrer Familie – bringt. Dabei ist nicht nur ihr eigenes Schicksal ungewiss, sondern auch das der Menschen, die sie zu lieben beginnt. Mit jeder Karte, die sie legt, offenbart sich eine neue Schicht der Verschwörung, die sie und die Stadt Venedig umgibt. Faszinierende Mischung aus Magie und Moderne, eingebettet in das atmosphärische Venedig, bietet eine einzigartige Kulisse für eine packende Geschichte. Die Kunst des Tarot spielt eine zentrale Rolle in dieser magischen Dilogie, verwebt mit einem jahrhundertealten Familiengeheimnis, das Leserinnen und Leser bis zur letzten Seite fesselt. Starke und tiefgründige Protagonistin, die im Kampf um Wahrheit und Selbstfindung über sich hinauswächst und für ihre Überzeugungen einsteht. Spannende und mysteriöse Handlung, die mit unerwarteten Wendungen und dunklen Geheimnissen die Grenzen zwischen Realität und Magie verwischt. Ein lebendiger Cast aus charismatischen Nebenfiguren und geheimnisvollen Schauspielern, die das Leserherz im Sturm erobern und für zusätzliche Spannung sorgen. Emotional geladene Storyline, die neben der fesselnden Hauptgeschichte auch Raum für erste Liebe und persönliche Rebellion gegen familiäre Erwartungen bietet. Band 1 einer mitreißenden Dilogie, die nicht nur Fantasy-Fans begeistern wird, sondern auch Leserinnen und Leser, die nach einer Geschichte mit Tiefgang und einer starken weiblichen Hauptfigur suchen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2025

        Critical games

        On play and seriousness in academia, literature and life

        by Tim Beasley-Murray

        Critical Games is about the games we play (whether we know it or not), the ways we play them (for fun, but also to win, and to gain approval from others), and what happens when they get out of hand. The book interrogates the theory of play and gaming, with a particular focus on the games played by literary authors and literary critics. Drawing on (often self-critical) autobiography, as well as readings in texts across a range of languages, Tim Beasley-Murray plays with academic conventions to highlight what is at stake in them, turning to the Game of Literature, from Kafka to Carrère, to seek models and warnings of the outcomes of taking games too seriously, or not taking them seriously enough.

      • Trusted Partner

        Solution-Focused Treatment and Coaching

        by Lara de Bruin

        These fans contain questions that can be used in a variety of different setting and offer a solution-focused perspective. The user is guided through the fan by topics. The front of the cards provide guidance to help construct a conversation, while the back of the cards focus on specific situations or clients.   Target Group: therapists, coaches, managers

      • Trusted Partner

        Oplossingsgericht organiseren en veranderen

        by Lara de Bruin

        These fans contain questions that can be used in a variety of different setting and offer a solution-focused perspective. The user is guided through the fan by topics. The front of the cards provide guidance to help construct a conversation, while the back of the cards focus on specific situations or clients.   Target Group: therapists, coaches and managers

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2021

        Passing into the present

        Contemporary American fiction of racial and gender passing

        by Sinead Moynihan

        This book is the first full-length study of contemporary American fiction of passing. Its takes as its point of departure the return of racial and gender passing in the 1990s in order to make claims about wider trends in contemporary American fiction. The book accounts for the return of tropes of passing in fiction by Phillip Roth, Percival Everett, Louise Erdrich, Danzy Senna, Jeffrey Eugenides and Paul Beatty, by arguing meta-critical and meta-fictional tool. These writers are attracted to the trope of passing because passing narratives have always foregrounded the notion of textuality in relation to the (il)legibility of "black" subjects passing as white. The central argument of this book, then, is that contemporary narratives of passing are concerned with articulating and unpacking an analogy between passing and authorship. The title promises to inaugurate dialogue on the relationships between passing, postmodernism and authorship in contemporary American fiction.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2017

        The Trump revolt

        by Edward Ashbee, Bill Jones

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        May 2024

        Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda, or Not the Miracle of Bern

        What if everything had been different in German football

        by Jörg Heinrich

        “Well, that’s football for you!” – football-related conventional wisdom when there’s nothing left to explain after a lucky win or unlucky defeat. But Jörg Heinrich, the renowned football journalist, is not satisfied with this platitude. “Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda”: in the 25 essays in this ball-smart book, bursting with esprit and wit, Jörg Heinrich addresses questions and topics that have never even been considered before, never mind answered. Such as: “What if Günter Netzer had not come on as a substitute in 1973?”, or “if Birgit Prinz had aimed better in the 1995 World Cup?”. “What if Mario Basler had been a non-smoker in 1999”, or “if SC Freiburg had fired their coach Christian Streich after relegation in 2015?”.

