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        October 2015

        Burnout and Chronic Occupational Stress

        A Guide for Those Affected and Their Relatives

        by Andreas Hillert/Stefan Koch/Dirk Lehr

        In today’s work environment, which is dominated by high pressure, many professionals are experiencing chronic stress, some even "burn out". This guide provides information about the connection between occupational stress and burnout. It presents scientifically sound and proven strategies for counteracting chronic stress.   The model of the “gratification crisis”, which states that an imbalance between professional engagement and the obtained gratifications, e.g. salary and appreciation, leads to persistent stress and an increased risk of physical and mental illness, is the focus of this guide. Based on case studies and concrete instructions, readers are supported in reviewing their own situation.   The guide goes on to present coping strategies, e.g. how important decisions can be made in high stress situations, how to avoid vague assessments, how to strengthen the ability to distance oneself after work, and how to improve quality of leisure time. This title can be used as a stand-alone guide as well as supplemental material to coaching or therapy.   Target Group: psychotherapists, specialists for psychiatry and psychotherapy, specialists for psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, clinical and health psychologists, occupational and organizational psychologist, rehabilitation psychologist, coaches, students and teachers of psychology, supervisors

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        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2004

        Qualities of food

        by Mark Harvey, Andrew McMeekin, Alan Warde

        In this book, the complexity and the significance of the foods we eat are analysed from a variety of perspectives, by sociologists, economists, geographers and anthropologists. Chapters address a number of intriguing questions: how do people make judgments about taste? How do such judgments come to be shared by groups of people?; what social and organisational processes result in foods being certified as of decent or proper quality? How has dissatisfaction with the food system been expressed? What alternatives are thought to be possible? The multi-disciplinary analysis of this book explores many different answers to such questions. The first part of the book focuses on theoretical and conceptual issues, the second part considers processes of formal and informal regulation, while the third part examines social and political responses to industrialised food production and mass consumption. Qualities of food will be of interest to researchers and students in all the social science disciplines that are concerned with food, whether marketing, sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, human nutrition or economics.

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        Understanding and Managing Stress Holistically

        by Ariane Orosz

        This manual was produced by the author (herself a neuroscientist) specifically for her coaching courses and is based on her own experiences. Psychotherapists and other professionals who want to address the emergence of stress and ways of coping with it will find all the help they need in this text. This program is particularly suitable for preventive sessions and outpatient groups. The book includes a clear account of the relevant neurobiological facts, which can be incorporated into the work with clients to deepen their understanding. Holistic therapies and their neurobiological effects in stress management are an important aspect of this approach.   For: psychotherapists and coaches who wish to include basic neurobiological facts as part of their group therapy for the prevention of stress or burnout

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        Till Stress Do Us Part

        Resilience in Relationships

        by Guy Bodenmann

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Diagnosis of Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

        by Jan Gysi

        People with complex post-traumatic stress disorder often find themselves in a pattern of loss of control, helplessness, and dependency. A therapy that focuses on individual symptoms such as depression or a “simple” post-traumatic stress disorder often does not do them justice. Even more so when the wrong diagnosis is made due to false assumptions or a lack of information. What all must be ensured for the diagnosis to be made: is there a threat of intrafamilial or external violence? Is existential stability guaranteed during therapy? Are there investigations of legal proceedings in the background? With brilliantly structured overviews, this book helps even experienced diagnosticians to keep track of the variety of diagnostic options to be considered or ruled out and not to overlook anything.Axis I: Personality disordersAxis II: Specific stress-related disordersAxis III: Structural dissociation of personality: dissociativeand partial dissociative identity disorderAxis IV: Dissociative symptomsAxis V: Comorbid disorders For:• psychiatrists• psychologists• psychotherapists specializing in PTSD

