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        Pharmaceutical Technician Training: the Connecticum

        Learning field-oriented and interdisciplinary 1st school year

        by Simone Gansewig and Dr. Robert Wulff

        Scenes from the life of a pharmaceutical technician in her everyday life in a shared flat and the pharmacy are the gimmicks (and cliffhangers) in this book on pharmaceutical technician training. These develop into their connections to everyday life in a pharmacy and to the pharmaceutical knowledge that is conveyed at pharmaceutical technician school classes. The work combines different media forms and learning types as “Connecticum”. Podcasts, videos, and worksheets that can be accessed via QR code, as well as references to literature and information sources, supplement the content and make learning more varied and interesting. This innovative workbook for pharmaceutical technician training – each school year is accompanied by its own volume - is the ideal partner for subject-oriented and interdisciplinary teaching. It is also suitable for practically-oriented, independent work and a review of the entire training content – with a guaranteed fun factor!

      • Trusted Partner

        Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry

        by Dr. Bernd Sorg and Prof. Dr. Diana Imhof

        Biochemistry and clinical chemistry have long been an established part of pharmaceutical education. A comprehensive knowledge of the molecular processes in the human body is needed for a detailed understanding of disease pictures and of drug action at the molecular level. These subjects are of supreme relevance for pharmaceutical practice – without the methods of biochemistry and molecular biology, the development of new active substances is inconceivable. However, to date the established reference works have covered a much too broad range of topics, go into excessive detail and are not geared to the study of pharmacy. This textbook finally fills this gap in a hitherto unique way. Thanks to the concise learning content, it is tailored to the needs of pharmacy students. The authors therefore concentrate on the material required for the registration examination and focus on topics of relevance to drugs and treatment. They summarise the biochemical principles and use selected examples to explain the connections between them. Numerous diagrams, pictures and info boxes provide structure to the subject matter, facilitate learning and make reading enjoyable.

      • Trusted Partner

        Medicinal Drugs

        406 index cards

        by Prof. Dr. Matthias F. Melzig and Dr. Joscha Kummer

        Eyebright, Asian holly oak, butcher‘s broom – pharmaceutical drugs play an important role in the studies and profession of pharmacists, and must be learned. The author duo has compiled profiles for 406 important medicinal drugs, including - coloured image of the physical appearance, - name, family, ingredients, effect, application, - synonyms and instructions for use. New in the 2nd edition: - update of all profiles, - over 80 new drugs, including TCM and homeopathy. Thanks to the photo and fact sheet, the drugs can be internalised in no time at all – optimal for exams and practice!

      • Trusted Partner

        Voigt Pharmaceutical Technology

        For classroom and workplace

        by Prof. Dr. Alfred Fahr. Founded by Prof. Dr. Rudolf Voigt. In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Heike Bunjes, Prof. Dr. Rolf Daniels, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Fischer, Dr. Judith Kuntsche, Prof. Dr. Sylvio May, Prof. Dr. Stefan Scheler and Prof. Dr. Martin Tegtmeier

        Tablets, capsules and suppositories – ointments, creams and gels – solutions, emulsions and suspensions – extracts, tinctures and distillates – inhalants and aerosols – the variety of solid, semisolid, liquid and gaseous medications is enormous, and ingenious new solutions for the optimisation of drug delivery are developed every day. For over 50 years, Voigt has set standards in pharmaceutical technology, both in the classroom and at the workplace. For the new edition, all contents have been thoroughly updated, the illustrations modernised and supplemented with many graphics and photos from industrial practice. Devices, methods and pharmacopoeia boxes are thus up to date. Take advantage of the authors’ compiled expertise on both fundamentals and the latest developments in the field.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2006

        EU pharmaceutical regulation

        The politics of policy-making

        by Govin Permanand, Dimitris Papadimitriou, Simon Bulmer, Andrew Geddes, Peter Humphreys, Caroline Wilding