      • Trusted Partner

        Sentence Completions for Adolescents

        by Melanie Gräßer, Eike Hovermann

        Sentence completions provide importantstarting points for therapeuticwork with children and adolescentsand are therefore often used in thecontext of diagnostics. The card setcontains 180 cards with sentencestarters for 17 categories, such as familyand origin, love and identity or beliefsand values, which provide informationon conflicts, resources,problems, fears, hopes and wishes ofadolescents aged 12 to 18. The cardsare the ideal companion for diagnosticsand the further course of treatmentthanks to the various possible uses andapplications in individual or group settings,which are described in detail inthe accompanying booklet, as well asextensive online materials. This meansthat children and young people cancomplete the sentence starters as anat-home task and people using thecard set can write down the answers tothe sentence starters directly.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2009

        The silence of Barbara Synge

        by Bill McCormack

        'The silence of Barbara Synge' provides a fascinating companion volume to Bill McCormack's acclaimed 'Fool of the family' (2000), a biography of the playwright J.M. Synge (1871-1909). Taking the alledged death of Mrs John Hatch (née Synge) in 1767 as a focal point, this book explores the varied strands of the Synge family tree in eighteenth and nineteenth century Ireland. Key events in the family's history are carefully documented, including a suicide in 1769 which is echoed in an early Synge play, the effects of the famine which influenced 'The playboy of the western world' in 1907, and the behaviour of Francis Synge at the time of the union. 'The silence of Barbara Synge' is a unique work of cultural enquiry, combining archival research, literary criticism, and religious and medical history to pull the strands together and relate them to the family's literary descendent J.M. Synge. ;

      • Trusted Partner

        Sentence Completions for Children

        by Melanie Gräßer, Eike Hovermann

        Sentence completions provide importantstarting points for therapeutic workwith children and adolescents and aretherefore often used in the context of diagnostics.The card set contains 160cards with sentence starters for 16 categories,such as family and origin, loveand identity or beliefs and values, whichprovide information on conflicts, resources,problems, fears, hopes andwishes of children and young peopleaged 5 to 13. The cards are the idealcompanion for diagnostics and the furthercourse of treatment thanks to thevarious possible uses and applicationsin individual or group settings, which aredescribed in detail in the accompanyingbooklet, as well as extensive online materials.This means that children andyoung people can complete the sentencestarters as an at-home task andpeople using the card set can writedown the answers to the sentencestarters directly.

      • Trusted Partner

        Sentence Completions for Adults

        by Melanie Gräßer, Eike Hovermann

        Sentence completions can be used toderive important starting points fortherapeutic work, which is why they areoften used in diagnostics. The card setcontains 180 cards with sentence beginningsin 17 categories such as familyand origin, love and identity or beliefsand values, which provide informationabout conflicts, resources, problems,fears, hopes and wishes of people aged18 and over. The cards are the idealcompanion for diagnostics and the furthercourse of treatment thanks to thewide range of possible uses and applicationsin individual or group settings,which are described in detail in the accompanyingbooklet, as well as extensiveonline materials. The card set particularlyenriches work in the fields ofpsychotherapy, counseling, couplestherapy, supervision and coaching.Various online materials complementthe card set. Adults can fill in the sentencestarters at home and people whouse the card set can write down the answersto the sentence starters directly.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2023

        Pasts at play

        Childhood encounters with history in British culture, 1750–1914

        by Rachel Bryant Davies, Barbara Gribling

        This collection brings together scholars from disciplines including Children's Literature, Classics, and History to develop fresh approaches to children's culture and the uses of the past. It charts the significance of historical episodes and characters during the long nineteenth-century (1750-1914), a critical period in children's culture. Boys and girls across social classes often experienced different pasts simultaneously, for purposes of amusement and instruction. The book highlights an active and shifting market in history for children, and reveals how children were actively involved in consuming and repackaging the past: from playing with historically themed toys and games to performing in plays and pageants. Each chapter reconstructs encounters across different media, uncovering the cultural work done by particular pasts and exposing the key role of playfulness in the British historical imagination.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        What Does the Ball Think?

        Why football is not just kicking

        by Johannes Schweikle, Oliver Lück

        A football is a moody thing, and the art of mastering it a highly challenging concern. Whether fan or philosopher, football is a fascination, and its various facets are revealed in this anthology with memorable, intelligent and curious contributions. How and with what (human rights-violating) methods did Qatar prepare for the World Cup? Actress Christiane Paul explains why she supports FC Bayern. Herman van Veen explains the difference between Dutch and German football fans, and the report 'Five balls for Angola' takes readers on a journey to football in Africa. A book for dedicated fans and critical football observers.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Cards of Love 1. Die Magie des Todes

        by Nena Tramountani, Anne Düe, Arne Stephan, , Lea Melcher

        Giulietta ist gerade mit der Schule fertig und weiß nicht, was sie mit ihrem Leben anstellen soll. Einzig das Legen von Tarotkarten bereitet ihr Freude. Sie ist am Boden zerstört, als ihr Vater, den sie über alles liebt, angeblich bei einem Unfall in Venedig ums Leben kommt. Ausgerechnet in der Stadt, von der ihr Vater sie immer fernhalten wollte. Giulietta zieht trotz seiner Warnungen nach Venedig. Sie kommt im Grand Hotel ihres Onkels Vincenzo unter und merkt schnell, dass dort nicht alles mit rechten Dingen zugeht. Wer sind die seltsamen Schauspieler, die so großes Interesse an ihrer Tarotkunst haben? Und wer der mysteriöse Malvolio, der ihr seine Hilfe anbietet? Gelesen von Anne Düe und Arne Stephan.

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