Manuel Giron
Literature, photography and Music
View Rights PortalThis remarkably unique book takes the conceit of the loneliness room to show how everyday artistic practice opens up loneliness to new definitions and new understandings. Refusing to pathologise loneliness, the book draws on the creative submissions supplied by its participants to demonstrate that being lonely can mean different things to different people in differing contexts. Filled with the photographs, paintings, videos, songs, and writings of its participants, The loneliness room is a deeply moving account of loneliness today.
In this study, Kathryn Walls challenges the standard identification of Una with the post-Reformation English Church, arguing that she is, rather, Augustine's City of God - the invisible Church, whose membership is known only to God. Una's story (its Tudor resonances notwithstanding) therefore embraces that of the Synagogue before the Incarnation as well as that of the Church in the time of Christ and thereafter. It also allegorises the redemptive process that sustains the true Church. Una is fallible in canto I. Subsequently, however, she comes to embody divine perfection. Her transformation depends upon the intervention of the lion as Christ. Convinced of the consistency and coherence of Spenser's allegory, Walls offers fresh interpretations of Abessa (as Synagoga), of the fauns and satyrs (the Gentiles), and of Una's dwarf (adiaphoric forms of worship). She also reinterprets Spenser's marriage metaphor, clarifying the significance of Red Cross as Una's spouse in the final canto.
Als Tochter wohlhabender Eltern erhielt Florence eine gute Erziehung. Das war im 19. Jahrhundert die Grundlage für eine gute Partie. Aber Florence wollte nicht heiraten, sie wollte Krankenschwester werden, um anderen Menschen zu helfen. Als 1853 der Krimkrieg ausbrach, ging sie in ein Militärlazarett in Konstantinopel. Dort starben die meisten Soldaten nicht an ihren Verletzungen, sondern an der mangelnden Hygiene im Krankenhaus. Diesem Mangel abzuhelfen, war ihr Ziel. Und damit löste sie eine Revolution im Gesundheitswesen aus. Sie wurde zur »Mutter der modernen Krankenpflege«. Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen: Jede dieser Persönlichkeiten, ob Philosophin, Forscherin oder Sportler, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen.
New York City in the sixties: the city that never sleeps, because they have plenty of pills for that. And in between, a girl from West Berlin. Mona is young, pretty and recently moved to New York to make a career for herself. The city that never sleeps hasn't been waiting for her. Although she does quickly meet two men: East Coast aristocrat Sidney, and dark-haired bohemian Adam. Torn between the two, Mona drifts through a world that is supplied with "vitamin injections" by Max Jacobson, aka Dr Feelgood, who fled from the Nazis in Berlin. And so a second thread weaves its way into the story: star photographer Mark Shaw, one of Dr Feelgood’s patients, is found dead in his apartment one day. A coroner starts investigating. There is a lot to be examined, and it involves the rich and beautiful and powerful all the way to the White House …
Robert Pendleton ist ein Chemiegenie; was er entwickelt, bedeutet nicht nur Fortschritt, es bedeutet vor allem Reichtum und Macht. Als er plötzlich verschwindet, sind alle in Aufruhr: die CIA, die chinesische Regierung und die »Bank«, die sehr viel Geld in Pendletons Forschung investiert hat. Neal Carey soll ihn wiederfinden – ein Routinejob, wie er glaubt, bis er auf die schöne und geheimnisvolle Li Lan trifft. Im dunklen Herzen Chinas soll Neal die Antwort auf alle Fragen finden – oder den Tod. Alle Titel der Neal-Carey-Serie: London Undercover (Neal Carey 1)China Girl (Neal Carey 2)Way Down on the High Lonely (Neal Carey 3 – angekündigt unter dem Titel Holy Nevada)A Long Walk Up the Water Slide (Neal Carey 4 – angekündigt unter dem Titel Lady Las Vegas)Palm Desert (Neal Carey 5)
This book analyses how three artists - Adrian Piper, Nancy Spero and Mary Kelly - worked with the visual dimensions of language in the 1960s and 1970s. These artists used text and images of writing to challenge female stereotypes, addressing viewers and asking them to participate in the project of imagining women beyond familiar words and images of subordination. The book explores this dimension of their work through the concept of 'the other woman', a utopian wish to reach women and correspond with them across similarities and differences. To make the artwork's aspirations more concrete, it places the artists in correspondence with three writers - Angela Davis, Valerie Solanas, and Laura Mulvey - who also addressed the limited range of images through which women are allowed to become visible.