        This book provides an analysis of European Union pharmaceutical regulation from a policy-making perspective. The focus is on how the often conflicting agendas of the pharmaceutical industry, the EU member states, the European Commission, and consumer interests are reconciled within the context of regulatory outcomes having to serve public health, healthcare and industrial policy needs within the single market. Breaking with more traditional approaches which stress the economic determinants of pharmaceutical policy, different strands of public policy analysis, regulatory and European integration and policy-making theories are invoked in developing a new conceptual approach to frame the analysis. In-depth case-studies in three key policy areas: patent protection, market authorisation, and pricing and reimbursement, provide substantive support. In providing a unique perspective on how and why EU pharmaceutical policy is made, the book will be of interest to academics, students and policy-practitioners interested in EU policy-making, regulation and public policy analysis. ;

      • Trusted Partner

        Pharmacy Assessment

        Sale and purchase of pharmacies

        by Dipl.-Kfm. Axel Witte and Dipl.-Bw. Doris zur Mühlen

        To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is worth taking a closer look when buying or selling a pharmacy. Whether buyer or seller: both parties ask themselves the question of the market value of an object. This is determined by a multitude of factors. This book shows how both parties arrive at a realistic assessment. The revised and updated edition of the classic work guides you through the process of assessing a pharmacy’s value. Various examples help to assess the facts and support the understanding of relevant factors during the sale or purchasing process, which is usually carried out with the help of an advisor experienced in the field.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Pharmaceutical Technician Logbook

        Tips on record keeping and sample pharmaceutical calculations

        by Heike Steen

        The pharmaceutical technician students have almost made it: the first part of their training has been successfully completed, many exams have been passed and they are starting their six month internship in a wonderful pharmacy. Now they find themselves at the next milestone on the road to becoming a fully-fledged pharmaceutical technician: the internship logbook! The contents are laid down by the regulations governing the training and examination of pharmaceutical technicians. It is required before admission to the 2nd part of the examination and forms an important basis for the oral examination in the subject Pharmacy practice. This logbook gives pharmaceutical technician interns the decisive incentive to keep their own individual records. It contains tips on how to achieve a logical, accurate, wellstructured and visually perfect presentation of the contents. The second part of the book shows complete sample calculations for examples of individual and bulk formulations, tests on starting materials and selected topics of practical training in a pharmacy!

      • Trusted Partner

        The Practice of Pharmacy

        Textbook for pharmacy interns Handbook for the pharmacy

        by Dr. Michael Sax, founded by Dr. Herbert Gebler and Dr. Gerd Kindl

        After pharmacy studies have ended, the fascinating world of the pharmacy awaits – simultaneously varied and challenging. This is no problem with this well-established standard work to hand! The 7th edition, with a new editor and new structure, goes through the various stages of pharmacy operation. Beginning with the social mandate to supply medicines and then considering the organisational and economic orientation of a pharmacy, one delves ever deeper into its inner workings. In every area, the appropriate specific information can be found about pharmaceutical law and practice – whether this concerns the back office, over-the-counter medicines, dispensary and dispensing, or the supply of care homes, or preparation of cytotoxic drugs. In addition to the important topic “Dispensing of drugs and medical devices on prescription”, particular attention is paid to the principal activity in the pharmacy – giving advice on self-medication. The contents are based on the regulations for registration of pharmacists and the guidelines of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists for the practical training of pharmacy interns in the pharmacy. The Practice of Pharmacy safely navigates the user through the practical training year and is the ideal preparation for the 3rd State Examination! Returnees, pharmacies that provide training and pharmacists of many years’ experience, will also benefit from this textbook and reference work.

      • Trusted Partner

        Pharmacy Services

        Future on site

        by Dr. S. Werner and T. König

        Make it simple! The pharmacy can do more than just provide medicines. In this book, two smart authors show what ideas are out there for pharmacy services and how they can be offered. This involves much more than just the pharmaceutical services that are paid for. Digitalisation makes many things possible. Optimised operational processes, broad knowledge and skills become further services that offer good opportunities for the on-site pharmacy. Here you can read about • what contemporary services are available, how they can be introduced, and what they should cost, • why telemedicine and appointment booking software can be helpful strategies, and • how pharmacies can effectively counter the mail-order trade. From the content: pharmaceutical counselling in and outside the pharmacy on health topics, prevention and medicinal products, services for specific target groups, distributing and blistering, vaccination, determination of physiological values and much more.

