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      • Jacoby & Stuart

        Jacoby & Stuart is a publishing house of richly illustrated and well-written children’s books, picture books, fiction and non-fiction. For adults we publish graphic novels, lovingly designed gift books, richly illustrated and informative non-fiction as well as inventive and exquisite cookbooks.

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      • Marshall Cavendish

        Topical, authentic and high quality books under the Marshall Cavendish Editions imprint provide general interest content that informs, entertains and engages readers.

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        The Arts
        February 2007

        Fragonard's playful paintings

        Visual games in rococo art

        by Jennifer Milam, Marsha Meskimmon, Shearer West, Tim Barringer

        Fragonard's playful paintings is the first critical analysis of the function of play as an artistic concept and visual experience in Rococo art. The art of Jean-Honoré Fragonard embodies the pervasive culture of play in eighteenth-century France. His interactive paintings and drawings invite beholders to engage in a visual game of interpretation through subject, form and theme. This book not only examines Fragonard's art through close analyses of individual works, but also considers the role of the viewer within a variety of contexts related to social behaviour, philosophy, literature and aesthetics. More than any other artist from the period, Fragonard produced images of play that evidence the ludic impulses of ancien-régime thought and expose the underlying significance of eighteenth-century frivolity. Focused on bringing students and specialists closer to works of art, the book addresses what we see in order to understand better how paintings about play can stimulate playful ideas through dynamic exchanges between artist, image and beholder. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2004

        Cubism and its histories

        by David Cottington, Marsha Meskimmon, Shearer West, Tim Barringer

        Cubism was the most influential artistic movement that emerged in the twentieth century. The hallmarks of its style were stamped on the art, design and architecture and its aesthetic principles governed the representation of modernity across all the arts. Yet just what cubism was, or stood for, at the time of its emergence is still in dispute, while the explanations offered for its importance for twentieth-century art, and its legacy for the present, are bewildering in their variety. This fascinating book offers a way beyond this confusion: a narrative of its beginnings, consolidation and dissemination that takes into account not only what the style and the movement signified at the time of its emergence but also the principal writings through which cubism's significance for modernism has been established. Visually stunning with over 100 illustrations, this is an essential work for all students and teachers of modern art history. ;

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        The Arts
        January 2012

        Art, ethnography and the life of objects

        Paris, c.1925–35

        by Julia Kelly, Marsha Meskimmon, Shearer West, Tim Barringer

        In the 1920s and 1930s, anthropology and ethnography provided new and striking ways of rethinking what art could be and the forms which it could take. This book examines the impact of these emergent disciplines on the artistic avant-garde in Paris. The reception by European artists of objects arriving from colonial territories in the first half of the twentieth century is generally understood through the artistic appropriation of the forms of African or Oceanic sculpture. The author reveals how anthropological approaches to this intriguing material began to affect the ways in which artists, theorists, critics and curators thought about three-dimensional objects and their changing status as 'art', 'artefacts' or 'ethnographic evidence'. This book analyses texts, photographs and art works that cross disciplinary boundaries, through case studies including the Dakar to Djibouti expedition of 1931-33, the Trocadéro Ethnographic Museum, and the two art periodicals Documents and Minotaure. Through its interdisciplinary and contextual approach, it provides an important corrective to histories of modern art and the European avant-garde. ;

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        The Arts
        February 2022

        "I am Jugoslovenka!"

        Feminist performance politics during and after Yugoslav Socialism

        by Jasmina Tumbas, Amelia Jones, Marsha Meskimmon

        "I am Jugoslovenka" argues that queer-feminist artistic and political resistance were paradoxically enabled by socialist Yugoslavia's unique history of patriarchy and women's emancipation. Spanning performance and conceptual art, video works, film and pop music, lesbian activism and press photos of female snipers in the Yugoslav wars, the book analyses feminist resistance in a range of performative actions that manifest the radical embodiment of Yugoslavia's anti-fascist, transnational and feminist legacies. It covers celebrated and lesser-known artists from the 1970s to today, including Marina Abramovic, Sanja Ivekovic, Vlasta Delimar, Tanja Ostojic, Selma Selman and Helena Janecic, along with music legends Lepa Brena and Esma Redzepova. "I am Jugoslovenka" tells a unique story of women's resistance through the intersection of feminism, socialism and nationalism in East European visual culture.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2025

