Self-Counsel Press
Livres Canada Books
View Rights PortalGAPSK and YLPSK are the standardized test of Chinese language for children from 3 to 15. From the world- renowned Peking University, GAPSK and YLPSK are certified and approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education as language proficiency measuring tool for children . GAPSK, YLPSK could be conducted on site or completely online. Come join over 100,000 students who taken the tests, contact us at Find out more at
View Rights PortalWorking at the sales counter is never dull: Every day, people come to you with the widest possible variety of questions and expect good advice. It does not matter whether it is about self-medication for adults, pregnant women, children, about aids and appliances, vegan diets or alternative medicine: Whatever your customer’s concerns – you always offer well-founded counselling. Based on real-life counselling situations routinely encountered in a pharmacy, the authors – all pharmacists with experience of retail sales – provide important information for such conversations and suggest helpful questions to ask when patients seek advice. Become a sales counter expert in no time!
This volume examines the underlying foundations on which the European Union's counter-terrorism and police co-operation policies have been built since the inception of the Treaty on European Union, questioning both the effectiveness and legitimacy of the EU's efforts in these two critically important security areas. Given the importance of such developments to the wider credibility of the EU as a security actor, this volume adopts a more structured analysis of key stages of the implementation process. These include the establishment of objectives, both at the wider level of internal security co-operation and in terms of both counter-terrorism and policing, particularly in relation to the European Police Office, the nature of information exchange and the 'value added' by legislative and operational developments at the European level. It also offers a more accurate appraisal of the official characterisation of the terrorist threat within the EU as a 'matter of common concern'. In doing so, not only does it raise important questions about the utility of the European level for organising internal security co-operation, but it also provides a more comprehensive assessment of the EU's activities throughout the lifetime of the Third Pillar, placing in a wider and more realistic context the EU's reaction to the events of 11 September 2001 and the greater prominence of Islamist terrorism. ;
Between 1983 and 1987, mercenaries adopting the pseudonym GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación, Antiterrorist Liberation Group) paid by the Spanish treasury and relying upon national intelligence support were at war with the Basque militant group ETA (Euskadi (e)Ta Askatasuna, Basque Country and Freedom). Over four years, their campaign of extrajudicial assassinations spanned the French-Spanish border. Nearly thirty people were killed in a campaign comprised of torture, kidnapping, bombing and the assassination of suspected ETA activists and Basque refugees. This establishment of unofficial counterterrorist squads by a Spanish Government was a blatant detour from legality. It was also a rare case in Europe where no less than fourteen high-ranking Spanish police officers and senior government officials, including the Minister of Interior himself, were eventually arrested and condemned for counter-terrorism wrongdoings and illiberal practices. Thirty years later, this campaign of intimidation, coercion and targeted killings continues to grip Spain. The GAL affair was not only a serious example of a major departure from accepted liberal democratic constitutional principles of law and order, but also a brutal campaign that postponed by decades the possibility of a political solution for the Basque conflict. Counter-terror by proxy uncovers why and how a democratic government in a liberal society turned to a 'dirty war' and went down the route of illegal and extrajudicial killing actions. It offers a fuller examination of the long-term implications of the use of unorthodox counter-terrorist strategies in a liberal democracy.
Emigrant Homecomings addresses the significant but neglected issue of return migration to Britain and Europe since 1600. While emigration studies have become prominent in both scholarly and popular circles in recent years, return migration has remained comparatively under-researched, despite evidence that in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries between a quarter and a third of all emigrants from many parts of Britain and Europe ultimately returned to their countries of origin. Emigrant Homecomings analyses the motives, experiences and impact of these returning migrants in a wide range of locations over four hundred years, as well as examining the mechanisms and technologies which enabled their return. The book examines the multiple identities that migrants adopted and the huge range and complexity of homecomers' motives and experiences. It also dissects migrants' perception of 'home' and the social, economic, cultural and political change that their return engendered.
This collection aims to inaugurate a new direction in research on counterterrorism by exploring global connections - both in terms of practices and discourses, as well as shared ideas and epistemes - that animate counterterrorism practices. The chapters - grouped under the themes of postcoloniality and coloniality, and entanglements of the transnational and the local, and counterterrorism and right-wing extremism - are attentive to global connections and are mindful of the complexities of global historical processes that constitute the politics of counterterrorism. This book aims to bring together scholars studying counterterrorism in the global North and the global South to explore convergence and divergence in how counterterrorism policies function in a range of national and local contexts.