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2018

        Qualities of food

        by Mark Harvey, Stan Metcalfe, Andrew McMeekin, Mark Harvey, Alan Warde

        In this book, the complexity and the significance of the foods we eat are analysed from a variety of perspectives, by sociologists, economists, geographers and anthropologists. Chapters address a number of intriguing questions: how do people make judgments about taste? How do such judgments come to be shared by groups of people?; what social and organisational processes result in foods being certified as of decent or proper quality? How has dissatisfaction with the food system been expressed? What alternatives are thought to be possible? The multi-disciplinary analysis of this book explores many different answers to such questions. The first part of the book focuses on theoretical and conceptual issues, the second part considers processes of formal and informal regulation, while the third part examines social and political responses to industrialised food production and mass consumption. Qualities of food will be of interest to researchers and students in all the social science disciplines that are concerned with food, whether marketing, sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, human nutrition or economics.

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        Political parties
        November 2014

        The Conservative Party and the extreme right 1945–1975

        by Mark Pitchford

        This book, newly available in paperback, reveals the Conservative Party's relationship with the extreme right between 1945 and 1975. For the first time, this book shows how the Conservative Party, realising that its well known pre-Second World War connections with the extreme right were now embarrassing, used its bureaucracy to implement a policy of investigating extreme right groups and taking action to minimise their chances of success. The book focuses on the Conservative Party's investigation of right-wing groups, and shows how its perception of their nature determined the party bureaucracy's response. The book draws a comparison between the Conservative Party machine's negative attitude towards the extreme right and its support for progressive groups. It concludes that the Conservative Party acted as a persistent block to the external extreme right in a number of ways, and that the Party bureaucracy persistently denied the extreme right within the party assistance access to funds and representation within party organisations. It reaches a climax with the formulation of a 'plan' threatening its own candidate if he failed to remove the extreme right from the Conservative Monday Club.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2025

        The Caucasus Emirate

        Ideology, identity, and insurgency in Russia’s North Caucasus

        by Mark Youngman

        Insurgency has plagued the North Caucasus since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Between 2007 and 2015, rebels waged their struggle under the banner of the Caucasus Emirate (Imarat Kavkaz, IK). This book systematically examines the IK's ideology to explain what the group claimed to be fighting for and against and how it sought to mobilise people behind its cause. It reveals a group with a weakly developed political programme, which aligned itself with global jihadism but consistently prioritised local concerns. It demonstrates the priority rebel leaders afforded to shaping local identities, but also their failure to forge a unified movement or revitalise armed struggle. Re-evaluating the IK's ideology helps us better understand the past and future of armed struggle in the North Caucasus.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2016

        Analogieverbot und Kontinuität.

        Entwicklungslinien des strafrechtlichen Analogieverbots seit 1871.

        by Fitting, Christoph

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        May 1992

        Beschreibung einer Form

        Versuch über Kafka

        by Martin Walser, Walter Höllerer

        Der Versuch über Kafka Beschreibung einer Form ist Martin Walsers Dissertation, sie erschien erstmals 1961 und ist eine bemerkenswerte Einführung in das Werk Franz Kafkas, das eine so tiefe und nicht nachlassende Wirkung ausübt.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Air empire

        British imperial civil aviation, 1919–39

        by Gordon Pirie, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie

        Air empire is a fresh study of civil aviation as a tool of late British imperialism. The first pioneering flights across the British empire in 1919-20 were flag-waving adventures that recreated an era of plucky British maritime exploration and conquest. Britain's development of international air routes and services was approved, organised and celebrated largely in London; there was some resistance in and beyond the subordinate colonies and dominions. Negotiating the financing and geopolitics of regular commercial air service delayed its inception until the 1930s. Technological, managerial and logistical problems also meant that Britain was slow into the air and slow in the air. Propaganda concealed underperformance and criticism. The study uses archival sources, biographies, industry magazines and newspapers to chronicle the disputed progress toward air empire. The rhetoric behind imperial air service offers a glimpse of late imperial hopes, fears, attitudes and style. Empire air service had emotional appeal and symbolic value, but disappointed in practice.

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