        Conquest and resistance in West Africa

        The Jeandet Affair and the illusion of colonial justice

        by Ruth Ginio

        This book is an enthralling account of a legal scandal, which erupted in colonial Senegal in 1890 and reached the French metropolitan press and the parliament. The murder of a colonial administrator, Abel Jeandet, by one of his soldiers led to the brutal and illegal executions without trial of the killer and two local dignitaries. The volume follows the fascinating story of Ndiereby Ba, the widow of one of the dignitaries, who with the help of powerful métis men in the capital Saint Louis sued the French administrators who had supervised the executions for the murder of her husband. Through this captivating tale the book articulates the French expansion into West Africa, the resistance to colonial rule both violent and non-violent, and the lack of interest on the part of French politicians in the brutal conquest of a territory they know nothing about.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2020

        Defense of the West

        by Stanley R. Sloan, Lawrence Freedman

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        August 2004

        West-östlicher Divan

        Eigenhändige Niederschriften

        by Johann W von Goethe, Katharina Mommsen, Katharina Mommsen


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        The Arts
        March 2013

        Women, the arts and globalization

        Eccentric experience

        by Marsha Meskimmon, Amelia Jones, Dorothy C. Rowe, Dorothy Rowe, Marsha Meskimmon

        Women, the arts and globalization: Eccentric experience is the first anthology to bring transnational feminist theory and criticism together with women's art practices to discuss the connections between aesthetics, gender and identity in a global world. The essays in Women, the Arts and Globalization demonstrate that women in the arts are rarely positioned at the centre of the art market, and the movement of women globally (as travelers or migrants, empowered artists/scholars or exiled practitioners), rarely corresponds with the dominant models of global exchange. Rather, contemporary women's art practices provide a fascinating instance of women's eccentric experiences of the myriad effects of globalization. Bringing scholarly essays on gender, art and globalization together with interviews and autobiographical accounts of personal experiences, the diversity of the book is relevant to artists, art historians, feminist theorists and humanities scholars interested in the impact of globalization on culture in the broadest sense. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2003


        Eine Bildmonographie

        by Theodor W. Adorno Archiv, Henri Lonitz, Christoph Gödde, Gabriele Lieselotte Ewenz, Michael Schwarz

        Eine Vielzahl von bisher unpublizierten Texten, Bildern und Dokumenten eröffnet eine neue und unerwartete Perspektive auf das Leben und Werk Theodor W. Adornos. Von den frühen Zeugnissen aus der Kindheit, wie etwa einem bisher unbekannten Jugendtagebuch, das transkribiert und z.T. faksimiliert vorgelegt wird, über Dokumente aus seinen Studien- und Exiljahren bis hin zur Rückkehr nach Frankfurt und seiner Arbeit am Institut für Sozialforschung und an der Frankfurter Universität verfolgt der Band das Leben Adornos am Leitfaden von überaus anschaulichen, prägnanten, im besten Sinne »sprechenden« Zeugnissen. Neben einem weiteren Tagebuch aus dem Jahr 1949 finden sich zahlreiche, hier erstmals veröffentlichte Briefe, Notizen, Kompositionen, Photographien und Skizzen aus seinem Nachlaß.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2017

        The West must wait

        County Galway and the Irish Free State, 1922–32

        by Una Newell

        The West must wait presents a new perspective on the development of the Irish Free State. It extends the regional historical debate beyond the Irish revolution and raises a series of challenging questions about post-civil war society in Ireland. Through a detailed examination of key local themes - land, poverty, politics, emigration, the status of the Irish language, the influence of radical republicans and the authority of the Catholic Church - it offers a probing analysis of the socio-political realities of life in the new state. This book opens up a new dimension by providing a rural contrast to the Dublin-centred views of Irish politics. Significantly, it reveals the level of deprivation in local Free State society with which the government had to confront in the west. Rigorously researched, it explores the disconnect between the perceptions of what independence would deliver and what was achieved by the incumbent Cumann na nGaedheal administration.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        Die Kunst und die Künste

        Ein Kompendium zur Kunsttheorie der Gegenwart

        by Georg W. Bertram, Stefan Deines, Daniel Martin Feige

        In welchem Verhältnis stehen Künste wie Literatur, Malerei und Musik, aber auch Architektur, Design und Computerspiel zueinander? Gibt es eine verbindende Einheit oder ist jede Kunst aus sich heraus zu begreifen? Die Reflexion über Einheit und Pluralität der Künste führt zu Kernfragen der Kunsttheorie nach dem Wesen der Kunst, nach den Medien und den Funktionen der Künste sowie zum zentralen Thema, ob die klassische Konstellation der Künste sich in der Nachmoderne aufgelöst hat. Dieses Kompendium bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Debatte und versammelt klassische Beiträge, u. a. von Theodor. W. Adorno, Clement Greenberg und Jean-Luc Nancy, sowie aktuelle Perspektiven, u. a. von Lydia Goehr, Gertrud Koch, Juliane Rebentisch, Peter Osborne und Martin Seel.

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