Jürgen Teller war ein außerordentlicher Briefschreiber. Die vorliegende Sammlung enthält Briefe an seine Familie, an Ernst und Karola Bloch und ihren Sohn Jan Robert; an Sigrid Damm, Volker Braun, Friedrich Dieckmann, an Freunde und Schüler. Die in den Briefen geäußerte Kritik an Politik und Gesellschaft der DDR und auch der Bundesrepublik beruht auf dem Glauben an die Unzerstörbarkeit humanistischer Traditionen. Jürgen Teller wurde 1926 bei Leipzig geboren. Nach Krieg und Gefangenschaft gaben Literatur und Philosophie und neue Freundschaften seinem Leben eine andere Richtung. Die Begegnung mit Ernst Bloch war für ihn bestimmend, sie wurde ihm zur »Kopernikanischen Wende«. »Ernst hatte einen Assistenten«, schreibt Karola Bloch, »Jürgen Teller, den wir besonders schätzten. Als die Kampagne gegen Bloch entbrannt war, verlangte die Parteileitung der Universität auch von Teller eine negative Stellungnahme. Doch Teller weigerte sich, seinen Lehrer zu verleumden. Er wurde aus der SED ausgeschlossen und entlassen. Er fand Arbeit in einem Stahlwerk. Dort verunglückte er und verlor seinen linken Arm. Der Fall Teller führte zu erheblicher Unruhe in Kreisen der Intelligenz.
An illuminating look at the world of cleanfluencers that asks why the burden of housework still falls on women. Housework is good for you. Housework sparks joy. Housework is beautiful. Housework is glamorous. Housework is key to a happy family. Housework shows that you care. Housework is women's work. Social media is flooded with images of the perfect home. TikTok and Instagram 'cleanfluencers' produce endless photos and videos of women cleaning, tidying and putting things right. Figures such as Marie Kondo and Mrs Hinch have placed housework, with its promise of a life of love and contentment, at the centre of self-care and positive thinking. And yet housework remains one of the world's most unequal institutions. Women, especially poorer women and women of colour, do most low-paid and unpaid domestic labour. In The return of the housewife, Emma Casey asks why these inequalities matter and why they persist after a century of dramatic advances in women's rights. She offers a powerful call to challenge the prevailing myths around housework and the 'naturally competent' woman homemaker.
This book offers a unique account of British and United States government's attempts to adapt their propaganda strategies to global terrorist threats in a post-9/11 media environment. It discusses Anglo-American coordination and domestic struggles that brought in far-reaching changes to propaganda. These changes had implications for the structures of legitimacy yet occurred largely in isolation from public debate and raise questions regarding their governance. The author argues that independent and public reexamination of continuing strategy development is essential for government accountability and the formation of systems and policies that both respect citizens and build constructive foreign relations. The book's themes will appeal to a wide readership including scholars and professionals. It draws on illuminating interviews with high-profile British/US sources including journalists, PR professionals and key foreign policy, defence and intelligence personnel.
Does the coil interfere with MRI? Is a latex allergy the reason for condom intolerance? Does the contraceptive patch stay on whilst swimming? The subject of contraception raises far more questions in the pharmacy than those about the price of a particular contraceptive pill. This book brings together questions from customers about the basic principles, problems and risks of the different methods of contraception: ■ Natural family planning ■ Barrier methods ■ Intrauterine devices (IUD) ■ Hormonal contraceptives ■ Morning after pill (emergency pill) With the aid of patient- and customer-friendly formulated answers and a clarification of the pharmacological and medical background, all questions about the pill, ring, condoms and more can be faced without any problems!
■ How many omega-3 fatty acids does salmon contain? ■ Which dairy product contains the most calcium? ■ How iron-rich is spinach, really? Whether calories, vitamins or amino acids – whether in field beans, bananas, eggs, chicken, parmesan cheese or onion – it is all here. The compact edition of the time-tested „large SFK [Souci/Fachmann/Kraut]“ offers tested data on over 70 ingredients in more than 360 foods, systematically structured according to food groups. This edition with thousands of values has been completely revised and updated by the Leibniz Institute of Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich. Extra: 32 summary tables cover more than 300 other, less common foods and allow for targeted, clear comparisons. 16 orientation tables provide information about foods with particularly high or low amounts of ingredients. Nutritional values, energy content, main components and ingredients displayed in uniform systematics and a practical format – just look it up!
It is time to counter the numerous utopias, myths and established narratives of the future of nutrition with a fact-based scenario. This book shows where the natural limits of what is currently technologically feasible lie and how the global diversity of food cultures will ensure the survival of humanity in the future. It exposes the great promises of meat substitutes from the laboratory as well as vegan renunciation scenarios, and shows a realistic path for the future of global nutrition along the lines of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Islamophobia is one of the most misunderstood and pernicious forms of racism in Britain. But how do those committed to challenging Islamophobia understand it? And what does this mean for their practices 'on the ground'? Islamophobia, anti-racism and the British left combines first-hand accounts from activists and community workers across two British cities with sociological theory, critically interrogating Islamophobia's relationship to 'race', racial capitalism and other modalities of racism. Setting this discussion against some of the most pertinent political shifts in Britain in recent years - from the resurgence of left nationalism to Black Lives Matter - the book assesses the limits of recent attempts to think about and tackle Islamophobia, and considers the possibilities of an alternative approach from and for the anti-racist left.