      • Trusted Partner

        German for Pharmaceutical Practice

        Communicate, research, present

        by Nadine Yvonne Sprecher, Annette Thomas, Annegret Lehmann and Anke Schichte. In collaboration with Christiane Schneider

        In the pharmacy, the staff communicate with customers, colleagues, the medical profession, sales representatives and nursing home staff. Pharmacy employees produce written information based on well-chosen sources and represent the pharmacy to the outside world through presentations, on social media, or with the help of flyers, posters and other promotional materials. All this presupposes the confident use of language, and is best trained in advance. Part A of this work provides assistance for the most diverse communicative requirements in the pharmacy. A short theoretical explanation is always followed by several tasks so that you can immediately put what you have learned into practice and try it out. The „Brief overview of grammar and language knowledge“ boxes point out linguistic stumbling blocks. Those who are not yet sure of the technical terms can make themselves fit in Part B. Here one learns how to conduct a good counselling interview according to the BAC guideline. Extensive lists of technical terms and their explanations suitable for everyday use – all arranged according to organ systems – contain the most important vocabulary for everyday pharmacy work. A totally practical German lesson!

      • Trusted Partner

        Pharmacy Practice Workbook

        practise, consolidate, revise

        by Annette Thomas / Nadine Sprecher

        Advising patients, dispensing, preparing and checking drugs – that is the essence of pharmacy practice and – at the same time – a broad field. This workbook enables knowledge about legal and regulatory requirements concerning the dispensing of drugs, the use of particular dosage forms, specific risks of drugs as well as the handling of medical devices or hazardous substances to be deepened – and in an amusing and entertaining way, thanks to a varied range of exercises! It is the ideal complement to the textbook Pharmacy Practice of the Deutschen Apotheker Verlag and the perfect preparation for the final examination. But quite apart from that, it guarantees fun for all prospective and active pharmaceutical technicians, returnees and pharmacy interns when learning and revising. It provides valuable ideas and support for pharmaceutical technician schools and pharmacies with teaching and training.

      • Trusted Partner

        Chemistry Workbook

        by Marion Romer, Silke Dittmar, Dr. DorotheeFamulla-Weber and Claudia Huppertz

        We all have been there: you understand everything in the textbook, but then face a total blackout during the exam. But that’s over now! In more than 600 exam-proven crossword, syllable or picture puzzles, word search games, gap texts or riddles on inorganic and organic chemistry, the authors bundle what you have learned in order to apply it to new problems. And they do so in a highly entertaining way: variety is guaranteed due to the diversity of tasks! The section „Well connected, safely remembered“ helps to link knowledge. „Now it is getting tricky“ encourages you to deal with the subject matter even more intensively, and „Playfully repeated“ offers tips and suggestions for learning in a group. With this workbook, you can check your knowledge, consolidate the contents, and find the gaps in your knowledge well before the exam. This way you‘ll be one hundred percent fit when it counts. The workbook is suitable for accompanying consolidation of the contents of the authors‘ textbook „Chemistry for Pharmaceutical Technicians“, but is also ideally suited for independent study. Includes solutions to download

      • Trusted Partner

        Biogenic Drugs

        Textbook of pharmaceutical biology

        by Prof. Dr. Eberhard Teuscher, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lindequist and Prof. Dr. Matthias F. Melzig. In collaboration with Dr. Elke Langner, Prof. Dr. Timo Niedermeyer and Dr. Alexander Wenig

        The new Teuscher covers the range of relevant areas of biogenic drug substances and medicinal products. In its time-honoured way, it conveys knowledge about the ■ Nature, origin and processing of crude drugs ■ Structure, biosynthesis and metabolism of the constituents ■ Preparation, pharmacology and use of the active substances ■ Dosage and side effects of the medicinal products derived from them The book deals with both classically produced and genetically engineered antibiotics, hormones, enzymes as well as blood and immunological products. Completely new chapters discuss cytokines, gene therapy, use of stem cells and traditional Chinese medicine. For generations, the textbook and companion for both students and fully qualified professionals!