“Do you think there are any good friendslike us anywhere in the world?” asksthe duck. Hare and Bear are certain:“Friends like us only exist once in theworld!”What would life be without friends?They accompany us through life, offersupport and make our best sides shine.Hare, duck and bear show children howto be a real friend in loving and impressivepictures.A picture book about how friendshipcan grow when we play together, laugh,share, comfort and encourage eachother, keep secrets and stick together.
Girlhood and whiteness in the British empire traces the interconnected histories of girlhood, whiteness, and British colonialism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries through the study of the Girls' Friendly Society. The society functioned as both a youth organisation and emigration society, making it especially valuable in examining girls' multifaceted participation with the empire. The book charts the emergence of the organisation during the late Victorian era through its height in the first decade of the twentieth century to its decline in the interwar years. Employing a multi-sited approach and using a range of sources-including correspondences, newsletters, and scrapbooks-the book uncovers the ways in which girls participated in the empire as migrants, settlers, laborers, and creators of colonial knowledge and also how they resisted these prescribed roles and challenged systems of colonial power.
An illuminating look at the world of cleanfluencers that asks why the burden of housework still falls on women. Housework is good for you. Housework sparks joy. Housework is beautiful. Housework is glamorous. Housework is key to a happy family. Housework shows that you care. Housework is women's work. Social media is flooded with images of the perfect home. TikTok and Instagram 'cleanfluencers' produce endless photos and videos of women cleaning, tidying and putting things right. Figures such as Marie Kondo and Mrs Hinch have placed housework, with its promise of a life of love and contentment, at the centre of self-care and positive thinking. And yet housework remains one of the world's most unequal institutions. Women, especially poorer women and women of colour, do most low-paid and unpaid domestic labour. In The return of the housewife, Emma Casey asks why these inequalities matter and why they persist after a century of dramatic advances in women's rights. She offers a powerful call to challenge the prevailing myths around housework and the 'naturally competent' woman homemaker.
Ten-year-old Emma has cancer and is undergoing her first days in hospital. There are many feelings connected with this: she is worried about the treatment and misses home. Because she can’t go to a friend’s birthday party, she feels increasingly lonely. A conflict occurs with her roommate, but this resolves into a friendship. The two of them talk about their problems and are able to help each other. They start to make life on the children’s cancer ward as pleasant as possible. This book aims to help children affected by cancer to cope with their worries and feelings. It shows the children that they are not alone and that others are having a similar experience to theirs. For:• children of elementary school age(between 6 and 12 years) who havecancer• parents and relatives• therapists
Child, nation, race and empire is an innovative, inter-disciplinary, cross cultural study that contributes to understandings of both contemporary child welfare practices and the complex dynamics of empire. It analyses the construction and transmission of nineteenth-century British child rescue ideology. Locating the origins of contemporary practice in the publications of the prominent English Child rescuers, Dr Barnardo, Thomas Bowman Stephenson, Benjamin Waugh, Edward de Montjoie Rudolf and their colonial disciples and literature written for children, it shows how the vulnerable body of the child at risk came to be reconstituted as central to the survival of nation, race and empire. Yet, as the shocking testimony before the many official enquiries into the past treatment of children in out-of-home 'care' held in Britain, Ireland, Australia and Canada make clear, there was no guarantee that the rescued child would be protected from further harm.