      • Trusted Partner

        Subject-related Mathematics for Pharmaceutical Technicians

        by Claudia Brüchert

        Maths is not everyone’s cup of tea. This may change from now on! This textbook explains the most important types of arithmetic quite simply. One learns ■ what basic arithmetic methods there are, ■ why stoichiometry is important, and ■ how to perform complex calculations for the medicinal formula. The price determination of medicinal products is also included. Videos demonstrate and explain the calculation steps exactly and comprehensibly via QR code, so that nothing can go wrong. A collection of formulas provides the pharmacy-specific calculation methods that can be quickly looked up. You can deepen your knowledge with the help of exercises. The solutions are available via QR code.

      • Trusted Partner

        A Workbook of Chemistry for Students of Medicine and Biology

        Introduction to the material covered in standard examinations

        by Dirk Röbke and Udo Wolfgramm

        Rote learning is one way to pass examinations, but really understanding the subject is even better. Most textbooks are limited to presenting facts without helping the reader review and practice. This workbook fills the gap with more than 1,000 sample examination questions from general, inorganic and organic chemistry. With it, students can practice and deepen what they have learned from textbooks. The problems can be solved without aids, and solutions are provided with detailed explanations. The workbook enjoys great popularity after helping countless students study successfully. From the contents: atomic structure and chemical bonds: noble gas configuration, electronegativity, hybridization, intermolecular interactions | nomenclature and structural formulas of inorganic and organic compounds | chemical equations: double transformations, acid-base reactions, complexes | quantities and concentrations of substance: gravimetry, titrations, percent by mass and by volume | law of mass action | acids, bases and salts: calculating pH value, titration curves, buffers, solubility product | redox reactions and oxidation numbers, Nernst equation | complex compounds | configurational and conformational isomerism | inductive and mesomeric effects | substitution, addition, elimination | aromatic compounds: reactions and second substitution | natural products: carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, peptides | carbonyl reactions: carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones

      • Trusted Partner

        Medical Device Information for Pharmaceutical Technicians

        by Founded by Friedlinde Wilson and Baldur Kohm.Edited by Dr. Anette Vasel-Biergansand Hannelore Eitel-Hirschfeld

        Ranging from eyebaths and compression stockings to electronic cigarettes, the variety of medical aids available is huge. Every day, expert advice on these is needed at the pharmacy. The authors have summarised these aids in a practically oriented way. They provide background information, specifics about the materials, application descriptions, practical tips and product examples. Colourful illustrations show how they are used on or by the patient. Fully updated, the new edition of the book contains not only conventional medical devices but also those asked for at a contemporary community pharmacy. This 11th edition, which has been completely revised, contains: - definitions enabling rapid familiarisation with the topic, - tables that provide an overview, - illustrations and advice tips to help with practical use, - mnemonics and practice questions which help reinforce the knowledge Bonus: QR codes take the user to additional digital material! The ideal companion in training and on the job!

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Turning Men into Pigs and Staying Safe from Such Trickery

        A Scientific Foray into the World of Ancient Greek Legends

        by Monika Niehaus, Michael Wink

        The adventures of Odysseus are not just a classic literary epic but also shine a light on intriguing questions for geography, archaeology and biology. Phenomena like the Cyclops and magic potions were only understood in recent decades thanks to phytochemical and pharmacological research that enabled new insights into the effect of plant substances on the mind and body. Monika Niehaus and Michael Wink embark on an enjoyable excursion in their book on a scientific foray for knowledge – from ancient myths to medieval drug excesses and the world of comics.

      • Trusted Partner

        Paediatric Pharmacy

        Handbook for further training from the PädiaAkademie

        by Dr. MHA Constanze Schäfer, Dr. Christian Ude, Dr. Miriam Ude (eds.)

        The treatment of small and growing patients requires a broad knowledge - and the advising of these patients and their parents calls for great skill! The interdisciplinary team of pharmacist and physician authors addresses the central themes of paediatrics: - What is important for a high degree of safety in pharmacotherapy? - Which prophylactic measures maintain health? - Administration and adherence: what are the special features? - Comprehensive information for advising on the most important indications from the point of view of pharmacists and paediatricians. The handbook has become an established reference work in pharmacies. The second, updated edition provides the fundamental knowledge for certified further training “Specialist Adviser Paediatrics” and for skilful advice at the pharmacy in a tried and tested way.

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