The Little Lady makes all hearts sing! When Lilly and her family move into the old house with the golden pretzel, she has no idea that a magic neighbour lives in the mysterious backyard. The Little Lady keeps a chameleon that is 1000 years old; she can make herself invisible and masters all kinds of magic tricks – but most of all she loves to play pranks on others! So a summer filled with wonderful adventures begins for Lilly. Poetic, full of imagination and humour, the Little Lady is delighted by her ever-growing community of fans and enjoys huge success with young and old alike. A fantastically beautiful story to read aloud or alone, exquisitely illustrated by Nina Dulleck.
London, Mitte der Siebziger. Die Popkultur wird neu erfunden, in der revolutionären Ursuppe des Punk scheint alles möglich. Aber gilt das auch für Frauen? Gibt es außer Groupie, Elfe oder Rockröhre noch andere Rollen? Besteht vielleicht zum ersten Mal die Chance, mit allen Typical-Girl-Klischees aufzuräumen, statt selber eins zu werden? Viv Albertine wurde zum Riot Girl, lange bevor es diesen Ausdruck gab. Bei den legendären Flowers of Romance kreierte sie neben Sid Vicious (später Sex Pistols) und Keith Levene (später PIL) ihren individuellen Gitarrensound. Um dann mit den Slits, der ersten autonomen Frauenpunkband, die Türen aufzustoßen, durch die später Madonna oder Lady Gaga eigene Wege gehen konnten. Wie die Punkszene entstand, wie sie aus weiblicher Sicht erlebt und feministisch neu erfunden wurde und welche Rückschläge es dabei gab – all das wurde noch nie so plastisch und zugleich so reflektiert, so abgeklärt und zugleich so amüsant geschildert wie von Viv Albertine in ihrem umwerfenden Memoir. Shoes off!
Sam Kornberg liebt Trash-Filme, Hochliteratur und seine Frau Lala. Als die ihn verlässt, bricht für Sam eine Welt zusammen. Um sie wiederzugewinnen, ist er zum Äußersten bereit – er sucht sich einen Job. Den erstbesten, den er kriegen kann: Assistent eines Privatdetektivs. Sein Chef ist Solar Lonsky, ein kränkliches, fettleibiges Genie, das sein Haus nicht verlassen kann. Sams erster Auftrag ist die Beschattung einer mysteriösen Frau. Eigentlich muss er nichts weiter tun, als ihr durch Los Angeles zu folgen, doch schon bald verfällt er ihr hoffnungslos und wird in einen Mordfall verwickelt, in dem Satanisten, Succubi, Untergrundfilmer, Hollywoodstars und mexikanische Gangster eine nicht unbedeutende Rolle spielen. Mystery Girl ist ein Thriller über die Gefahren von Kunst und Liebe, ein Schnellkurs in »Verfall der westlichen Zivilisation« und ein durchgeknallter Trip durch L.A. Und, ach ja, es ist eine irre spannende, wahnsinnig gewiefte und brutal komische Geschichte.
A wie Albtraum, so wurde die ehemalige 4a genannt. Doch nun gehen alle auf verschiedene Schulen. Was für ein Glück, dass ein Klassentreffen ansteht, bei dem sich Franz, Aki, Pauline und die anderen endlich wiedersehen. So richtig klasse wird es allerdings erst, als Miss Braitwhistle, ihre zauberhafte Ex-Lehrerin, auftaucht und die Kinder zu sich einlädt. Eine „littleuberraschung“ hat sie natürlich auch parat: Knallbonbons, die „Wunsche erfullen“. Und plötzlich stehen alle mitten in der Nacht im Zoo. Alle Bände der Reihe: Band 1: Die fabelhafte Miss BraitwhistleBand 2: Miss Braitwhistle kommt in FahrtBand 3: Miss Braitwhistle hebt abBand 4: Klassentreffen bei Miss BraitwhistleBand 5: Klassenreise mit Miss BraitwhistleBand 6: Miss Braitwhistle startet durch